Evidence Obama Born In Kenya Goes Beyond 1991 Brochure

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Establishment media pulls stunt in effort to diffuse ‘birther’ controversy

Paul Joseph Watson
Prison Planet.com
Friday, May 18, 2012

The establishment media hastily seized on yesterday’s explosive story about a literary publication listing Barack Obama’s birthplace as Kenya in an effort to claim that the 1991 brochure was the “origin” of the entire ‘birther’ issue. In reality, evidence that Obama was born in the African country is abundant.

Evidence Obama Born In Kenya Goes Beyond 1991 Brochure 55251218 1252280190 tu chuc 2

A literary agent’s promotional text for a 1991 brochure released yesterday by Breitbart.com states Obama was “born in Kenya and raised in Indonesia and Hawaii.”

Yahoo News, along with a deluge of other mainstream news outlets, responded by reporting that the document was potentially the “source” of the birther controversy and had merely been a mistake.

The literary agent who wrote the description, Miriam Goderich, now works with Dystel Goderich agency, which lists Obama as one of its clients. Unsurprising therefore that Goderich hastily claimed listing Obama’s birthplace as Kenya was “nothing more than a fact checking error.”

However, evidence to indicate that Obama war born in Kenya is plentiful and it goes significantly beyond the 1991 version of the brochure.

– Despite claiming the passage about Obama’s birthplace being Kenya was a mistake, the listing still maintained that Obama’s birthplace was Kenya until after Obama became a U.S. Senator. “Goderich’s statement fails to explain why the “fact checking error” persisted for sixteen years, through at least three different versions of Jane Dystel’s website, and through at least four different versions of Obama’s biography,” reports Breitbart.com.

– The literary agency also updated the text in June 1998, but the part about Obama being born in Kenya was retained.

– The text was again updated in February 2005 to reflect the fact that Obama had become a Senator, but Kenya was still listed as his birthplace.

– After an April 2007 modification of the text, the passage still read Obama, “was born in Kenya.”

As Steve Boman reveals, the Dystel Goderich agency asks its clients to submit their own biography, meaning it’s virtually impossible the listing of Obama’s birthplace as Kenya could have been a “fact checking error” on behalf of the literary company itself.

– During a speech about HIV, First Lady Michelle Obama said she and Barack Obama “visited his home country of Kenya.” Watch the clip below.

– In 2008, Obama’s paternal step grandmother appeared to indicate publicly that Barack Obama was born in Kenya. In an interview conducted by American Christian minister Ron McRae, Sarah Obama was asked, ‘Were you present when your grandson was born in Kenya?’” McRae testified in his sworn statement. “This was asked to her in translation twice, and both times she replied, “Yes! Yes she was! She was present when Obama was born.”

– Another source who met Sarah Obama told World Net Daily, “I have keenly and attentively listened to the tape over and over again, and I can confirm from Sarah’s own confession that Barack Obama was born in Kenya in her presence.”

– A separate Kenyan government official agreed, stating, “I have listened to the tape. The preacher asked whether Barack Obama was born in Mombassa, and the translator asked the same. When she said Mombassa, it was like a surprise, and those there thought she could not have meant to say Mombassa.”

– When New York Times bestselling author Jerome Corsi traveled to Kenya to investigate the claims, he was almost immediately kicked out of the country by Kenyan officials.

– When Kenya’s National Security Intelligence Service investigated claims that Obama was born in Kenya, officials in Nairobi found “relevant birth records may have been removed or were missing.”

– Obama has deep political connections in Kenya. From 2006 onwards he rallied in support of Islamist Raila Odinga in Kenya, helping him impose Sharia law. When Odinga lost the Kenyan election in 2008, his supporters rioted, unleashing a wave of violence. Despite the bloodshed, Obama used his influence to aid Odinga in retaining his position as part of a coalition government.

For the mainstream media to imply that the 1991 brochure is the “source” of the claim that Obama was born in Kenya is completely inaccurate. Not only was that brochure updated many times right up until 2007, with the information about Obama’s birthplace being Kenya retained, but there are numerous other factors which all indicate that Kenya could indeed be Obama’s homeland.


Paul Joseph Watson is the editor and writer for Prison Planet.com. He is the author of Order Out Of Chaos. Watson is also a regular fill-in host for The Alex Jones Show and Infowars Nightly News.

