Rush Limbaugh Joins Twitter

Radio host Rush Limbaugh announced on his Thursday show that he’s opened a Twitter account.

His handle @limbaugh is not to be confused with Fake Rush Limbaugh at a similar handle, @Iimbaugh (where the letter L is actually an upper-case letter “I”) but with only 679 followers. The real Rush already has more than 107,000 followers, but has yet to be verified.

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His first tweet recommended a story by The Daily Caller about NY Times ads airing on his show and criticized the progressive media watchdog group Media Matters for America.

He joined Twitter, he said on the show, to engage his “army” of followers:

“Everybody has been asking me what they can do to help in all of this, and I’ve been saying, nah, just do what you’ve been doing just, if you listen, keep listening, that’s fine, but … there’s an army out there that wants to be mobilized, and so, I figured, use Twitter for it. I’m just going to put some things on Twitter that you can help us circulate. It’s that simple — you just retweet them.”

Earlier this month, Limbaugh stirred up a storm of controversy when he labeled a college woman with a derogatory term after she asked that health care coverage included contraception. After which, big advertisers such as AOL withdrew their sponsorships.

Rush is not the first controversial figure to join Twitter. Hezbollah, the Shi’a Islamic group based in Lebanon that is considered a terrorist group by the United States, has a Twitter account with more than 10,000 followers.

There were also numerous Twitter accounts of people and groups associated with the Taliban.

Will you follow Rush Limbaugh on Twitter? Will you message him? Tell us in the comments.

Image courtesy of iStockphoto, RomanOkopny

This story originally published on Mashable here.

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