Reward experienced MPs, Truss urges Newman

Incoming Queensland premier Campbell Newman should ensure that three veteran Nationals are given ministries, federal Nationals leader Warren Truss says.

Mr Newman’s Liberal National Party team defeated Labor in a landslide at Saturday’s election.

The only members of the team to have served as ministers in a Queensland state government are former Nationals Lawrence Springborg, Howard Hobbs and Vaughan Johnson.

Mr Truss says the trio would be “exceptionally valuable” members of the Newman government.

“It would be very wise to include the experienced people in the team because their knowledge of the past is exceptionally valuable,” Mr Truss told AAP on Sunday.

But Mr Truss said Mr Newman had a “huge team of very talented people” including a number that had the potential to be “future leader”.

“That is a great asset,” Mr Truss said.

The Nationals leader said it had been a “breathtaking result” and the issues of trust and cost of living pressures – which were also federal concerns – were central to the win.

He said the carbon tax had been an issue, with Mr Newman promising to print the financial impact of the tax on every electricity bill.

Mr Truss said one of the most significant factors in the election win was that the LNP was now electorally “competitive” in the Brisbane region.

“One of the compelling reasons to create the LNP was the inability of the Liberals and the Nationals to win in Brisbane and that has been the prize benefit,” he said.

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