Ron Paul’s Delegates Deluge: Minnesota, Washington State, Louisiana

May 2, 2012

Ron Paul has apparently secured a majority of delegates in Iowa, Louisiana, Massachusetts, Minnesota, Washington State and possibly other states, and is on pace to officially “win” those states and do well in others, as the process moves towards the national level. Officially winning just 5 states will mean a formal RNC nomination for Paul.

Ron Paul is Winning Against Mitt Romney in the Primary!

(Or at least the crowds and delegates numbers suggest as much)

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60 Responses to “Ron Paul’s Delegates Deluge: Minnesota, Washington State, Louisiana”

  1. Ron Paul could run as a 3rd party candidate.

  2. Ron Paul would be better than Romney or Barry.

  3. The delegate count serves one simple process, which is to elect nominees who will debate for the nomination at the GOP convention. Any candidate who has at least five states’ majority by November, is automatically a nominee at the convention. In the case of there being two candidates at the convention, such as which will occur this year (Paul and Romney), the previous state delegate counts means nothing — can you grasp this? At the convention, the entire selection process is ‘reset” and starts at the beginning again, as the two candidates then vie for votes at the convention nomination as candidate to the General Election…..

    I copied and pasted this from ugly americans post….thanks ugly !!

  4. Ron Paul is the victim of Zionist media persecution and GOP Zionist leadership. It he loses the nomination, you know who to blame.

  5. go ahead call me a pussy if you want but ill admit! the second video brought tears to my eyes

    Ron Paul 2012

    • Jed Eckert: [they are surveying a wintery landscape, as several tanks gather on both sides to shoot it out] You got across *that*?

      Col. Andy Tanner: Just part of it. I hope our guys are still there.

      Jed Eckert: So this is the battlefield?

      Col. Andy Tanner: It’s a real war, kid. It’s here every day.

  6. we must make a stand for freedom here in tampa, come by car bus walk carvan just get here lets show them we mean business, calling freedom patriots to come help ron paul win we cant sit back anymore its time we act now.

  7. So your brother’s bound and gagged
    And they’ve chained him to a chair
    Won’t you please come to tampa
    Just to sing

    In a land that’s known as freedom
    How can such a thing be fair
    Won’t you please come to tampa
    For the help that we can bring

    We can change the world
    Re-arrange the world
    It’s dying … to get better

    Politicians sit yourselves down
    There’s nothing for you here
    Won’t you please come to tampa For a ride

    Don’t ask Jack to help you
    ‘Cause he’ll turn the other ear
    Won’t you please come to tampa Or else join the other side

    We can change the world
    Re-arrange the world
    It’s dying … if you believe in justice
    It’s dying … and if you believe in freedom
    It’s dying … let a man live his own life
    It’s dying … rules and regulations, who needs them
    Throw them out the door
    Somehow people must be free
    I hope the day comes soon
    Won’t you please come to tampa Show your face

    From the bottum of the ocean
    To the mountains on the moon
    Won’t you please come to tampa
    No one else can take your place

    Yes, we can change the world
    Re-arrange the world
    It’s dying … if you believe in justice
    It’s dying … and if you believe in freedom
    It’s dying … let a man live his own life
    It’s dying … rules and regulations, who needs them
    open up the door

  8. Rachel seems happy about Paul’s victories. Since she learned Obama was using the NDAA to set up a regime she’s maybe not so leftist anymore.

  9. Suddenly my follow up comments here are “awaiting moderation.”

  10. I honestly had no idea. This is encouraging. I also now realize that I get too much of my information from corrupt mainstream news.

  11. I repost this, to all who oppose and doubt Paul’s destiny as GOP nominee to the General Election against Obama:

    It’s immoral voices like yours which have caused America to falter as it has. You are the cause. It’s the candidates you’ve given us – Bush, Obama, now Romney — which represents the very nature of our current failure as a nation in debt, in war, and in perilous civil times. True fact.

    And we will fight you to your death, as we have for more than 200 years.

    Now listen: Your embarrassing lack of understanding of the delegate process is common among you — the CNN and FOX spoon feds.

