Mass Government Surveillance Dragnet Goes Into Overdrive

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FBI unit to spy on all communications, including skype conversations

Steve Watson
May 24, 2012

Mass Government Surveillance Dragnet Goes Into Overdrive Digital surveillance image via Shutterstock

As if the government were not engaging in enough surveillance of law abiding Americans already, two major developments just ensured that the snooping will increase exponentially.

Firstly, the FBI is about to launch a huge new surveillance unit that will have the ability to monitor all internet and wireless communications, including internet skype conversations.

The incredibly Orwellian titled Domestic Communications Assistance Center, will “assist” local, state and federal law enforcement agencies in spying on the American people.

After reviewing a multitude of government documents and interviewing sources involved with the FBI unit, Declan McCullagh of CNet reports:

“DCAC’s mandate is broad, covering everything from trying to intercept and decode Skype conversations to building custom wiretap hardware or analyzing the gigabytes of data that a wireless provider or social network might turn over in response to a court order. It’s also designed to serve as a kind of surveillance help desk for state, local, and other federal police.”

McCullagh notes that the unit has been in the pipeline for years and that spearheading it will be the FBI’s massive wiretapping project , which was allocated $54 million by a Senate committee last month.

McCullagh has also extensively reported on the FBI’s push to make it law to require social-networks and providers of VoIP, instant messaging, and Web e-mail to build in backdoors for government surveillance.

The Bureau is reportedly urging Internet and communications companies not to oppose the move.

We want to “be able to obtain those communications,” FBI Director Robert Mueller said last Wednesday. “What we’re looking at is some form of legislation that will assure that when we get the appropriate court order that those individuals — individual companies are served with that order do have the capability and the capacity to respond to that order.”

The second major development on the government surveillance front is that a Senate Panel has voted this week to extend the government’s authority to engage in warrantless wiretapping.

The Senate Select Committee on Intelligence voted to extend through to June 2017 the 2008 provision of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA).

The provision would allow the government to continue monitoring e-mails and phone calls of those it considers to be “terrorism suspects”.

The Washington Post reports:

The American Civil Liberties Union has filed a lawsuit challenging the 2008 law, arguing that it allows dragnet surveillance that could pick up Americans’ communications. But many current and former administration officials disagree, saying any collection of communications by Americans would be incidental and subject to procedures to shield their identities.

In a joint statement, committee Chairman Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.) and ranking Republican Saxby Chambliss (Ga.) said the law’s provisions have provided necessary intelligence to fight terrorism and understand adversaries’ intentions around the world. “These authorities cannot be allowed to expire, and we urge quick action by the Senate and the House,” they said.

The FISA provision introduced in 2008 was merely a confirmation of activity that government spy agencies, such as the NSA, have been engaging in for years.

The ACLU recently released an infographic (below) detailing  how the NSA’s warrantless wiretapping program has grown in gargantuan proportions and now intercepts 1.7 billion US electronic communications every single day. Those communications will soon all be funneled through the top secret $2 billion spy center in the Utah desert, which the NSA has refused to provide Congress with details of.

The surveillance dragnet just got a hell of a lot bigger, and rest assured that while the government says its official targets are “terrorists”, snoops are using these powers to go after Americans exercising their constitutional rights.

Mass Government Surveillance Dragnet Goes Into Overdrive nsa infographic


Steve Watson is the London based writer and editor for Alex Jones’, and He has a Masters Degree in International Relations from the School of Politics at The University of Nottingham in England.

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14 Responses to “Mass Government Surveillance Dragnet Goes Into Overdrive”

  1. Will it have a chilling effect on private email servers that use PGP encryption? I don’t think so.

    On many others? Yeah 🙁

    You’d better find someone who knows Info Sec to tell you how to stay anonymous, especially if you really need to be!!!

    Installing NoScript on firefox and using proxies is a start.

  2. It’s almost time to go Old School…I lived for years without the internet and TV and cell phones. Time to go off the grid.

    Vic Reply:
    May 24th, 2012 at 9:55 am

    Bravo you are starting to understand.

    Vic Reply:
    May 24th, 2012 at 9:57 am

    This also goes with the rest of the abusive tools like oil prices and cars that run on gasoline.

    until the many realise once we start hitting that organisation hard, the abusers will surrender and comply to what the many want. until then keep paying the abuse oil prices and keep using your intelligent phones. paying the abusers and making them very very rich as they abuse us all.

