Police may face on-the-spot drug tests

The NSW government is being urged to pass legislative amendments that would allow police officers suspected of illicit drug use to be subject to on-the-spot testing.

Assistant Commissioner Paul Carey, who is head of the Professional Standards Command, says instant urine testing already available for random drug tests should be cleared for use in targeted tests on officers who are already suspected of drug use.

“We seek a small change to the regulation – just a few words – which will allow us to do that,” Mr Carey told reporters in Sydney on Sunday.

“The laboratory tests take between one and four days. The cup sample that we use at the moment gives us an immediate indication and we can stand that officer down and move on with other actions.”

Mr Carey said the proposals, currently with Police Minister Mike Gallacher, were not related to the suspension in June of a senior officer in his own command.

In that case, a 29-year-old sergeant allegedly handed over a urine sample that was not his own before providing his own sample, which allegedly tested positive to amphetamines and the party drug ice.

“I think at the end of the day the system works,” Mr Carey said.

“He’s in my command, I had the drug and alcohol unit, he was subject to a random test.”

Asked about reports that the police union intends to oppose the changes, Mr Carey said the Police Association was supportive of workplace drug testing.

“They may have a view about some changes to the legislation, but they are the same as us; they want a safe working place for their members and they want a safe place for the community,” he said.

The legislative changes being considered were unlikely to increase the number of tests done, Mr Carey said.

Only 26 targeted tests were performed last financial year, of which five yielded positives, compared with about 4900 random tests with three positives.

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