Police probe at ‘dormant’ Sydney hotel

Police and liquor authorities are investigating allegations of unlicensed alcohol sales, prostitution and illegal dance parties at the former Stamford Plaza at Double Bay.

NSW Hospitality Minister George Souris has confirmed police and the Office of Liquor, Gaming and Racing (OLGR) have begun investigations following allegations raised on April 17.

“The unlicensed sale of alcohol is a serious offence and can result in a maximum penalty of $11,000 and 12 months imprisonment,” Mr Souris said in a statement.

“Following further revelations in the press today, I have asked OLGR to redouble its investigation into the claims of illegal liquor sales on the premises.

“NSW police also advised OLGR that they were already investigating allegations of prostitution, illegal dance parties and unauthorised operation of the hotel and had carried out onsite inspections.”

Mr Souris said the OLGR had carried out an onsite audit on April 20 to inspect the premises and interviewed venue management.

“Venue management accepted recommendations from OLGR inspectors to implement controls relating to CCTV, security and supervision of the premises,” he said.

“I am advised that a hotel licence still exists for the Stamford Plaza, however, it has been in a dormant capacity since 2009.

“Given this is still technically a licensed venue, the provisions of the liquor laws apply and action can be taken against the licensee and any other third party for any breaches.”

AAP lxs/jk

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