Professor Norgaard Urged Obama To Ignore Democracy, Public Opinion

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Climate change alarmist who called for skeptics to be “treated” praised Obama for appointing John P. Holdren

Paul Joseph Watson
Thursday, April 5, 2012

Professor Norgaard Urged Obama To Ignore Democracy, Public Opinion 24CE1199 0D5E 303D 0BB0BFD99A1D2774 def

The climate change professor at the center of the scandal over her assertion that global warming skeptics were akin to racists and should be “treated” for having a psychiatric disorder wrote a letter in which she praised Barack Obama for hiring eugenicist John P. Holdren as his chief science advisor, while also urging Obama to ignore public opinion and disregard democracy in favor of enforcing draconian climate change mandates.

Following University of Oregon Professor Kari Norgaard’s presentation of a discussion document at the recent Planet Under Pressure conference, in which she called for global warming skeptics to be viewed as racists who need to be “treated” for mental disorders, every academic establishment associated with her has attempted to memory hole information concerning Norgaard’s biography and her previous work.

As the Watts Up With That blog documents, the University of Oregon has attempted to re-write history Soviet-style by amending the controversial terms used in Norgaard’s paper without so much as an editor’s note.

However, a damning letter written by Norgaard which appears on the Whitman College Magazine website has not yet been erased. In the letter, Norgaard praises Barack Obama for making an “excellent choice” in hiring John P. Holdren, whom she inaccurately describes as a “Nobel Peace Prize winner”.

As we have exhaustively documented, Holdren is an avowed eugenicist who in his 1977 book Ecoscience called for a “planetary regime” to carry out forced abortions and mandatory sterilization procedures, as well as drugging the water supply, in an effort to cull the human surplus.

“Please listen to Holdren and Hansen,” writes Norgaard, referring to prominent NASA global warming alarmist and Al Gore ally Dr. James Hansen, the man who endorsed a book by fellow alarmist Keith Farnish which advocated acts of sabotage and environmental terrorism in blowing up dams and demolishing cities in order to return the planet to the agrarian age.

Norgaard then openly urges Obama to virtually suspend democracy, ignore public sentiment, and enforce climate change mandates by executive fiat.

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“Policymakers should not wait for public opinion to take necessary action,” she writes, adding, “Public opinion does matter in a democracy, but this is a time when following it would be a serious mistake.”

Norgaard’s plea to Obama to act like a dictator in enforcing the climate agenda bears resemblance to ‘Gaia hypothesis’ creator James Lovelock’s 2010 assertion that “democracy must be put on hold” to combat global warming and that “a few people with authority” should be allowed to run the planet because people were too stupid to be allowed to steer their own destinies.

Norgaard concludes the letter by calling on Obama to completely eliminate the coal power industry with an “immediate phaseout of coal,” rhetoric which echoes Obama’s 2008 promise to “bankrupt” the coal industry.

The letter confirms Norgaard to be a dangerous environmental extremist with a total contempt for freedom, both advocating that Obama disregard the will of the people he is supposed to represent, while also endorsing the likes of Holdren and Hansen who have advocated the most obscenely tyrannical measures in the name of saving the planet.

The fact that there is a blatant effort on behalf of the academic establishment to distance itself from Norgaard, with information about her being deleted from University websites, illustrates how the climate change alarmist movement is none too keen on having Norgaard’s ideas receive too much public attention. Indeed, You Tube is now deleting videos that contain criticism of Norgaard in response to frivolous complaints.

This whole episode again underscores the fact that if you scratch beneath the surface of the rhetoric coming from global warming alarmists, you encounter some of the most offensive, despotic and downright dangerous ideology from people in positions of power that society has faced for decades.


Paul Joseph Watson is the editor and writer for Prison He is the author of Order Out Of Chaos. Watson is also a regular fill-in host for The Alex Jones Show and Infowars Nightly News.