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55 Responses to “Evidence Obama Born In Kenya Goes Beyond 1991 Brochure”

  1. Nonsense.

    the sage Reply:
    May 18th, 2012 at 8:08 am

    None of the comments for this article were viewable until after I had logged in.
    This is a recent development within the comments section that past couple of months.
    Shutting down access and exposure to commentary.
    Yet Alex claims the show is for the people…not for himself or his image.
    Alex is just as full of shit as the first black president.

    Spymyeys Reply:
    May 18th, 2012 at 8:16 am

    sorry sage, but your wrong on that score.

    it is just the NSA doing its daily-dump of all your internet activity that is messing with your puter, not the sainted pauper ALEX who is doing a great and selfless service to all for free.

    rootboy Reply:
    May 18th, 2012 at 8:29 am

    Sage wanted to be first blood in the comment queue and do what he’s paid to do – marginalize, damage control, protect his beloved Barry who just doesn’t add up to be what his handlers have asserted. Soetaro is a fraud and must be removed, military must step in and cuff this criminal. Enough is enough.

    ParsonsStacie Reply:
    May 18th, 2012 at 8:34 am

    my classmate’s mother makes $67 every hour on the computer. She has been fired from work for eight months but last month her payment was $18044 just working on the computer for a few hours. Read more on this web site CashLazy(dot)com

    Quantummonkeybutt Reply:
    May 18th, 2012 at 8:51 am

    President Monkey Boy (a.k.a. ‘BARRY SOETORO’) Responded:

    “Yes We Can!!! Thank You SATAN!!! Don’t Make Me Get My Grandma!!! I Can Be A HERO!!!”

    (www.) youtube.com/watch?v=wxt8f4weym0feature=related

    prez monkey boy
    no likey QMB who
    curses he name
    ‘baraq u bamah’

    trouble8696 Reply:
    May 18th, 2012 at 1:33 pm

    Backwards @ Quantummonkeybutt …They tell me to be Quiet …B.O.’s mantra, …Yes we can… played backwards = thank you Satan!…Thanks for the video link Quantummonkeybutt… Obama has fooled the entire USA which gives him the only award he deserves, The Imposter of the USA Century… Foreign born are not allowed to be US President…Remember the quote …Now is the time for all good men to come to the aid of their country?… In typing class the quote was used to practice keyboard skills… The faster you learned to type the letters, the more likely you were to snag a secretarial job… In the process of learning to type quickly, the quote was committed to memory…Patriots need to reach into their memory pool to pull out the quote, dust off the words, and shout the quote to fellow citizens…Now is the time for all good Men Women to come to the aid of their country…If Patriots don’t come to the aid of their country NOW, they may become real live characters on the stage of life just like the fictional characters in bondage in Orwell’s 1984, Ayn Rand’s Atlas Shrugged or Huxley’s Brave New World…

    Nebuchadnezzar Reply:
    May 18th, 2012 at 8:20 am

    You are right.
    The comments are not for public view.
    Alex’s wife is also a jewess. Never forget it.

    DarinGod Reply:
    May 18th, 2012 at 8:35 am

    So, I just read all these comments before logging in. Soo….. yeah.

    hammerhead Reply:
    May 18th, 2012 at 12:42 pm

    as did i , all of the comments in plain view , before logging in

    hellangone Reply:
    May 18th, 2012 at 8:37 am

    Shut up, NlGGER sage.

    ringo stark Reply:
    May 18th, 2012 at 9:54 am

    nice bro, finally people are waking up to the conspiracy of alex jones, PP and his cronies…aj and his monkeys made millions selling lies, fear and delusion…

    hellangone Reply:
    May 18th, 2012 at 8:37 am

    Check and mate, NlGGER.

    TimOsman Reply:
    May 18th, 2012 at 11:19 am

    Yahoo = Saturn in Hebrew translation.

    Satanic Saturnic Brotherhood

    TimOsman Reply:
    May 18th, 2012 at 11:20 am

    Anti Semites – (noun) people who are hated by a certain category of 2% Zionist Talmudic Jews because they see that organized Jewish Supremacy is intricately linked to the Banksters Satanic Pyramidal Empire


    “A memorable quote requires a shake of semantic shenanigans and a pinch of poetic pulchritude of beauty brilliance.”
    (share this Semantics saying by Rain Bojangles)

  2. When will this fraud be removed from office?

    Peace Frog Reply:
    May 18th, 2012 at 8:12 am

    when he runs in that purple dress

  3. I think Obammy got ripped off!!!!!

    That million+ bucks he has blown to keep ALL of his records secret just has not panned out!