    If you care to learn, here:

    The delegate count serves one simple process, which is to elect nominees who will debate for the nomination at the GOP convention. Any candidate who has at least five states’ majority by November, is automatically a nominee at the convention. In the case of there being two candidates at the convention, such as which will occur this year (Paul and Romney), the previous state delegate counts means nothing — can you grasp this? At the convention, the entire selection process is “reset,” and the voting starts at the beginning again, as the two candidates then vie for votes at the convention as nominee to the General Election.

    It will be Paul and Romney, going head to head.

    Clearly, Romney, the Mormon, faces a major challenge in winning head-to-head against Paul at the convention.

    You see, the GOP’s core are the Christian evangelicals (they were represented in Santorum’s and Gingrich’s support), and those evangelicals will vote staunchly according to their faith, always for a Christian like Paul — and this is very, very bad news for Mormon Romney, who believes that to even celebrate Christmas, or light a Christmas tree at the White House, is a sin.

    Paul represents the true voice of conservatism, and while you’ve been duped by your TV analysis and neo-con party machine facades (straw votes which mean absolutely nothing), Paul is destined to carry the conservative voice into the General Election in November. True fact.

    You mew and gnash your teeth, and all that will come to nothing! Morality prevails!

    • Thanks so much. That was refreshing.

  12. If Paul does pull off a Republican nomination, do you guys think we see a neo-con or evangelical 3rd party run to peel off some of the “conservatives” the MSM is always referring to? Or do you think they the establishment actually pits Paul v. Obama (can’t wait to see that debate)

  13. If Ron Paul is elected President in November can we all go back to sleep then?

    • I think we hold his feet to the fire to end the wars and get after the congress to support the legislation he proposes that we agree with. We also encourage him to start repealing executive powers ASAP

  14. Even if RP doesn’t win this is still a victory for Freedom and a victory that shows that people are finally starting to wake up to the bullshit that’s been going on up at DC for quite some time now.

  15. Either way it’s Ron Paul or i will leave this country too. Romney will be a wimpier version of Obama who is a total stooge of the NWO, big banks, mega corporations, etc.. I can’t believe he is against legalizing marijuana. i’ll bet all of the black folks, liberals, etc.. are scratching their heads on that one. Everyone knows the best thing for the country and the best way to get rid of the mexican cartels is to legalize!!!! put those scumbags out of business for good.

  16. The truth is, only those that are still blinded by the current programming are the ones who will vote for anyone other than Ron Paul.

    Ron Paul is the “only” solution out of the mess we are in out of the NWO plan to finalize the destruction of the United States (experiment), legitimize the North American Union, do the same w/ the Middle East (destroy it to reconstruct it in line w/ the NWO), legitimize the World Government, then have all of the “unions” (i.e., North American, European, African, Asian, (global dictatorships) etc.) bow down to this (Nazism on Steroids) Megalith.

    David Icke – The 5 Sense Conspiracy (02h:25m) – Video
    Historical Synopsis Of Power Control From Ancient To Present Times
    w w w .youtube. c o m/watch?v=bGM43jGjXkU (remove spaces)

    Ron Paul – US President 2012 !!!

  17. Oh my lord. RP has 80 delegates, no more, no less. Just because he can gather all his voters under one roof in a few states, doesn’t mean there is a conspiracy, as is implied. Romney has nearly 850 delegates, the MSM isn’t going to follow someone who has a mathematical impossibility of winning. It’s time to get off this RP thing and find the differences between Romney and Obama. Libertarians must have a lot of heart, I give them that, but the writing is on the wall folks. RP can not win. I repeat RP cannot win. Focus your energy elsewhere.

    • The writing IS on the wall for zionist puppets like Romney and Obama. ALL things are possible. Your words mean zero I repeat zero. Focus YOUR attention elsewhwere. Ron Paul can and will win, I repeat Ron Paul can and WILL win

      • I’ll give you a nickel if he does

    • Libertarians do have a lot of heart – and they can count, too. 80? It was 80 before the majority the last 7 state’s worth of delegates have been predicted to be Paul’s. At this current pace, Paul is “projected” to have more than your buddy Romney. You may be able to read the writing on the wall but your math skills suck. Keep drinking the kool-aid.

      And don’t tell me where to focus my energy, you establishment poser.

      Yes, I am a Paulbot – and damn proud of it.

