Second in New Hampshire: Ron Paul’s Speech and Transcript
January 10, 2012

Transcript follows video below:

PAUL: Thank you very much. I — I really don’t have to introduce my wife. I think you know my wife, Carol.

(APPLAUSE) And we have a few other members of the family here. We have a daughter-in-law, Peggy. And…


We have Lisa, Linda — Linda — and Mark. And, you know, we have another member of the family, but he’s also on the staff, but I think technically in the family he’s a grandson-in-law. That’s Jesse Benton.


  • A d v e r t i s e m e n t

But it is a delight. And, Jim, Senator Forsythe, thank you very much for your support, along with Andy, for your co-sponsorship, and Ray (ph). I appreciate all that. That was just great.

I do want to mention three names of the individuals who did so much organization up here, and that was Jared Chicoin (ph), as well — Jared (ph), I don’t know if he’s here.


He’s probably still making phone calls or something.


And, Bob Goodman (ph), he’s — he does a tremendous amount of work here.


And, George Braun (ph), he was fantastic.

There was — there was one other acknowledgment I wanted to make. I wanted to thank the Union Leader for not — for not endorsing me.


Now, I called Governor Romney a short while ago, before he gave his talk, and congratulated him, because he certainly had a clear-cut victory. But we’re nibbling at his heels.


But there was another victory tonight. He had a victory, but we have had a victory for the cause of liberty tonight.


There is — there is no doubt — there is no doubt that this whole effort that we are involved in will not go unnoticed, let me tell you.

(APPLAUSE) I think the intellectual revolution that’s going on now to restore liberty in this country is well on its way, and there’s no way they’re going to stop the momentum that we have started.


And that is the victory that you have brought about, because you have been the ones that have done the works. There’s a lot of people here, but the ones across the country — the donors and the excitement on the campuses — it’s just unbelievable.

We don’t always get the coverage or the interest shown on what — what is going on, because if they did, they wouldn’t — they wouldn’t be ignoring so much of what we’re doing. But, you know, I find it sort of fascinating when they finally get around — and this is different people, it could be in the media, could be our opponents, or whatever — but I sort of have to chuckle when they describe you and me as being “dangerous.”


That’s one thing they are telling the truth, because we are dangerous to the status quo of this country.


AUDIENCE: President Paul! President Paul! President Paul! President Paul! President Paul! President Paul! President Paul! President Paul! President Paul!

PAUL: And we will remain a danger to the Federal Reserve system, as well.


Yes. And the Fed, right (inaudible) yeah.


You know, in studying monetary history from the beginning of our country, and even throughout all of history, monetary policy on periodic occasions will come — become the dominant issue. And we have emphasized that, and it has become an important issue.

Just think: This is the first presidential campaign that the subject ever came up since the Federal Reserve was started. So we are now — because of what is happening, it will remain a dominant issue. There’s no way they’re going to put it to bed, because they have destroyed our money. It’s worldwide. There’s a financial crisis going on. And it’s only sound money and personal liberty that can solve the crisis that we have today.


But the one reason — the one reason I talk about the monetary system so much, it was a sneaky, deceitful way to pay the bills. You know, an honest government that wants to be a big spending government would tax the people, and then the people would know what they were doing. If — if we had to pay taxes for everything that they do, you know, the people would rise up and — and stop it. So then they started borrowing money a lot, and then people didn’t notice that quite as much, because they didn’t pass that on.

But then they resorted to the printing of the money. And that is why the Federal Reserve was established, to take care of the powerful interests, the military industrial complex, the banking system, and deficit financing. And there’s a couple of reasons they have deficit financing. Sometimes there are conservatives that want deficit financing, and sometimes there are liberals who want deficit..


And they have resorted — they have resorted to this. And, of course, this is why we are facing this crisis today.

But it also serves those interests who like to think that we have this responsibility. They claim it’s a moral responsibility to take our young people, put them into the military, and send them hither and yon around the world, policing the world, and using up the money.


So just — just as we have been able to bring to the forefront that most important issue of funny money, fiat money, the paper money system, the Federal Reserve, we have brought to the forefront — others have tokenly talked about it. They get in office and they do nothing about it.

But right now, it is this liberty movement, which is seen as a patriotic movement, an individual liberty movement, that is saying to the country and to the world, we’ve had enough of sending our kids and our money around the world to be the policemen of the world. It’s the time to bring them home.


AUDIENCE: President Paul! President Paul! President Paul! President Paul! President Paul! President Paul!

PAUL: Bring them home.

AUDIENCE: Bring them home! Bring them home! Bring them home! Bring them home! Bring them home!

PAUL: The one thing is, is we do know they will come home. My goal and our goal has always been to bring them home in a deliberate fashion, to avoid major economic crisis by destroying our economy by spending so much overseas.

