Santa Barbara Hoax Confirmed – Richard Martinez Fakes the Death of His Own Son

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Santa Barbara Hoax Confirmed – Richard Martinez Fakes the Death of His own Son

Updated June 2, title change and corrections, some images removed.

Make no mistake about it Santa Barbara hoax’s arch-fraudster and terminal liar Richard Martinez is a mole of moles, a Zionist agent and a spy. Like all other such agents who have been indelibly involved in DHS-orchestrated hoaxes he spews nothing but lies.

His purpose is to sprew great lies and fabrications, spreading corruption on the earth. Furthermore, he didn’t even wait for the (fake) corpse to cool. Right away, he started lunching at the American system, attempting to take down existing gun laws.

It cannot be confirmed yet that Christopher Martinez is his son; he surely could be. There is a resemblance. Yet, what can be confirmed is that he is faking the death of that person.

NOTE: the previous presumption of the use of old photos of Richard Martinez as a psyops fake have been removed and are under further review.

Among his inane commentary is the following:


He spoke to him less than an hour before he was killed. Who believes such story-lines. Regardless, what father speaks that way about his son, “Ask anyone who knew him?” A great kid, sure he is – and a fake one, too:


He is in full sunlight yet half his body is in shadow and the other half in light, a physical impossibility. The right arm is anomalous; the helmet is huge, adult-size. Notice that there is no one else anywhere to be seen on that field.

Zoomed in, note the anomalous blur tool and/or brush tool marks on the top of the scalp as well as other blurring and anomalies from cut-and-paste. There can be no explanation for those light stroke marks on the top of the head other than Photoshop corruption.


The hair seems to be filled with brush stroke marks. There are smudge marks all over the face. The right eye is completely corrupt. The head is off-center to the left of the neck. There is a massive cut line disguised by the blur tool across the left head. The mouth is distorted.

The cubs hat picture is a bit more realistic.

How is this normal? His hair looks like it was brushed in, especially noticeable on the right.santabarbaramartinezphotoshop2

The lying cheat known as Richard Martinez is therefore confirmed. The fabricator from the outset was touting the need to attack and destroy existing gun laws. According to the Zionist mouthpiece

Richard Martinez, the father of UCSB shooting victim Chris Martinez, has a message to Congress: stop calling him and do something. Martinez, who slammed ”irresponsible politicians and the NRA” in the wake of his son’s death, told Anderson Cooper Tuesday night that he would not take phone calls from Congresspeople until something was done addressing gun violence.

In his contrived speeches he overacts and protests extensively, in some cases while reading from a script. In fact, all that he says and touts has been scripted by his Zionist superiors.

Next to him in many of the images is his cohort in crime, purported brother Alan. The man is virtually encroaching upon him as he is speaking, while looking towards him in a most bizarre way.

As pointed out by an astute poster on GodLikeForums during the interview Alan Martinez does something very mysterious. He feigns as if wiping his nose, but doesn’t do that. Instead, he appears to be showing off a ring – surely, a Masonic one.


Once again, he didn’t actually wipe his nose. Nor did he need to do so.


He combines it with a furtive glance. The combination is surely an indication of a suggestive sign which he is attempting to give. Obviously, he is concerned about how well this lie will come off. Does he think that his Masonic brothers can somehow protect him from being revealed as a fraud?

Unlike his fake son, Martinez has a significant profile. This includes the use of a wide range of aliases. Clearly, Martinez, under the employ of the treacherous Zionist cabal, including the Bloomberg-Feinstein clique, is a Mossad mole:


He is a treacherous spy. Why else would he use such a litany of names, including one where the first letter of his surname is removed (and then used as a middle initial): Anthony M. Artinez, also Richar Martinez (removal of the ‘d’). That alone is proof that he is an operative. He, in fact, apparently, often switches his first name for the middle name:



These are all his closest associates. Does anyone see the name of the purported son, Christopher Martinez, Chris Martinez, or Christopher Michael Martinez (let alone Christopher Ross-Michael Martinez) anywhere? In fact, he has no known profile, as if he is non-existent – a phantom.


Where is the evidence for the existence of a person named Christopher Michael Martinez in Los Osos? As of  yet no such profile has been discovered. He does have a facebook page. Yet, the information, here, is limited to a few isolated pictures, the same ones largely offered by the mass media.

Certainly, more investigation is needed. Yet, what is certain is that no one by that named died in a hail of bullets in a convenience store.

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