    He should demand a refund!

    He sould also use one of his many SS numbers and apply for federal assistance!

    After all, he has many, many, identities here in the USA as well as a few dozen other countries to choose from and that is not even touching his muslim masters connections or his gay sugar daddy soros for help.

    This anti-christ by the name of Obamma is ready to unleash hell on earth and NOBODY will be safe from his murderous wrath!

    I just want to live to see the CON-gress, the senate, the supremes, bankers, laywers, and elites, get the exact same treatment as the 300 million other peons in this country and I REALLY want to see the look on their faces when they realize that they are gonna die.

  4. If I were the devil…I would send a kenyan to mesmerize the white women with jungle fever

    rootboy Reply:
    May 18th, 2012 at 8:39 am

    good………………… day?

    hellangone Reply:
    May 18th, 2012 at 8:43 am

    ooo, ooo, ooo, ooo, ooo, ooo, ooo, ooo, ooo, ooo, ooo, ooo, ooo, ooo, ooo, ooo, ooo, ooo, ooo, ooo, ooo, ooo, ooo, ooo, ooo, ooo, ooo, ooo, ooo, ooo, ooo, ooo, ooo, ooo, ooo, ooo, ooo, ooo, ooo, ooo, ooo, ooo, ooo, ooo, ooo, ooo, ooo, ooo, ooo, ooo, ooo, ooo, ooo, ooo, ooo, ooo, ooo, ooo, ooo, ooo, ooo, ooo, ooo, ooo, ooo, ooo, ooo, ooo, ooo, ooo, ooo, ooo, ooo, ooo, ooo, ooo, ooo, ooo, ooo, ooo, ooo, ooo, ooo, ooo, ooo, ooo, ooo, ooo, ooo, ooo, ooo, ooo, ooo, ooo, ooo, ooo, ooo, ooo, ooo, ooo, ooo, ooo, ooo, ooo, ooo, ooo, ooo, ooo, ooo, ooo, ooo, ooo, ooo, ooo, ooo, ooo, ooo, ooo, ooo, ooo, ooo, ooo, ooo, ooo, ooo, ooo, ooo, ooo, ooo, ooo, ooo, ooo, ooo, ooo, ooo, ooo, ooo, ooo, ooo, ooo, ooo, ooo, ooo, ooo, ooo, ooo, ooo, ooo, ooo, ooo, ooo, ooo, ooo, ooo!

  5. Just shows that the banker zionist scum can put anyone they want in office. Let’s get our country back.

  6. Covering up someone else’s crime is also a crime. Those who persist in denying the truth are accessories to this and can be legally prosecuted.

    Spymyeys Reply:
    May 18th, 2012 at 8:18 am


    print that EXACT comment and you have your “forrest gump” bumper sticker that will make you rich!!!


  7. What I thought even funnier, sorta, was that his name was Obama like Osama and then Hussein. And people didn’t catch on he’s a Muslim. Right in our faces! People voted for a Middle Eastern/Saudi Father. the very same race that we were told did 911!?

  8. Ann Dunham = Global Bitch

  9. Time to march on Washington and Arrest Obama and the rest of the people under him for Treason.

  10. Now if we can just get the Zionist controlled media to run this story in the lamestream media. But we know they will squash the story and not run it. It goes against their agenda to protect this particular Marxist president. They are co-conspirators in this communistic takeover of this country.

  11. I’m sorry…. but I don’t understand this whole “birther” issue… I like Alex, even though he can be long winded and a little amped up at times…. but correct me if I am wrong… Even if 1 of his parents is an American citizen… he could be born on the Moon and still be an American citizen…. What am I missing here??

    ringo stark Reply:
    May 18th, 2012 at 9:57 am

    you’re not missing anyting except that you have been had on pp, this website sells bs, its all delusion with ZERO, ZILCH evidence but smoke and mirrors.

    my2cents Reply:
    May 18th, 2012 at 10:16 am

    Obama did not know at that time that he would become President. They were promoting him as an author at that time. To make him more interesting they say he was born in Kenya, knowing that he was there at such an early age so he could speak of his experiance there as though he was.Was it his idea or something he just went along with?

    jchance Reply:
    May 18th, 2012 at 1:05 pm


    Why don’t you sling the bullshit a little deeper because when I saw you commented here I already pulled out the hip waders. No one is going to lie about their place of birth being a backwards third world country to make themselves sound more interesting.