      • 962 Delagates remaining. RP has 80. 80+962 = 1042. Amount needed to win = 1144. Max RP can get is 1042, that that would mean no remaining districts in America would vote for Romney. This my friend is not even reasonable to equate a discussion as to RP losing. You can continue your delusion though.

        • You operate under the many delusions and brainwashing of the former main stream media. All you do is simply post comments you know will provoke people into a response. If this is the best a stupid product of the controlled opposition has to offer to true honest alternative news, it is further evidence “the media” is in its final death throes and has lost all credibility.

          CNN last month had its worst ratings since August 2001. You love to chant the former MSM Mockingbird group speak. Have another glass of fluoridated water. Stay in your stilted stupid somnolence. The rest of the world is gradually becoming wide awake while you slip into fantasy land. If you adore Mitt Romney and his Kolob crowd, go work for them. You don’t stand a chance here and you know it. Perhaps he will rope you on top of his car and you can go for a riiiiide!

        • Wells, brother, the math speaks for itself. The facts are what they are. To say 80+962=1042 is a fact. It can not be changed, no matter how much your delusions tell you they are different. If I were a Medical doctor I would suggest that you increase your dose. Since I am not a doctor, I can only suggest that you see one. Possibly a therapist as well. I’m suggesting real doctors, not unproven doctors that practice pseudo-holistic healing. To suggest that math in it’s purest form is misinformation, is simply not reality. Reality is much different than your hatred of my factual information. If you can present the math that suggest other than what I have presented, by all means do so.

        • Oh you are so special. More like fly in need of a swatter. You retort was weak.

        • @ infowars.check

          I’m no expert on the delegate system.
          But from what I understand, once at the convention, the delegates can change their vote.

          Correct me if I’m wrong.

        • From here forward Wells, I will not respond to your comments, unless they add constructive information conducive to the topic of discussion. You may not like the facts that are presented, however facts are those which cannot be changed. If you take the blinders off and really look passed the hatred of the facts, you will find yourself in a much more informed position that looking at everything in a way that only fits your mold of how they should be, or what you suspect will happen. You’re a good man wells, just a little blind to the whole aspect of a story. You cannot be truely informed unless you take in all the facts, even if you disagree with where those facts lead. You must learn to separate your wants from reality my friend.

        • @English this is correct, don’t think for a moment I’m an expert either ha. I know that it’s unheard of though. The reason being, because for those delegates to go against the voters desire in that district would be political suicide. Weather they changed their vote for Paul, Romney, or whoever. So, not that it can’t happen, just that common sense and history tells us it won’t happen. Hope this helps bro

        • @ infowars.check

          Voters in some states wanted Ron Paul but got Mit.
          So delegates could change their mind and reflect their voters.

          I’ve no doubt though, that the globalists will do anything to prevent Ron Paul getting the nomination.

        • infowars.check appears to be a genius. We should listen to him/her and stop supporting Ron Paul. Haha.

        • @ English: Which delegates switch? How many? And you’re probably right, about there being an agenda to push Romney on us, but I don’t know how we could ever prove that without speculation, ya know? There is still a system of checks and balances in this country, and as bad as things are in this country, what other results can we expect after the supreme court decisions in the 60′s that radically changed America’s course in history? Everything has a cycle, and we just need to work through it. Use our reason, and not our fists. Help our communities, and start at the grass roots.

          @Warrier, I’m not telling you who to vote for or even trying to discourage you from supporting RP. I’m just pointing out the facts, and stating that this RP conspiracy stuff that Infowars pushes down on us is like beating a dead horse. We need not focus on today, but focus on the messages that designate beyond election 2012. Rand Paul is that message, and everyone knows that except for AJ and Infowars.

      • infowars.check has absolutely no real ability to put forth anything more than superficial points to provoke people into reaction. The specific intent is to discourage or obscure facts. This troll also is in need of a spellchecker and a proofreader.

        Take for example this gem posted a few days ago:

        infowars.check says:
        April 29, 2012 at 6:57 am

        Anytime you have threats against the financial system there will be a coordinated effort to make sure there are no robberies or business disruptions. This only makes since, people throughout the nation still have to engage in business, and have the RIGHT to not have their RIGHTS infringed upon by people who are protesting. This is not a movement against the OWS, this is a measure to make sure others not involved with the protest remain safe. As the OWS have demonstrated time after time, they can be violent, and disrupt other peoples daily lives.


