Revolt Against Vaccines Leads to Mass Exodus From Texas Colleges

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Hundreds of classes cancelled as ACC loses 10,000 students

Paul Joseph Watson Alex Jones
Thursday, May 24, 2012

Infowars has talked to a whistleblower in a senior position at Austin Community College who has divulged that enrollment numbers are collapsing due to students refusing to comply with vaccinations they are told are mandatory in order to take classes.

Revolt Against Vaccines Leads to Mass Exodus From Texas Colleges HPV vaccine

The ACC administrator told Alex Jones that some 10,000 students have refused to enroll because of their refusal to take inoculations. Although waivers for religious or personal objections are available, the ACC source said students were being given the impression that the inoculations are compulsory.

Indeed, college authorities are lying to students by telling them they will be refused enrolment if they don’t take the shots, according to the source.

This has led to a staggering 15 per cent decline in students enrolling since January and forced ACC to cancel 500 classes over the next semester alone.

When students are asked why they are dropping out or failing to enroll, huge numbers of them are citing the institution’s aggressive vaccination policy. According to the administrator, a similar pattern of dropouts due to students revolting over vaccines is being witnessed across the country.

Our source did not wish to be named but expressed her desire to alert the general public about the fact that the situation had turned into a major crisis for Austin Community College, which is the second largest institution of higher learning in Central Texas.

  • A d v e r t i s e m e n t

This is yet another example of how the greed of the pharmaceutical industry, in its quest to profit from an ever growing number of vaccines forced on children and young people, is actually destroying an entire area of the economy.

The process bears some similarities to how the travel industry has been ravaged by aggressive, invasive and pointless security measures directed against tourists by the TSA and other government agencies, measures that cost some $600 billion in lost revenue.

Concerns about the dangers of vaccines have been growing steadily in recent years. A September 2011 Thomson Reuters-NPR Health poll found that one in four Americans believe vaccines are unsafe.

A 2009 Washington Post report found that college students were shunning the H1N1 vaccine because they viewed the virus’s threat as “a media-concocted sensation.”


Paul Joseph Watson is the editor and writer for Prison He is the author of Order Out Of Chaos. Watson is also a regular fill-in host for The Alex Jones Show and Infowars Nightly News.

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23 Responses to “Revolt Against Vaccines Leads to Mass Exodus From Texas Colleges”

  1. Beware of the doctors who push for vaccines! there is a depopulation plan out there can you see it?

    Quantummonkeybutt Reply:
    May 24th, 2012 at 7:54 am

    “…students refusing to comply with vaccinations they are told are mandatory in order to take classes….”

    What’s IRONIC Here Is That The Students Whooo-Whooo Do Comply With The POISONING Vaccination Requirements Think They Are Actually Getting Smarter…???




    Matzo Man Reply:
    May 24th, 2012 at 10:20 am

    Glad your back Quantum!
    Those who say it is mandatory ARE LYING. They are OFFICIAL LIARS.

    The world is full of OFFICIAL LIARS. TV news, newspapers, magazines, radio, also all push the same LIES. So, if you need help see the below:


    Vaccines give you infertility, ADD, ADHD, cancer, mercury poisoning, allergies, asthma, Autism, and whatever Desiree Jennings got. Look all this stuff up! SEE what liars they are!

    bkr360 Reply:
    May 24th, 2012 at 8:16 am


    trouble8696 Reply:
    May 24th, 2012 at 10:18 am

    Hi @ Vic, Quantummonkeybutt Bkr…good to see U guys…We are constantly reminded from health workers, to vaccinate children in order to PROTECT them against nasty childhood illnesses… while the vaccines themselves are lethal dangerous… You can make up your own minds and do what you feel is the right thing by your chid, but there is overwhelming evidence that vaccines can … and do, cause HARM … bad for your Kids there is nothin good about it… me reckon What’s Coming Through That Needle…IS… Crime Against Humanity…Like…The mainstream media has been busy hailing the supposed success of India’s Pakistan’s polio vaccine campaign over the past few years, with many news outlets now claiming that the disease has been fully eradicated throughout the country… But what these misinformation puppets are failing to disclose is the fact that cases of non-polio acute flaccid paralysis (NPAFP), a much more serious condition than that caused by polio, have skyrocketed as a result of the vaccine’s widespread administration…as Capt obvious says … GOOD JOB TEXAS STUDENTS… kebcreation says Yes captain this is V for Victory…right…

  2. It’s really simple. If you take or encourage or force vaccines you are a braindead idiot who doesn’t deserve the oxygen you’re breathing. The development history and current scientific proof of vaccines being nothing more than poison is undeniable.


    Lexington, ky


    kebcreation Reply:
    May 24th, 2012 at 9:20 am

    Yes captain this is V for Victory. They will prove who needs who when it comes to college. 500 classes cancelled now that is the way to do it. Truth is catching up to the lie and it is a beautiful thing.

