PA arrests 3 of Hamas supporters in Bethlehem

[ PIC 31/03/2012 – 02:04 PM ]

Ramallah, (PIC)– The PA on Saturday continued the campaign of prosecution and detention against Hamas supporters in the West Bank, as its preventive security apparatus arrested three supporters of Hamas in Bethlehem after a raid on their homes.

Besides, in Nablus, the PA courts extended, and for the second time, the arrest of the young man, Walid Ibrahim Ramadan, and a student at An-Najah National University, Namr Khaled Hindi, for 15 extra days for further investigation.

The two young men Ramadan and Hindi, who are from Till village, Nablus, are now imprisoned in Juneid prison to the south of Nablus. They were previously kidnapped by PA several times.

On Thursday, the Israeli occupation forces arrested the editor Abdel Karim Amr, 26, who is from Hebron, after two days of his release from the prisons of preventive security in Dahiriya town after spending about twenty months there.

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