        • The pseudo intellectual “infowars.check” fraud is grasping at straws with the specific intent to throw the comment threads off and become the center the focus for the 15 minutes of fame.

  18. Gladiator, Rachel? Interesting you should mention that. Do you have any idea how many millions of Americans would gladly champion Ron Paul in a fight to the death? Bet you can count on one hand how many challengers there would be for Romney or Obama – to the death.

    Ron Paul has the popular vote and the delegates to win. All of your establishment-prick’s tricks just might prove to be a dangerous game to play at this point. Better wake up soon or you just might be blindsided – into oblivion.

    • Well, with all do respect, it’s not a fight to the death. It’s a RACE to the white house. Much different, it might work like that in random other countries, but not America.

  19. Well now isn’t this exciting? Fasten you seatbelts things are going to get very very bumpy!


  20. Ron Paul US President 2012 !!! Ron Paul US President 2012 !!! Ron Paul US President 2012 !!! Ron Paul US President 2012 !!! Ron Paul US President 2012 !!! Ron Paul US President 2012 !!! Ron Paul US President 2012 !!! Ron Paul US President 2012 !!! Ron Paul US President 2012 !!! Ron Paul US President 2012 !!! Ron Paul US President 2012 !!! Ron Paul US President 2012 !!! Ron Paul US President 2012 !!! Ron Paul US President 2012 !!! Ron Paul US President 2012 !!! Ron Paul US President 2012 !!! Ron Paul US President 2012 !!! Ron Paul US President 2012 !!! Ron Paul US President 2012 !!! Ron Paul US President 2012 !!! Ron Paul US President 2012 !!! Ron Paul US President 2012 !!! Ron Paul US President 2012 !!! Ron Paul US President 2012 !!! Ron Paul US President 2012 !!! Ron Paul US President 2012 !!! Ron Paul US President 2012 !!! Ron Paul US President 2012 !!! Ron Paul US President 2012 !!! Ron Paul US President 2012 !!! Ron Paul US President 2012 !!! Ron Paul US President 2012 !!! Ron Paul US President 2012 !!! Ron Paul US President 2012 !!! Ron Paul US President 2012 !!!

  21. I have never hoped for a candidate to win the nomination in my life.

    I’m hoping here.

    He is the ONLY viable candidate.

    He is NOT a warmongering FREAK.

    He LOVES the constitution.

    He HAS integrity.

    What more do you want?

    Click on my name:

    The Declaration of Independence: REVISED Ron Paul Edition

    GO RON GO!

  22. Why do Ron Paul supporters turn out in mass and usually win over support from other candidates’ delegates? Because they stand for something of consequence and actually want to change things for the better. Ron Paul is not a flip flopper or some other glib politician who says what ever he thinks will garner him support for that day or moment like Romney.

    When you stand for something noble and inspire that in your supporters and others it says a lot about you and your campaign.

    • Truly…

      “An appeal to arms and the God of Hosts is all that is left us.”
      Patrick Henry

      • Well most people these days think we have been duped by Christianity. So then this is an awakening which will not leave that age old question unanswered.

        People can not prosper without their Maker.


  23. It ain’t over by a long shot, America can write Ron Paul’s name in, he can run on a third party ticket, they’re maybe a brokered convention…………God speed Ron Paul.

  24. And don’t forget the 20-20 tie in Missoura.

  25. And in comes the instant Paul Pessimists! Why do people insist that the fight is over before it even begins?!

    Dr. Paul is doing AWESOME and there are some who are claiming defeat already! Grow up and get in the game or go support someone you like better.

    Transfer your negative whiny bullshit to some other campaign.

    • And don’t forget the 20-20 tie in Missoura.

      OK Iv’e tried fifteen times to run this one but it always gets rejected. Why?
      You guys gave us that figure ancouple weeks ago so run it.

      • Try spelling the name of the state correctly, maybe that will work. It’s Missouri.

  26. America needs to realise that if there is NO PON PAUL, there truly is NO MORE AMERICA! THE LAND OF THE FREE ….. It will simply no longer exist. Good fortune for RON PAUL, we all hope he will win and make America Great again.

