President Obama Writes Excuse Note For Tyler Sullivan, Boy Who Missed School To Attend Speech At Honeywell (VIDEO)

Tyler Sullivan wasn’t in school on Friday, but it’s fairly safe to say he’ll be excused. After all, he has handwritten note from President Barack Obama himself.

The fifth-grade student missed class to attend Obama’s speech at the Honeywell plant near Minneapolis with his father on June 1, KARE 11 reports.

Not only did Tyler snag a front-row seat and shake Mr. Obama’s hand, but the 11-year-old walked away with a personal note containing the presidential seal.

“Mr. Ackerman — Please excuse Tyler… he was with me!” Obama wrote before he signed paper and handed it back to Tyler.

Obama traveled to Minnesota last week and spoke to crowds about job creation at Honeywell, which has made it a priority to hire veterans from Iraq and Afghanistan, the Associated Press reports. The president then continued on to Minneapolis, where he attended campaign fundraisers.

Perhaps surprisingly, this isn’t the first executive excuse POTUS has penned since taking office.

In 2009, 10-year-old Kennedy Corpus missed the last day of fourth grade to attend a town hall with her father, who had been chosen to ask Obama a question.

The Wisconsin man told Obama about his daughter’s situation, and the president scribbled a note similar to Tyler’s on a piece of paper, ABC News reports.

“I don’t think I’ll be in trouble,” Kennedy told reporters after receiving her special letter.

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