Rubio Addressed World Government Group in New York
June 3, 2012

On Sunday at the Bilderberg protest, the Infowars team received a tip that Florida senator Marco Rubio, who is a possible Romney vice president selection, recently spoke before the Council on Foreign Relations.

It turns out Rubio did indeed address the CFR in New York on May 31. According to New York Magazine, Rubio talked foreign policy during a discussion and QA. The CFR one-world government crowd was apparently very enamored with Rubio, according to the magazine.

Rubio did not try to hide the fact he rubbed elbows with the globalists. It was announced it on his tax payer funded website:

Washington, D.C. – On Thursday, May 31, U.S. Senator Marco Rubio, a member of the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence and Senate Foreign Relations Committee, will address The Council on Foreign Relations (CFR). During his remarks and a question and answer session, Rubio will discuss his views on America’s role in the world as well as top issues of the day in foreign affairs.

Rubio played an important role in the domestication of the libertarian Tea Party movement and helped usher it into the GOP establishment tent. The corporate media called him the “crown prince” of the movement. His appearance at the CFR reveals his true establishment cred.

It has yet to be confirmed if Rubio attended the Bilerberg meeting in Virgina this weekend.

Here is a video of the CFR talk:

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