PM refuses to speculate on drug arrests


Prime Minister Julia Gillard is refusing to speculate on the possible fate of a West Australian man who could face the death penalty after being arrested for drug possession in Malaysia.

Malaysian police arrested 32-year-old Perth man Dominic Jude Christopher Bird after allegedly catching him with 225g of methamphetamine last week.

Under Malaysian law, a person convicted of possessing more than 50g of methamphetamine is declared a drug trafficker and faces a mandatory death sentence.

Bird’s arrest in Kuala Lumpur comes just days after Indonesia arrested 54-year-old Australian man Edward Myatt for allegedly trying to smuggle drugs into Bali.

He, too, could face a death sentence.

Ms Gillard on Tuesday was asked what the government was doing to help the men.

“In relation to both we are providing consular services, and that’s the best support we can (give) as a nation at this stage,” she told reporters in Canberra.

“It’s not in the interests of either of these men for me to be speculating about what will happen with their legal proceedings in either nation.

“The best thing we can do is provide them with consular services and we are.”

Malaysia has executed three Australians for drug offences.

Kevin Barlow and Brian Chambers were hanged in July 1986 followed by Michael McAuliffe in June 1993.

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