  27. Ron better look into a heart stopping gun proof vest.

    • YES..

  28. The Republican Convention must be turned into an absolute 10 ring circus. Both parties are completely clueless except in ways to pull the house down on the American people. Ron Paul can emerge victorious but he has to go very aggressive and so do his supporters. In their own way, most Americans are sick and tired of being presented with the lesser of two evils. In 2012, there is no difference between Obama and Romney. The only person who has spoken to issues in a substantive and positive way is Ron Paul. Without Ron Paul as President, I have already made contingency plans to leave the US. The US will descend into confrontation and anarchy. People need real hope and honest truths to work to a real future. The only one who can deliver that is Ron Paul. The other two are “spokesmen” for the NWO.

  29. I like Ron Paul, but Ron Paul isn’t winning anything. Romney has 847 delegates and Ron Paul has 80. Ron Paul is toast and hanging around until the end isn’t going to help him. He won’t have much influence on the convention because they have treated him like a leper from day one and will continue to do so. The only way Ron Paul will have an impact is to run as an independent or form a 3rd party and he doesn’t have the balls to do either. Ron Paul needs to grow a pair or stfu.

    • Flake OFF Jack.

      Paul has to push as hard as possible irregardless of “winning” or losing. Everything he does makes for more progress.

      I’m tired of hearing people’s antiquated perrceptions of what “winning” is.

      A true infowarrior wouldn’t tell Paul to STFU.

      Under the circumstances, Paul’s decisions have been right on.

      • @ enzomedici

        I’m no expert on the delegate system. But from what I understand, most of the undecided delegates will be siding with Ron Paul.

      • 80 847 He will never win in the Republican nomination. It’s like saying the Cubs will win the world series. Never going to happen. Do you really think the republican establishment will vote for him? If you do you are nuts. Even if he ran on a third party ticket, that would ensure a Obama victory. Ron Paul is the new Ross Perot. Those that don’t study history are doomed to repeat it.

        • You better take a look at the 1920,s election of an independent before you go shooting your mouth off.

        • You speak like obama hasn’t lost votes to ron paul. Ron paul gathers votes from republicans, 3rd parties, and democrats so look at the bigger picture brochacho

    • It’s immoral voices like yours which have caused America to falter as it has. It’s the candidates you’ve given us – Bush, Obama, now Romney — which represents the very nature of our current failure as a nation in debt, in war, and in perilous civil times. True fact.

      And we will fight you to your death, as we have for more than 200 years.

      Now listen: Your embarrassing lack of understanding of the delegate process is common among you — the CNN and FOX spoon feds.

      If you care to learn, here:

      The delegate count serves one simple process, which is to elect nominees who will debate for the nomination at the GOP convention. Any candidate who has at least five states’ majority by November, is automatically a nominee at the convention. In the case of there being two candidates at the convention, such as which will occur this year (Paul and Romney), the previous state delegate counts means nothing — can you grasp this? At the convention, the entire selection process is ‘reset” and starts at the beginning again, as the two candidates then vie for votes at the convention nomination as candidate to the General Election.

      It will be Paul and Romney, going head to head.

      Clearly, Romney, the Mormon, faces a major challenge in winning head-to-head against Paul at the convention.

      You see, the GOP’s core are the Christian evangelicals (they were represented in Santorum’s and Gingrich’s support), and those evangelicals will vote staunchly according to their faith, always for a Christian like Paul — and thiis is very, very bad news for Mormon Romney.

      Paul represents the true voice of conservatism, and while you’ve been duped by your TV analysis and neo-con party machine facades (straw votes which mean absolutely nothing), Paul is destined to carry the conservative voice into the General Election in November. True fact.

      You mew and gnash your teeth, and all that will come to nothing! Morality prevails!

      • I have been educated by your post…another thing msm doesnt do and thats explain the delegate process. I see why now, please keep posting this until all the (other) uninformed get it (education). Now I see the simplicity of the delegate count. I am getting my real hopes up now. God Ron Paul vs Mitt Rhomney head to head is no contest…can you imagine an actual debate between those two, then Obama? Im licking my chops. This is awesome!!!

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