Saskatoon hit with high winds, power outages

Electricity was out again in parts of Saskatoon, thanks to high winds bashing tree limbs into power lines.

Reports said some areas downtown, as well as homes in the Sutherland area, were in the dark Wednesday morning.

Broken branches littered some streets and city crews were called out to clean up the damage.

The day before, thousands of residents on the west side lost power for several hours after lightning struck a transmission structure outside the city. For them, the lights came back on before midnight.

On Wednesday, Environment Canada issued wind warnings for Saskatoon, Regina and other communities, with gusts as high as 110 kilometres per hour a possibility.

Ironically, the city had a planned power outage scheduled for homes near the riverbank in the Nutana neighbourhood – but that had to be cancelled because it’s too windy.

Engineers are keeping a close watch on the slumping riverbank and are concerned the rain may be further eroding the soil around homes.

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