  4. yeah, don’t enroll anyways…….”You’ll have to go to china to find work”…….so, it’s a waste of your time and money…’ll have student loans for the rest of your life…..everybody in debt, and they want everybody in prison or in the system ….. they can keep their shots for themselves…..and punkass college degree….it’s worthless. I’m living proof and know many many others in the same boat.

  5. The only vaccine i am aware of that college students have to take is one for meningitus, but if your over 30 years old or close to that, cant remember exact age, you are exempt.

    I know cause i am enrolled in a college in the tx panhandle, and that is the only vaccine they require. So other colleges may require more, but i only know of that one vacine, and they should take it cause meningitus can kill you.

    mpennery Reply:
    May 24th, 2012 at 10:10 am

    uranus, vaccines will kill you before meningitus will. You’ve been brainwashed. How the fuck did humans make it this far without vaccines to save us from all those terrible bugs?!! There is no such thing as a vaccine that helps you!! They are all con jobs, based on quack science! Go back to school….and, no, I don’t mean that building with a ‘teacher’ where you think you’re learning something.


  6. Hahaa. Fuck your poison shots!!!


  7. well done texas kids!
    and I guess the uni can retract its loopy enforcement or go broke:-)
    if the teachers are outta work I bet that will make for some mind changes:-)

    I will not be renewing my passport due to the RFID tagging as well as the scanners and pat downs should I chose to travel.
    suspect many others may do the same.

    the way to beat them is to deny them power.
    no one flying then they have no work,
    airlines need bums on seats.
    that sort of quiet but noticeable message works well.
    when their profit drop sharply then tend to pay attention.

  8. Exactly. What are they going to teach you in college that’s going to be worth a pinch of coon droppings? How to be a prison guard? How to join the military? How to get ahead as a prison inmate? How to be an informant and snitch on your friend? How to be a crook? How to live the rest of your life with low paying insecure jobs, while paying off a crushing student debt?

  9. Thank god these idiots weren’t around when polio was ravaging the country. They’d all be crippled or dead! How many of them still believe vaccines cause autism, I wonder?

    cherrypickin Reply:
    May 24th, 2012 at 9:52 am

    Yeah, I especially love the fact there was a Monkey Virus in those polio cubes and shot. SV 40 is the name of it and it causes cancer. Who knows what else is in vaccines. Educate yourself.

    wiggins Reply:
    May 24th, 2012 at 10:02 am

    Read Dr Mary’s Monkey dipshit.

    mpennery Reply:
    May 24th, 2012 at 10:15 am

    paizlea: another brainwashed robot who thinks the polio vaccine actually helped stop polio. I love it when people say shit they know absolutely nothing about, only because they’ve been told to believe it.
    Wiggins, great suggestion, although poor paizlea probably wouldn’t be willing to accept he/she has been deceived. And think what he/she would think when reading Dr. Mary’s Monkey and finding out the official JFK story is a lie, too. Oh, the horror of it all!!!!

  10. As pointed out you can get an Exemption in the U.S., Canada, New Zealand, and Australia:


    Don’t limit yourself. Limit them!

  11. Thank god these idiots weren’t around when The Black Death was ravaging the country. They’d all be crippled or dead! How many of them still believe vaccines cause autism, I wonder?

    Oh, that’s right, The Black Death disappeared on its own… THINK ABOUT THAT.

    Dandroid Reply:
    May 24th, 2012 at 9:58 am

    Hey Matzo

    What do you care? If I dont vaccinate my kids they get sick not yours. I trust big pharma less than the gov. Best easiest method to rid the earth of feeders…vaccination. Go get yours, i’ll pass.

    Matzo Man Reply:
    May 24th, 2012 at 10:12 am

    Hey Dandroid, not sure if you noticed but I copied one of the above posts and replaced the word ‘polio’ with ‘The Black Death’. There were no vaccinations around in the year 1300 so you would think it would still be raging today. But it died out after only a few years. No one knows why.

    I guess I care about my countrymen getting lied to, and being led like cattle to infertility and ADD, call me crazy. It’s not about sickness.

  12. even if they do impose a law ”go to school get the vaccines??????” the people will eventually kick the asses of those who will have voted for such laws.

    nothing to loose humans, they want to kill you one way or another?????

    you either submit to your deaths, or you stand up to try and end this evil empire now taking place.

    FEAR!!!! is that what is keeping us all from massive intervention that would arrest most of the thugs serving the masters? well maybe one day FEAR will be replaced by NECESSITY? then we will all understand what goes around, comes around.

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One Response to “Revolt Against Vaccines Leads to Mass Exodus From Texas Colleges”

  1. The Refusers says:

    If mandatory vaccines bug you, listen to the Refusers, my band. Our news blog is linked in this Alex Jones ‘Revolt Against Vaccines’ article (the quote ‘one in four Americans believe vaccines are unsafe’).

    We are protest music against the vaccine machine. The Refusers are #14 in Seattle Rock on Reverbnation and our music video First Do No Harm went viral (281,000 views in 5 weeks).

    We’re not selling nothing or after your money, listen for free. We are about awareness, not profit.

    Music video First Do No Harm:



    Vaccine Gestapo:
    Get Your Mandates Out of My Body:

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