    To believe anything remotely like you only proves how naive, spoon fed, and stupid people are.

    Ho of Babylon Reply:
    May 18th, 2012 at 10:35 am

    You are missing the distinction between an american citizen and a natural born citizen. It’s not enough to be an american citizen. Look it up, no way am I going to go through all this crap in 2012, been there done that for months on end in 2008.

    jchance Reply:
    May 18th, 2012 at 1:02 pm


    As Ho of Babylon touched on there is a difference between being an American citizen and a natural born one.

    In order to serve as the President an American must be a natural born citizen meaning he/she was physically born within the boarders of the United States, one of it’s territories, or on land considered sovereign soil such as an embassy or military base.

    Having an American for a parent does not necessarily make you a US citizen besides. You are required to claim it. Until you do, you are a citizen of the nation you were born in.

    Then you have to look at the fact, and the Founding Fathers clearly stated this in their letters, papers, books, and other documents, the reason why only a natural born citizen may serve as the President is because their interests in theory are going to be those of the United States and it’s people, not those of outside interests.

  12. What is this delusion of his fawning followers and mind-addled media that keeps them from even considering that the evidence for a Kenyan birthplace could be true?? I don’t get it! It’s like the soccer fans that riot when their team doesn’t win. Truth and reality HAVE to win in the end!

  13. So… let me get this straight… one brochure from 1991 that listed his birthplace as Kenya is taken to be a factual document. The author stated it was a mistake and I suppose he’s just a liar and part of a cover-up, right?

    Has it not crossed anyone’s mind that Obama’s background was checked out by the FBI, the CIA AND the NSA? I suppose those agencies are all bumbling fools, right? Every last person who’s job it was, and still is, to investigate such things – all of them are either incompetent or liars, right? Yes, this is exactly what you are claiming – that the agencies and people tasked with protecting our country’s security has placed the “football” (the briefcase that is never more than 20 feet from the president which holds the nuclear launch codes) in the hands of a person unqualified to be President.

    Sorry, but as much as I dislike police in general I have to say that I put far more faith in those people doing their job than Joe Schmuck from Bumstumble, Nowhere.

    If you want to present a convincing argument that Obama was born in Kenya, find a way to refute the investigation done by those three-letter agencies. Until you can do that you just come across as a wild-eyed fanatic seizing on any opportunity to forward your agenda. No one will take you seriously except other wild-eyed fanatics.

    Ho of Babylon Reply:
    May 18th, 2012 at 10:38 am

    An endorsement by the puppeteers is not exactly satisfactory. Just sayin.

    mpennery Reply:
    May 18th, 2012 at 12:07 pm

    No disrespect danich but you’re either ignorant of the present and history of the power structure in this country and how the control of information is conducted or embarrassingly naive or all the above.
    You wanna know why you can’t trust a goddamn thing the CIA, FBI or NSA says?
    Well, start here: (www.) veteranstoday.com/2012/05/16/the-debasement-of-american-intel-step-by-step/

    If this doesn’t open your eyes and alter your level of trust in their opinions, I’d then check your pulse.
    You’re welcome ahead of time.


    Lexington, ky

  14. there needs to be a mainstream media blitz,or else it looks like a bigfoot expedition.

  15. Thanks for removing my previous post Alex. As usual you hate the truth. As I said. I told you 4 1/2 years ago this turkey was a kenyan. That it is all a lie, he is an illegal alien. Paid by those in the stolen land of izraHELL. And the lie is al big as 911 which bush did. But all american’s think it was terrorists ! Yes, they are right, it was TERRORISTS. The american government !!
    Just think, the white house will and is murdering you all for cash !!! attacking Iran will have serious consequences for all of us. Better put a stop to it now. China will make a bloody mess of all of you, and Russia will join in. And that will be the end of everything ! Well at least izraHELL will no longer exist. Ah yes, they are gods so called chosen people eh. Is it they get 200 white virgins then ??? hey, they seriously need psychiatric help. For here is a wee surprise. THERE IS NO GOD !!!

  16. Obama knows how powerless we really are and he is laughing at us.
    Never mind his fake birth certificates already posted.
    Never mind that he got a Fulbright Scholarship for FOREIGN Students.
    Never mind about his fraudulent Selective Service registration and CT Social Security number.
    And never mind this new evidence.
    Hey it was OK to be Born in Kenya when he was “all set for the U.S. Senate” so why not now?