    The wake up is slow to come seems.

  3. You can use ixquick and startpage with https for starters. Make these spies work.
    DO NOT use google.

    Also encrypt your hard drive with a secure password. Use Strong wireless encryption.
    Encrypt all of your emails too.
    Remember that the email, subject line, isn’t usually encrypted so beware of this when you use it.

    Vic Reply:
    May 24th, 2012 at 9:58 am

    yep that is one way, but what makes you think startpage or any said independant software cannot be spyed on or controlled?

  4. Welcome to the USSA….United Stasi States of America

    Peace Frog Reply:
    May 24th, 2012 at 9:39 am

    Almost forgot…If you See Something (cash for coffee)…Say Something

  5. Use TOR free browser to surf anonymously.

  6. Hey FBI


    Surveillance that

  7. Can anybody see whom the real terrorists and traitors are enabling this stuff? It is the Congress of the United States. These entrenched vermin, these bought and paid for whores of Wall Street and Israel. these traitors to their own country make all of this possible by continually passing more and more evil legislation and then lavishly funding it.

    If this bunch of mafia like, criminal enterprise traitors are not removed from office, all of them with the exception of a few real patriots this Fall, America will become in totality a third world dictatorship in the Global Plantation that Obama (and Romney) and their predecessors have been plotting to establish for the last four or five decades.

    This means not only my Congressrat and Senate traitor but your’s also. They are all dirty traitors that have sold us all out decades ago. Only a new Congress composed of the 99% can save the United States from the grips of these megalomaniacs in all three branches of government.

  8. If only humans could understand the following:

    even though big brother spies and monitors internet, the people just need to be wiser than the thugs those peeping Tom’s.

    send them on wild goose chases, do not let them know any of your thoughts.People need to start to realise you are not in a private matrix with internet, or cell phones or iphones.

    Stop feeding the beast with what he wants to know from us all!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    diss information is an essential element if we are to beat this NWO. Get there heads spining with questions. The paranoids will go crazy? they already are close to that as it is now.

  9. they’ll spy on us VICTIMS to victimize us some more..
    but the “Fumbling Batch of Idiots” wont spy on the real traitors,
    who deliberately sabotaged OUR economy TO usher in the total control grid,
    more poverty, more crime, we need more police, more police DIE..
    more often its government shipping the drugs in, banks laundering money etc.

    they get off on playing spy-vs-spy thinking they’re getting paid to have fun,
    the thrill of bagging a perp after being criminally deviate to entrap em.
    they dont think about their own family members who have already been victimized,
    or about their future family members who WILL BE victimized by all this BS.

    hell yeah I hope the FIRST thing they do with this surveillance crap is bust the traitors who have hijacked this nation, and the second thing they do is nullify all their “laws”. they’ve raked trillions raping and selling out this country.. so it isnt like it wouldnt be worthwhile to go ahead and do it!
    good luck with that, right?

    the dumb SOB’s dont understand what REAL SECURITY is.
    like being able to work a good job or run a business making decent money,
    being able to afford to pay for things that DO come up in life,
    knowing your neighbors are decent, doing ok, and not looking to victimize you,
    security is being able to leave real estate and legacy to your children when you die,

    security is not a buncha cameras and microphones up everyones asses you retards!
    what did Nixon get busted for doing? tapping telephones microphones you retards!
    DC spent trillions in “corporate welfare” to MAKE people unemployed and homeless,
    dont the retards at the FBI comprehend what fuggen TREASON is?

    YOUR BOSSES want the total prison grid in place to protect themselves,
    from their victims, the American People.. and ya dumb SOB’s “just follow orders”.

  10. STOP MOANING about reality!
    Reveal it for what it is,
    Wake up the sleeping,
    Stop it in its tracks where you can, and when you can,
    and most of all…
    Prepare for it, and when its ugly head is right in front of you,

    With violence being only a last resort,
    Let their bastards work over time for their blood money!
    COMMUNICATE FACE TO FACE, and only trust people you’ve trusted since childhood.

    The war is on, and you need to be RESISTANCE EDUCATED!

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