Pentagon Gifts Local Cops with “Cast Off” Military Hardware

Kurt Nimmo
April 6, 2012

An article posted on The Modesto Bee website earlier this week provides a snapshot of the militarization of police, thanks to the Pentagon.

A “California Watch” article details how Stanislaus County police have received $4.2 million in surplus war equipment from the Department of Defense. In 2011 alone, according to the article, “Stanislaus County agencies collected more than 2,400 pieces, their highest total ever.”

photoA Stanislaus Sheriff officer displays an “inert” rocket launcher provided by the Pentagon.

Stanislaus County is not alone. “Public agencies around the state have grabbed cast-off military goods that become available on a weekly basis” and used to “arm and equip its officers.”

Modesto Police Chief Mike Harden told The Modesto Bee that much of the surplus military equipment is not “applicable to municipal use,” including an “inert rocket launcher” and other “nonoperational weaponry the Stanislaus County sheriff’s bomb squad displays to educate children about dangerous explosives,” according to Sheriff Adam Christianson.

Other, more useful equipment the police received from U.S. taxpayers include flashlights, bed sheets, a cargo parachute and an OH-58 helicopter. The department also acquired a “guided-missile trailer” that was repurposed to haul heavy equipment.

“The Department of Defense’s equipment bazaar is another sign of how some police departments increasingly resemble small armies. Civilian law enforcement agencies have equipped themselves with assault-style weapons and even tanks, first as part of the war on drugs and later in the name of fighting terrorism,” write G.W. Schulz and Andrew Becker.

Modesto cops insist they are “not trying to mimic military units” and claim “there is a definite need to equip officers with weapons that meet the level of the criminals they might encounter.”

  • A d v e r t i s e m e n t

“Law enforcement is a paramilitary organization, and we often utilize the same type of equipment that the military might use,” Christianson said.

The police in Modesto may actually believe they will need military equipment for a fantasy show-down with Los Zetas or RPG toting drug dealers. Short of actually going up against al-Qaeda, however, police around the country have used SWAT teams and “cast-off” combat equipment doled out by the Pentagon over the last few months to confront non-violent protesters.

“The militarization of America’s metropolitan police forces was on full display in recent months as police from Los Angeles to New York cracked down on Occupy protests, decked out in full SWAT gear and occasionally using strange pieces of military hardware,” Salon reported in December.

Metropolitan cops don’t expect Occupy terrorists to engage in running gun battles. On the contrary, heavily militarized cops are sent to demonstrations in order to acclimate people to the fact they live in a militarized police state and should expect paramilitary soldiers with automatic weapons when they exercise the First Amendment.

According to the Center for Investigative Reporting, cops now routinely conduct police work with military hardware. “Many police, including beat cops, now routinely carry assault rifles. Combined with body armor and other apparel, many officers look more and more like combat troops serving in Iraq and Afghanistan. The list of equipment bought with… federal grants reads like a defense contractor catalog. High-tech gear fills the garages, locker rooms and patrol cars in departments across the country,” they write.

FBI statistics cited by the Center for Investigative Reporting reveal that violent crime – and officers killed by gunfire – has decreased over the last two decades while over the same period police departments have armed themselves at an unprecedented level.

The question is, then, why is the Pentagon and the federal government showering local police departments with tons of weapons and military gear?

The answer should be obvious – they want us to understand that domestic police are now an extension of the Pentagon and the Department of Homeland Security .

Officer Friendly is an anachronism.

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12 Responses to “Pentagon Gifts Local Cops with “Cast Off” Military Hardware”

  1. The way I see it most Americans are slaves to the US. Military whether they know it or not!
    They have supported the Military there for decades to become a worldwide network or nation unto themselves!

    – I mean it’s all hidden, but the US military is a world government that is separate from the US.
    – A self entity… a fighting machine bent on one thing! To kill destroy utterly everyone they deem a terrorist or enemy by blowing them in pieces, literally then hiding the fact! Horrors!

    They are worldwide illegal criminal killing machine, and they are what American public should be much more aware of, and they should be fighting in Spirit at least against it, because these Bozos are nothing but organized criminal absolute frenzied all out killer gangsters on the loose and must be stopped at all costs even if takes God to execute them for good!
    God is opposed to all war mongering and will not tolerate it for long!


  2. 不要殺害不要偷,不要懲罰好人

  3. Wow, a freakin cop with an 84MM high explosive anti-tank round (AT-4) Really?!?! Why the hell are cops allowing this at all? Are americans now the new targets for everything? How is it that rules appply to certain americans, yet others are above them?! It really is time for us to take our streets back, I wish there was someway I could be heard and encourage people to learn their constitutional rights!

    • and it is made of depleted of uranium dumbass put it down
      all the weapons are made of said material and they want to kill the police and the sheriffs depts with this shit from radiation poisoning

    • Because they are a bunch of punks that have never read the Constitution.

  4. I just hope they figure out which way to point their weapons when the time comes..

  5. “Honed to kill.” All these badass f!@#ers are looking to earn themselves a Lon Horiuchi Badge of Dishonor it looks like.

  6. Wait till the gun robots with the severed human heads on top of them come around. These things exist, they actually put an (enemy) human head on it for intimidation purposes. These kids raised on DOOM and Tie Fighter own the galaxy now…

  7. Killing people is okay as long as you get paid to do it, right?

  8. Only one reason to hand over weapons like this is to use the weapons on our Population and to kill Americans.
    Ask one other question who will control the weapons of WMD? Some of obamas people used to kill others?
    Buy Guns lots of guns the day is coming when people will be targeted and beseged by real Racists and mass-killers of hate.

  9. Oh yeah lets give the police rocket launchers because the civilians obviously have armored tanks and helos

  10. The cops don’t know it yet, but they’ll need all the help they can get against the NWO goons.

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