#PalHunger | Prisoners are continuing the strike despite attempts to break it

[ PIC 06/05/2012 – 07:00 PM ]

GAZA,RAMALLAH, (PIC)– The Central Strike Committee confirmed, in an urgent statement to the Ministry of Prisoners’ Affairs in Gaza , that it rejects any attempt to undermine the strike that entered its twentieth day, or to use their demands for personal or partisan interests which is considered a betrayal to the prisoners strike.

The committee said that the strikers are going through a very serious period in which they are risking their lives for their dignity. The strikers swore to complete the strike until their demands are met especially ending the administrative detention and isolation.

The committee said that the statements of those who attributed illegitimate positions and who claimed that the occupation prison service agreed to meet some of the prisoners’ demands are all attempts to break the prisoners’ strike, insisting that their demands are legitimate rights and cannot be achieved through begging.

The Committee called on news agencies to investigate stories before publishing them. It sent special call to “Maan” news agency to remove all false news about this issue, praising the Palestinian media’s role in covering and supporting the strike, and warning of any attempt of conspiring against the strike.

Meanwhile, a large march roamed Ramallah and Al Bireh streets led by Change and Reform bloc MPs in solidarity with the prisoners’ strike, holding Palestinian and Hams flags and pictures of 18 isolated prisoners calling for their release.

The participants in the march were Change and Reform bloc MPs and former dean of the Palestinian prisoners Nael Barghouti in addition to strikers’ families and students of Birzeit, Jerusalem, and Abu Dis universities and hundreds of civilians.

The MP Dr Ibrahim Abu Salem greeted all the strikers in occupation prisons and PLC Head Dr. Aziz Dweik and Ahmed Al-Haj Ali, the oldest detainee in Israeli jails, in particular. He confirmed in his speech that the prisoners are fighting for the Palestinian freedom and dignity, calling on the Palestinian people and national and Islamic factions in West Bank and Diaspora to support and stand behind the prisoners’ issue.

For her part, Khalida Jarrar, member of the legislative council and member of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP), confirmed that the prisoners are continuing their hunger strike until their demands are met topped by ending the isolation policy, condemning the external and internal attempts to undermine the strike. She affirmed that the only party responsible for the strike is the Central Strike Committee that has the authority to negotiate and to deal with the prison service.

Meanwhile, freed captive Khader Adnan called on the Palestinian resistance and activists in West Bank to unite their efforts in support of the prisoners.

In the same context, the sister of the detainee Mahmoud Issa the oldest isolated prisoner since 2002 called on the Arab and Muslim nation to stand behind the prisoners before they start dying, confirming that the main aim behind the isolation policy is the psychological torture of captives.

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