War Criminal Kissinger Pictured Leaving Bilderberg

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June 3, 2012

War Criminal Kissinger Pictured Leaving Bilderberg
War Criminal Kissinger Pictured Leaving Bilderberg
War Criminal Kissinger Pictured Leaving Bilderberg

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27 Responses to “War Criminal Kissinger Pictured Leaving Bilderberg”

  1. Why are these people not in jail?
    Globalism is Treason

    captain obvious Reply:
    June 3rd, 2012 at 5:03 pm

    about every United NAZIons member country,
    has been treasonously economically sabotaged,
    simultaneously! it sure aint “global commerce”.
    financial terrorism and plundering? definitely.

    AnyPaulWillDo Reply:
    June 3rd, 2012 at 6:58 pm

    Alex – Lyndsey Williams – stop calling them ELITE!
    They get off on that. They are NO ELITE! PLEASE STOP!

    We, the kind freedom loving humble people are the ELITE!

    They are:

    They don’t work – they steal. They do NOTHING productive.
    They only DESTROY!

    They are NOT ELITE! WE ARE.
    They are NOT ELITE! WE ARE.
    They are NOT ELITE! WE ARE.
    They are NOT ELITE! WE ARE.
    They are NOT ELITE! WE ARE.
    They are NOT ELITE! WE ARE.
    They are NOT ELITE! WE ARE.
    They are NOT ELITE! WE ARE.

    Stop inflating their EGO with the lie – the LOVE IT!



    WTF ?


    LibertyHound Reply:
    June 3rd, 2012 at 1:51 pm

    It’s all those babies he eats that keeps him going! He is especially fond of fetus soup!

    TheGreatGazoo Reply:
    June 3rd, 2012 at 2:05 pm

    I have to agree……..he’s a baby eater, like david rockefucker………sick bastards that will burn in eternal hellfire ON BROIL!!!!!!!! What a Bunch of Dummies!

    trouble8696 Reply:
    June 3rd, 2012 at 3:47 pm

    Henry Kissinger deserves vigorous prosecution …for war crimes, for crimes against humanity, and for offenses against common or customary or international law, including conspiracy to commit murder, kidnap, and torture… yeah WHY IS THIS MAN NOT DEAD ?…DIE ALREADY YOU SCUM…

    the sage Reply:
    June 3rd, 2012 at 3:54 pm

    Kissinger is so isolated, elitist and out of touch with reality he probably thinks all of the people are there cheering him on.

    kingfish46815 Reply:
    June 3rd, 2012 at 5:36 pm

    He is 90

    Dandroid Reply:
    June 3rd, 2012 at 7:08 pm

    Fuck you Henry Asskissinger

  3. It is not the one who declares war who is the most evil it is the one who acts on it. So that makes us guilty of murder and genocide, him merely the mastermind. You not suppose to follow the orders of another man, but question authority. War is over if you want it.

    jchance Reply:
    June 3rd, 2012 at 2:43 pm

    Most people who are involved in the war process like the soldiers are oblivious to what is really going on. The most evil are always the ones at the top. It is that whole mentality of follow the money and you will find those who are the scummiest and are the ones to benefit most. They are the ones who manipulate people and pull strings after all.

    You cannot call someone who is misinformed evil. If they are showing complicity, then they are evil.

    the sage Reply:
    June 3rd, 2012 at 3:52 pm

    yes…it would then be involuntary manslaughter rather than genocide or crimes against humanity.

    Carol Ann Reply:
    June 3rd, 2012 at 5:50 pm


    “It is not the one who declares war who is the most evil it is the one who acts on it.” Both the evil plotting and its execution are part of the some act. Same in any crime. The husband who plots and hires a gun man to kill his wife is as guilty as the shooter. Degrees of evil don’t lessen the fact that evil and harm has been done.

    “So that makes us guilty of murder and genocide, him merely the mastermind.” Though it is imperative that we do everything in our power to stop evil when we are aware of it, inform, protest, act on behalf of the person potentially harmed, in this case, the wife. We have no real authority or ability ultimately to stop the criminal act unless we are the gun man or the husband.

    “ You not suppose to follow the orders of another man, but question authority.” The gun man can refuse to take the job. Report the potential crime to remove the threat. Walk away. The free will decision will influence and determine the consequences.

    “ War is over if you want it.” That presupposes the errant husband will not find another shooter. If everyone in the community refuses to execute the crime and also refuses its financial reward the act must be committed by the husband. If exposed, he alone will face the consequences of his evil plot. He will rightfully bear full responsibility for his action. We have a similar situation in our world today. But in this case, the evilness that is “masterminded” elsewhere is only punished if at all on the level of the shooter. Whole sovereign Nations sometimes get the blame for the actions of a few “masterminds”.

    The essence of community and National morality is MASS REFUSAL to commit or be complicit in evil crimes for financial remuneration. This is synonymous with a vibrant, free, moral and sovereign Nation. Integrity both at home and in the community, and in all branches of the government, is essential. And the “masterminds” of evil need to be exposed and brought to justice. If we ALL refuse to cooperate (your point well taken) with evil, they will have to fight their own battles and their debt based money system will no longer be of any effect.

    Dandroid Reply:
    June 3rd, 2012 at 7:08 pm

    I stopped funding it 11 years ago…whos next?

  4. Probably has to go catch a plane to report to the Illuminati what happened this weekend. So they all know what will be happening for the next year and what they have to do and can expect and so on.

  5. There is NO terrorism but STATE terrorism,
    And KISSINJACKER–ROCKEFELCHER are its prophets!

  6. I dont condone unnecessary violence but these people need dragging out and prosecuting for breaking every rule in the book. Adolf Hitler did not die, he is now called Kissinger!

  7. he either spent the morning on his knees praying with Tony Blair, or placing bets with other Illuminati there on just how many protesters will suffer broken bones, being tasered, or raped in jail. Either way, his expression reveals the diversionary nature of the morning’s festivities. Tomorrow they’ll get back to the NWO Holocaust.

  8. trial and then execution

    Free Ron Paul
    Free Ron Paul
    Free Ron Paul




  10. he will inherit a bullet to the head along with the other demishits and never ever see their deity Satan for he will let his only son caine do the dirty work and just sit right by and do nothing

  11. I hope this will be last bilderberg meeting. This shriveled, worthless worm is nothing more than a mummy. Die you crusty,dusty,musty…peice of garbage!!!!

  12. get this..

    if there really WERE “terrorists”,
    you’d think a whole buncha these bilderberg SOB’s would be picked off.
    aint like the world is clueless about who these people are and what they do.

    isnt it just funny how its only other countries political figures get assassinated,
    or OUR political figures who get in the way of the warmongering scum,
    have “mysterious plane crashes” etc.

  13. anyone see Illinois rep. Bost go nuts in congress yet? i dont know if he is really outraged or if he just lost money when the stock marked dived. so much for insider trading. that beecho in the red shirt behind him is obviously banging someone high up, otherwise she wouldnt be smirking and trying not to laugh.

  14. What can you say for someone who spent his whole life doing evil, and now as an aging old pile of vomit in a cheap suit, is staring eternity in the face? In the immortal words of Mr. T, “Ah Pity Da Foo!”.

  15. when is that UGLY JEW, KISSASSINGER GOING TO FINALLY DIE? the pos must be 99yo by now.

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