Rob Katter to lead father’s party in Qld

The son of maverick federal MP Bob Katter will lead his father’s party in Queensland.

Rob Katter won the seat of Mount Isa at last month’s state election to become one of two Katter’s Australian Party (KAP) MPs in Queensland.

Liberal National Party defector Shane Knuth retained his seat of Dalrymple to become KAP’s second MP.

Mr Katter’s son has been endorsed as the party’s state leader and Mr Knuth has been endorsed as the parliamentary leader.

The pair say they have an enormous workload in not only representing their electorates but to also provide proper scrutiny of the government which holds an overwhelming majority.

“I am confident in Shane’s ability to manage the parliamentary workload given his eight years experience in the house and I look forward to hitting the ground running as we certainly have our work cut out for us,” Rob Katter said in a statement.

The party is running a candidate in the South Brisbane by-election on Saturday.

AAP peb

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