  17. How could that literary publication mistakenly pick Kenya out of all the countries in this world?
    And picked Kenya and Obama agreed with the publication and it stood for all those years.
    How could Kenya be mistakenly listed as his birth place instead of the U.S.A?
    Some crap undeveloped country run by black backward people on the other side of the world instead of the greatest country on the planet.
    And the publication’s choice of Kenya is backed up by his grandmother and wife.

    A large portion of Americans are looking at these facts and picking sides.
    It’s going to come to violence and war.

    blixy Reply:
    May 18th, 2012 at 11:37 am

    Because he did live there as a child… no one debates that Kenyan aspect of the story. ;O

    Steve Reply:
    May 18th, 2012 at 12:10 pm

    But Obama agreed with the publication calling Kenya the country of his nativity, and it stood for 16 years.

    I can see which side you have picked.
    But this lie about his place of birth has been exposed on the internet.
    And his issuing 2 Certificates of Live Birth caused me to look at my own records of birth.
    I looked over my Birth Certificate and also found my Certificate of Live Birth.
    And it became clear to me that these are 2 seperate documents.
    And Obama has not shown a Birth Certificate yet.
    And the tv media lies and calls his 2 Certificates of Live Birth both Birth Certificates.

  18. No it just means the head of those agencies are in Obombya’s pocket to, does not represent the entire body of each agency!

    Does not take a political science major to figure out that ^ he’s a FRAUD!

  19. Because it’s legal to run for lower levels of Gov. as a foreign born person, simple… when they saw he had a chance at POTUS, they covered up his foreign birth place which no-one really cared, until after the fact^2007/08 onward.

  20. I always try to keep an open mind in life. I came across this a few weeks ago and didn’t think much about it until now. I have to say I am really starting to wonder if this may not be coming to fruition. Every day it becomes clearer and clearer that this may be true. Below is the article I came across.

    The following is from a Kenyan Prophet, Johanwa Owalo, the founder of Kenya’s Nomiya Luo Church, who in 1912 made this horrific prophecy about the United States: “So far have they [the United States] strayed into wickedness in those [future] times that their destruction has been sealed by my [father]. Their great cities will burn, their crops and cattle will suffer disease and death, their children will perish from diseases never seen upon this Earth, and I reveal to you the greatest [mystery] of all as I have been allowed to see that their [the United States] destruction will come about through the vengeful hands of one of our very own sons.”

    Just do a NSA search on Kenyan Prophecy and you will find it.

    TBL10 Reply:
    May 18th, 2012 at 11:31 am

    My friends, be prepared for the worst this summer. I have a funny felling we will see severe riots and cities being burned to the ground this summer starting with Chicago. Any actions on our part will be dealt with severe reaction from our hostile government. I hope I am wrong but I truly believe we will be in martial law before the election. We are battling pure evil and only God himself will be able to stop what is about to be unleashed upon this world. May God bless all of the freedom loving patriots left in this country. Only with the armor of God will we survive.


    Isn’t it amazing that, within only one week of Tiger Woods crashing his Escalade, the press found every woman with whom Tiger has had an affair during the last few years? And, they even uncovered photos, text messages, recorded phone calls, etc.! Furthermore, they not only know the cause of the family fight, but they even know it was a wedge from his golf bag that his wife used to break out the windows in the Escalade. Not only that, they know which wedge! And, each every day, they were able to continue to provide America with updates on Tiger’s sex rehab stay, his wife’s plans for divorce, as well as the dates tournaments in which he will play.
    Now, Barack Hussein Obama has been in office for three years, yet this very same press: · Cannot find any of his childhood friends or neighbors; · Or find any of Obama’s high school or college classmates; · Or locate any of his college papers or grades; · Or determine how he paid for both a Columbia a Harvard education; · Or discover which country issued his visa to travel to Pakistan in the 1980′s; · Or even find Michelle Obama’s Princeton thesis on racism.
    They just can’t seem to uncover any of this. Yet, the public still trusts that same press to give them the whole truth!
    I find that totally amazing, don’t you?


    I hadn’t thought about this – but where are O’s past girlfriends – surely he had at least one? No past girl friends popping up anywhere? Strange – strange to the point of being downright weird!

    OK, this is just plain old common sense, no political agendas for either side. Just common knowledge for citizens of a country, especially American citizens, who know every little tidbit about every other president (and their wives) that even know that Andrew Jackson’s wife smoked a corn cob pipe and was accused of adultery, or that Lincoln never went to school or Kennedy wore a back brace or Truman played the piano.

