Police search for missing boy

Police will resume the search for a missing eight-year-old boy on Tuesday morning.

Sean Master was last seen leaving his grandmother’s friends’ home in Lachlan Street, Cardiff, near Newcastle, at about 4.30pm (AEST) on Monday.

He was riding his black BMX and was heading back to his home one block away, in Macquarie Street.

The boy’s mother raised the alarm when he failed to return and a search was conducted by local police with the assistance of the Dog Squad.

Sean was last seen wearing a black T-shirt with black shorts. He is between 140-150cm tall with a thin build and a fair complexion.

He has an earring in his left ear.

The search was concluded at 10pm on Monday and will resume at first light on Tuesday.

Anyone who may have seen Sean, or may have information that could help police to locate the boy, is asked to contact Toronto Police on 4950 3699, or Crime Stoppers on 1800 333 000.

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