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69 Responses to “Professor Norgaard Urged Obama To Ignore Democracy, Public Opinion”

  1. Now han’t she a beauty. Wow. That bunch that doctored up Trayvon Martin’s photos needs to take a lick at this mess. Wow.

    flaming_red_pill Reply:
    April 5th, 2012 at 12:44 pm

    This woman looks like she is wearing a pair of funny glasses.
    “A View Askew Indeed”.

    Anyhow, it is not what’s outside her skull but what is inside it (or not inside it) that concerns us today.

    I would love to know why so many of these “people” blame the public — i.e. you and me, car owning drivers who buy gasoline — instead of going for the throat and battling the big corporations in court.

    I believe we already know the answer: the CO2 issue was engineered by corporations seeking to profit from widespread changes in consumer law. Revenge for the anti trust laws of 100 years ago has come in the form of lateral networking and corporate collusion in the subversion of the law to serve corporate interests rather than those of the public.

    even “people” like Bill Gates, someone who was supposed to be SMART and independent (laugh), are supporting the complete fallacy of CO2 being the chief agent of extreme and dangerous climate change.

    what we saw in 2010 thanks to BP and HB should have awakened the whole world to the fact that the oil companies are not only monopolizing and making inaccessible the natural gas trade, but they are outright OUTGASSING AND WASTING methane gas and clathrate deposits that would have fueled our kids’ world for a thousand years with the right tech, and now thanks to modern man and corporate earth-rape, that same methane has begun to destroy our childrens’ world from the ocean on up.

    after the gulf of mexico disaster at macondo well, the north atlantic current all but vanished. even the jet stream has changed shape. millions of sea creatures are dying, there is an increase in tectonic events, and even great britain is experiencing dramatic climate shift.

    not carbon

    and agent orange

    thank you for reading.

    also, 4/20 hitler’s birthday, columbine shooting, macondo explosion
    chardon shooting on day of macondo trial beginning
    1/19 1999 bae/ge arms deal
    9/11/2001 bush nazi takeover

    BP has been causing environmental damage worse than any 9/11 since they started their crap.
    please read about Sea Gem disaster.
    please read about torrey canyon and the changes to the intl maritime law after that horrible act.

    consider that titanic and other great ships were destroyed intentionally, as was hindenburg, to ensure that we would for decades to come be slaves to oil, black gold…

    bae bandar bribery scandal, read about that.
    bae forced to pay 400 million in us court right before deepwater blew up, insurance was you guessed it, 420 million dollars

    tit for tat, ouch?

    American Dystopia Reply:
    April 5th, 2012 at 1:29 pm

    Yeah I doubt she’d survive a eugenicists culling 🙂

    raxzorx Reply:
    April 5th, 2012 at 2:04 pm

    Good point, like You reap what you sow.

    Peace Frog Reply:
    April 5th, 2012 at 2:42 pm

    Beauty is skin deep…Ugly is to the bone

    Super Duper Man 1776 Reply:
    April 5th, 2012 at 2:56 pm


  2. If there was ever proof for the reptilian theory, this is it!! She had no choice but to become a science geek.. And how could anyone, let alone someone in “power” take her seriously!!

  3. If anybody needs to be treated for a mental disorder, it’s her! Look at that kooky looking supposed woman!

  4. If that kooky looking witch thinks the public’s opinion does not matter then she should trying to run for office on that political plank and see how far she gets!

  5. She is some fugly lookin biatch.

  6. People should start posting thousands of new videos to youtube under the title “Crazy Train”! edit a photo of that kooky witch at the engineer seat of a train and have Ozzy’s Crazy Train music going! Then have the script of her speech!