    We are Americans! Our Media vets these things out! We are known for our humanitarian interests and caring for our ‘fellow man.’ We care, but none of us knows one single humanizing fact about the history of our own president.

    Honestly, and this is a personal thing … but it’s bugged me for years that no one who ever dated him ever showed up. Taken his charisma, which caused the women to be drawn to him so obviously during his campaign, looks like some lady would not have missed the opportunity….

    We all know about JFK’s magnetism, McCain was no monk, Palin’s courtship and even her athletic prowess were probed. Biden’s aneurisms are no secret. Look at Cheney and Clinton – we all know about their heart problems. How could I have left out Wild Bill before or during the White House?

    Nope… not one lady has stepped up and said, “He was soooo shy,” or “What a great dancer!”
    Now look at the rest of what we know… no classmates, not even the recorder for the Columbia class notes ever heard of him.

    Who was the best man at his wedding? Start there. Check for groomsmen. Then get the footage of the graduation ceremony.

    Has anyone talked to the professors? Isn’t it odd that no one is bragging that they knew him or taught him or lived with him.

    When did he meet Michele and how? Are there photos? Every president provides the public with all their photos, etc. for their library. What has he released? Nada – other than what was in this so-called biography! And experts who study writing styles, etc. claim it was not O’s own words or typical of his speech patterns, etc.

    Does this make any of you wonder?

    Ever wonder why no one ever came forward from Obama’s past, saying they knew him, attended school with him, was his friend, etc. ? Not one person has ever come forward from his past.

    This should really be a cause for great concern. Did you see the movie titled, The Manchurian Candidate?

    Let’s face it. As insignificant as we all are… someone whom we went to school with remembers our name or face… someone remembers we were the clown or the dork or the brain or the quiet one or the bully or something about us.

    George Stephanopoulos, ABC News, said the same thing during the 2008 campaign.
    Even George questions why no one has acknowledged that the president was in their classroom or ate in the same cafeteria or made impromptu speeches on campus.

    Stephanopoulos was a classmate of Obama at Columbia – class of 1984.
    He says he never had a single class with him.
    Since he is such a great orator, why doesn’t anyone in Obama’s college class remember him?

    And, why won’t he allow Columbia to release his records?
    Do you, like millions of others, simply assume all this is explainable – even though no one can?


    Looking for evidence of Obama’s past, Fox News contacted 400 Columbia University students from the period when Obama claims to have been there, but not one remembers him. For example,Wayne Allyn Root was (like Obama) a political science major at Columbia , who graduated in 1983. In 2008, Root says of Obama, “I don’t know a single person at Columbia that knew him, and they all know me. I don’t have a single classmate who ever knew Barack Obama at Columbia … EVER!

    Nobody recalls him.

    Root adds that he was, “Class of ’83 political science, pre-law” and says, “You don’t get more exact or closer than that. Never met him in my life, don’t know anyone who ever met him.”

    At our 20th class reunion five years ago, who was asked to be the speaker of the class? Me. No one ever heard of Barack! And five years ago, nobody even knew who he was. The guy who writes the class notes, who’s kind of the, as we say in New York, ‘the macha’ who knows everybody, has yet to find a person, a human who ever met him.”

    Obama’s photograph does not appear in the school’s yearbook, and Obama consistently declines requests to talk about his years at Columbia, provide school records, or provide the name of any former classmates or friends while at Columbia.

    How can this be?

    NOTE: Wayne Allyn Root can easily be verified. He graduated valedictorian from his high school, Thornton-Donovan School , then graduated from Columbia University in 1983 as a Political Science major in the same ’83 class in which Barack Hussein Obama states he was.

    Some other interesting questions.

    Why was Obama’s law license inactivated in 2002?

    Why was Michelle’s law license inactivated by court order?

    According to the U.S. Census, there is only one Barack Obama – but 27 Social Security numbers and over 80 aliases.


    The Social Security number he uses now originated in Connecticut , where he is never reported to have lived.

    No wonder all his records are sealed!

    Please continue sending this out to everyone. Somewhere, someone had to know him in school… before he “reorganized” Chicago and burst upon the scene at the 2004 Democratic Convention and made us swoon with his charm, poise, and speaking pizzazz.

