Palestinian child dies of Israeli gunshot wound

[ 04/04/2012 – 08:52 AM ]

OCCUPIED JERUSALEM, (PIC)– A four-year-old Jerusalemite child died on Tuesday of a serious injury sustained more than five months ago at the hands of Israeli army soldiers.

Local sources said that Aseel Mahmoud Ara’ra was hit with a bullet in her neck while playing outside her home in Enata town to the north of occupied Jerusalem on 25/10/2011.

They said that the child was taken to Makased hospital in occupied Jerusalem then spent the last few months in Ramallah government hospital.

Aseel was playing near her family home south of Enata, near to an Israeli army camp, when she was shot and her condition was described as critical since then.

The Ara’ra family called for an investigation into the incident after medical reports affirmed that she was hit with a machinegun bullet and not a handgun. The bullet hit her spinal cord and paralyzed her instantly and kept her in bed until she was pronounced dead on Tuesday.

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How many more dead corpses of Palestinians does the international community need to see in order to act? How many more cruelties and violations of Human Rights, Regulations and International Law will be needed to intervene so this ongoing warcrime is being stopped once and for all.

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