Overseas aid cuts ‘easy savings’, says MP

“These are often separated but the reason we pay £12 billion to the EU is as a
subsidy to the poorer member states.

“On top of this, we pay out £7.8 billion in overseas aid.

“This is not the job of government but ought to be a matter of private

He acknowledged that popular universal benefits were “hard targets” to tackle.

“It may be easier to do this by not giving them to new beneficiaries rather
than taking them away from existing recipients,” he said.

The right-winger, a member of the 2010 intake of MPs, said “preconceptions”
about equality and fairness had to be challenged and the creation of wealth
“encouraged and praised”.

“Fairness does not mean equality of outcome, if anything it depends upon the
rule of law and a state that does not behave in an arbitrary way,” he said.

“Currently the state can appear extremely arbitrary favouring the spendthrift
over the saver, especially through the benefits system.”

He also criticised planning controls that prevent development and growth and
questioned whether environmental and recycling targets served “any useful
economic purpose”.

Carbon emission targets served to prioritise polar bears over people, he

“Even if the greens are right, Britain will make very little difference on her
own and I would rather my constituents were warm and prosperous rather than
cold and impoverished as we are overtaken by emerging markets who
understandably put people before polar bears,” he said.

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