  7. Usually I don’t like to go down to this level, but did the bitch get hit by a train?

    Peace Frog Reply:
    April 5th, 2012 at 2:45 pm

    Norgaard ?…even her name is goofy

  8. lmao at the commets and to be honest it cant be human it needs to be sent to the dog pound be put down for being plain assed ugly if it had a brain but i dont think somebody cover that face it scares the shit out of me worser than nobamas hoe and hitlery and cant forget dungpile beetle janet and many more

    how about waking up from all night drunk and discovered you married that thing gagamaggot i feel sorry for the parents they should have taken option 1 and get a divource and abortion before they thought of this thing or was it this the woman went to the bathroom and took a shit and after finishing it she looked down and felt sorry for it and they adopted the little shit

  9. Hahahahaha lol I can’t breathe, since this ” woman” came out from crazyville to give the world the last little piece of her “mind” I’ve never laughed so much at the prisonplanet comments 😀

  10. The eugenics irony is killing me…it’s just too funny.

    Nutty McWhackjob Reply:
    April 5th, 2012 at 1:29 pm

    Indeed Russell, it is funny on multiple levels with this one.

    Eugenics Checklist:
    1.) Perfect to near-perfect eyesight – NO
    2.) Ability to reason logically and independently – NO
    3.) Physically fit and attractive – NO

    I would say based on these three, she will not be getting her Agenda 21/UN gold pass.

  11. Lol,she looks like her face has been set on fire then extinguished with a shovel

  12. boy that ugly bitch should be careful what she wishes for. If Holdren was in charge not only would she be aborted, but her mother and father would likely be killed as well lest they produce another abomination..

    You can’t even say “hey at least she has a nice personality” about this thing..

    Red Beard Reply:
    April 5th, 2012 at 1:58 pm

    Well there’s still the possibility of “she sews and makes all of her own clothes.”

  13. Looks like she was beaten to death with an ugly stick, came back to life as a zombie and then ran over by a MAck truck! This is all after she was sprayed in the face by chemtrails lol

  14. NASA Scientist Says World Should Prepare For Visitors

    could this be the bluebeam project?

    Vic Reply:
    April 5th, 2012 at 12:53 pm

    the people have been waiting for disclosure for a long time, but what might happen might not be what many think it will be?

    all the madness building up could be part of the great plan? bring humanity close to extermination? , then disclose the visitors who will appear to be those to stop the madness???

    or they are evil invadors? WHO knows?

  15. HEY, GREAT IDEA…..




  16. Living proof that there should be seat belts installed on the short yellow busses.

    captain obvious Reply:
    April 5th, 2012 at 3:17 pm

    omfgrofl nice

  17. P.S. What the hell is she doing in that picture, chewing on a bug??!

  18. Whew! This b*tch would be a “double-bagger” if there was a man somewhere that would have sex with her.

    truthistruth Reply:
    April 5th, 2012 at 1:45 pm

    I guess the good news is that there is no chance this gargoyle will be having any children of her own. so why is she so worried about the future?

    Matzo Man Reply:
    April 5th, 2012 at 1:59 pm

    Special Olympics people even.

    hammerhead Reply:
    April 5th, 2012 at 2:19 pm

    denied sex at egyptian riot

  19. Not meaning to sound ugly [pun intended]; asymmetrical facial features on an individual shows that individual has more recessive genetics [birth defects]. Then by eugenic standards, Professor Norgaard should have been terminated prior to birth are immediately thereafter.

  20. Normaly I don’t make fun of people with downs syndrome, but in her case i’ll make an exception

  21. Talk about spending too long in the Ivory Tower!
    But then again I guess going to a bar was too much.

    I would have to get **Very** drunk if you know what I mean.

    Red Beard Reply:
    April 5th, 2012 at 1:49 pm

    Personally, I’ve only done the “coyote ugly” thing one time, and that was enough for me.

  22. Alex, why did you post this picture? no one is going to post opinions based on the actual story….”He chuckles to himself”

    Red Beard Reply:
    April 5th, 2012 at 1:55 pm

    We should thank Alex for giving us all a permanent cure for our hiccups!

  23. this bitch got punched in the face and didn’t have any health insurance to fix it. she fell out of the ugly tree and hit every branch on the way down. how low must standards be at your universities that some dumbass retard can become a professor?

  24. Nah forget about it. I would have to be insane.

  25. In the mean time, Dr. Hagaard enjoys her time listening to System of a downsyndrome!

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