“Palestinians for Dignity” calls for Demo: July 3, 2012 in Ramallah | The Demands

Occupied Ramallah – Monday 2/7/2012

Over the past two days, Palestinian security forces exercised extreme violence and suppression of peaceful demonstrations opposing the meeting of Israeli war criminal Shaul Mofaz with the Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas.

Members of the Palestinian security forces (including security personnel in civilian clothes “thugs”) attacked and beat up demonstrators on Saturday and Sunday, targeted journalists and confiscated their equipment, and detained a number of protesters before later releasing them. Female demonstrators were not spared the brutality of the security forces and thugs who provoked, beat, and hurled obscene insults at young Palestinian women. On both nights, members of the police and security forces proceeded to the Ramallah Hospital for medical examinations seemingly in preparation for filing malicious complaints against demonstrators, in an attempt to deceive and mislead the judiciary and to prevent accountability.

The objective of the first demonstration which took place on Saturday was to protest the invitation of war criminal Shaul Mofaz to a meeting in Ramallah, and to demand that such a meeting be cancelled and not simply postponed or relocated. Moreover the protest aimed to convey clear demands to the Palestinian leadership, namely to:

1- Cancel any meetings and negotiations with representatives of the Israeli apartheid regime;
2- Halt all security coordination with the Israeli security forces and release all political prisoners in Palestinian jails;
3- Develop a strategy of resistance capable of achieving the aspirations of our people for freedom and independence.

Following the brutal attack on the peaceful demonstrations Saturday and Sunday, we additionally call for:

1- The formation of a committee to be chaired by independent legal personalities to review the serious violations committed by security personal with the aim of holding all those responsible accountable without exception, including those security forces thugs in civilian clothing;
2- Civil society organizations to condemn these attacks and to work to curb the security forces which are now threatening internal peace. We also call on the legal and human rights institutions to prepare timely legal follow-up to the complaints filed by the participants in the demonstrations and to file charges in order to ensure that the aggressors are held accountable. We also call on the Palestinian judiciary to fulfil its responsibility and confirm its integrity by holding accountable those acting outside of the law.

We remind the Palestinian Authority that we still toil under the yoke of Israeli occupation, and that it is unacceptable under any circumstance to brutally repress the rights of people at a time when we are facing Israeli aggression all around us. We call upon the Palestinian Authority to return to the masses and to arm itself with the power of its people for the people are its source of strength and legitimacy. It is wrong for the Palestinian Authority to falsely accuse its people of receiving foreign funding and implementing foreign agendas, particularly at a time when foreign donors are politically blackmailing the Palestinian Authority. We reject such efforts to tarnish the image of Palestinian youth – the same youth who amplified the voice of Palestinian prisoners and who daily resist and confront the Israeli apartheid wall – using accusations we all know have become the language of regimes attempting to suppress the voice of freedom.

We are looking for the Palestinian leadership to adopt a position that represents the will of the people, which includes an unequivocal announcement to abandon negotiations with the Israeli aparthied regime. We should not have to accept a leadership that instead of this bare minimum, violently suppresses the call for a unified front to confront the tremendous challenges facing our Palestinian people.

“Palestinians for Dignity” call on all Palestinians in Palestinian cities and villages, from Haifa and Jenin to Hebron and Ramla, to participate in a protest and march planned for Tuesday July 3rd at 17:00, moving from Al-Manara to the presidency quarters at Al-Muqata’a. With this march we emphasize that the people are the source of authority, and that we reject the use of violence against the Palestinian people by any and all hands. We also draw attention to and stand with the brave Palestinian prisoners still on hunger strike in the occupier’s prisons. Finally, we state clearly and decisively that the pain of beatings disappears with time, but shame does not; with each blow their clubs become weaker and our determination stronger.

Long live Palestine free as her children
Palestinians for Dignity



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