    One of the biggest CONS this country has ever seen, and getting away with it. Go watch the movie The Manchurian Candidate, with Lawrence Harvey ! Good movie!
    From now thru November 2012 this should be required weekly or at least monthly, reading –

    Did you notice who Obama threatened when he wasn’t getting his way on raising the debt ceiling?

    He threatened to not pay:
    Social Security Retirees,
    Military Retirees,
    Social Security disability
    Federal Retirees

    Now.. Let this sink in really good –

    He did not threaten to stop payments to illegal aliens

    He did not threaten to take frivolous benefits such as Internet access away from violent inmates

    He did not offer to fire some of the thousands of unnecessary federal employees that he hired

    He did not offer to cut down on his or his wife’s frivolous gallivanting around

    He did not threaten to not pay the senators and representatives or any of their staff

    He did not threaten to take benefits away from welfare recipients

    He did not threaten the food stamp programs

    He did not threaten to not pay foreign aid

    He did not threaten to cut back on anything that involves his base voters. He considers these to be ‘economically critical entitlements.’

    The list could go on and on. He is in full political re-election mode!
    Why are we allowing this person to destroy this wonderful country with his selfishness and his lies?
    His type of change is killing our country. He needs to be stopped and only our votes can stop him.
    Just saying it’s something to think about.

    my2cents Reply:
    May 18th, 2012 at 1:02 pm

    Reading this was like being kicked in the stomache. We are definately not in Kansas anymore.

    jchance Reply:
    May 18th, 2012 at 1:16 pm


    On the note of former girlfriends of Obama it would be a near impossible task to find any. This is because he is a homosexual and his marriage is one of convenience, which has been documented extensively. He attended a Church known in Chicago for pairing up gay Black men with Black women who because of their attitudes, personalities, etc, cannot find “normal” men who won’t put up with them or their shit to date and marry them, or are gay themselves. This is the same church Oprah and Stedman attend(ed), were introduced to each other at, and started their “relationship” through, which with them it has come out over and over both are gay but the MSM keeps covering it up.

    At one time even the MSM in Chicago covered Obama and his gay lifestyle. There were scandals from his frequenting gay bath houses where he only received pleasure and did so from older White men which more then a few have come out trying to expose Obama’s lie he is straight.

    Now finding an old boyfriend I think would be much easier except for the fact if any of them tried to expose him on a national level, they would end up disappeared or imprisoned on BS charges.

  22. In 2004 a leading Kenya newspaper proudly ran the headline “Kenyan-born Obama all set for US Senate”.
    h**p://web.archive.org/web/20040627142700/eastandard.net/headlines/news26060403.htm –
    “East African Standard
    June 27 2004
    Kenyan-born Obama all set for US Senate
    Kenyan-born US Senate hopeful, Barrack Obama, appeared set to take over the Illinois Senate seat after his main rival, Jack Ryan, dropped out of the race on Friday night amid a furor over lurid sex club allegations.”

    between_the_lines Reply:
    May 18th, 2012 at 1:02 pm

    Copy and paste the link..
    .. to the command line replacing “h**p” with “http”,
    then read the original news article.

  23. Every single one of you here bringing up race and/or religion as issues involved with this situation in your posts here disgust me. You have all played into the hands of the globalists and elitists who will do anything and everything to divide us so we are unable to fend off their attacking our way of life.

    All of you playing the race thing out here are ignorant and clueless. There is no such thing as race except the human race as a whole. There is truly only one’s ethnic background that makes us different then another. It has nothing to do with the color of our skin or physical traits that have been associated with the BS race fallacy, which was created by rich Europeans like the nobles, land owners, and royalty, along with the slave traders to justify their inhuman acts against another human being. That is a proven historical fact you are all too stupid to know or realize.

    Now those of you playing the Jew card, I hate to break it to you but the majority of the globalists and elitists are supposedly Christians being baptized into the different sects at birth. Only a small percentage of the small percentage of those trying take over the world are of the Jewish faith. You like the racists, are ignorant and clueless as well. You all mistake a nation with a state religion as the religion itself. Israel does not and has never operated in the best interests of those who practice the Jewish faith. It only has operated in a manor that is beneficial to it as an entity and those who are pulling it’s strings from behind the scenes. Most Jews, who are average people, not the richest 1% as you mistakenly believe, do not and have never supported anything the country of Israel has done in the name of their religion or their names.

  24. I can not believe there are people who STILL think he was born in Hawaii and that he has proven it. We are so screwed.

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