In the last 10 years, the wars that have gone on have added $4 trillion of debt. And I don’t think we have been one bit safer for it. I think we have been less safe because of all the money that we have spent overseas. So this is the issue now. It is — it is an issue that I think is crucial. Jim mentioned in the introduction that, you know, so often they say that if we tell people that we think we should spend less in the military, they say, “Oh, that means you want to cut defense.” No, if you cut the military industrial complex, you cut war profiteering, but you don’t take one penny out of national defense.


And besides — besides, we’re flat-out broke. Fortunately, we did not have to fight the Soviets. The Soviets brought themselves down for economic reasons. Do you know that they were so foolish and thought themselves so bold that they could pursue their world empire that they invaded Afghanistan?



But we will come home, but if we do it now, calmly and deliberately, we can save our economy here at home, because there are a lot of people who are suffering here at home.

You have to stop the inflation, because that’s what destroys the middle class, and that’s what transfers the wealth from the poor and the middle class to the wealthy. And that is why the wealthy got their bailouts and the middle class shrunk and they lost their jobs and they lost their houses.

So this is what we have to do. We have to cut the spending. This is why I have made a token suggestion in the first year in office: We would cut at least $1 trillion from the budget.


Now, the one thing that — the talk you hear in Washington is pure talk, because there is nobody suggesting — the other candidates are not talking about real cuts. They’re talking about cutting proposed increases out in 10 years. They say, oh, we’ll cut a trillion dollars. Yeah, a trillion dollars over a 10-year period, which is $100 billion every year. Our national debt is going up in real terms $100 billion every month, and they claim that’s cutting, and they’re yelling and screaming, “Oh, we can’t cut, we can’t cut.”

We do have to cut. We have to live within our means, if we want to be able to at least take care of the people who have been made to be so dependent on the government. I mean, we have to work our way out.

I would say if we did this and cut this overseas spending, at least we might be able to allow the Social Security beneficiaries to get their checks and medical care be provided. But if we continue to do what we’re doing, the results are that the dollar is destroyed, and the whole thing comes apart, and it’s going to be worldwide phenomenon. Already — already, Social Security beneficiaries are suffering a lot. Their income is shrinking because the value of the dollar is going down, so they’re getting — they’re getting their checks cut. And that is why you have to think about the cutting and stopping the inflation.

But overall, you have to ask, once again, as our founders did, what should the role of government be in a free society? The role should be very simple: the protection of liberty!


AUDIENCE: Ron Paul revolution, bring us back our Constitution. Ron Paul revolution, bring us back our Constitution. Ron Paul revolution, bring us back our Constitution. Ron Paul revolution, bring us back our Constitution.

PAUL: Wonderful, wonderful. You know, the Constitution was written for a very precise manner. It was not designed to restrain the individual — not to restrain you — it was to protect your liberties and to restrain the federal government.


But liberty — liberty has to be re-emphasized because we have been careless over the last 100 years. We have taken liberty and chopped it up into pieces. Some people think liberty has to do with personal habits, which I agree. Other people think liberty is how to spend your money, and they defend that part and then they fight about when to do what.

I think what we need to do is make this emphasis that liberty means you have a right to your life and your privacy and the way you want to live your life, as long as you don’t hurt people, and you have a right to keep and spend your money as you want to.


But freedom — freedom is a wonderful idea, and that’s why I get so excited. But I really get excited when I see young people saying it. It is a wonderful idea. Freedom is popular, don’t you know that?


Freedom brings people together. I think it’s magnificent that the crowds that have come out over the weeks and months have been very diverse, because it should be, because some people want their freedom to practice their religious one way, maybe another way. Some might not even want to practice it at all. But freedom, if you understand it, you should all fight for freedom because you want to exert your freedom the way you want.

Same way with economic freedom. It should bring people together. And I think this is one reason — people worry about, how are you ever going to put in a coalition or how are you going to — oh, no, they don’t want a coalition. They say, how are you going to compromise and give up some of your beliefs in order to get some things passed?

You don’t have to compromise. What you have to do is emphasize the coalitions that people want their freedoms for a different reason and bring them together.


It’s been — America has been the greatest country ever, the most prosperous country ever, the largest middle class ever. It’s not that way today. Our middle class is shrinking. The country is getting poorer. The wealth it’s apparent is based on debt. The few who really hold the wealth, it’s mal-distribution because it shifts over due to the regulations that control the government.

We have had too many people too long in the last 100 years thinking that it was beneficial more to be — to have high-paid lobbyists to — to get and to find out what they can get from the government, rather than us petitioning our government in a proper manner to — petitioning our government and demanding our freedoms back again.


Now, a lot of times, they — they give us — they give us trouble, and they say, freedom, you people are just too selfish. All you want to do is have your freedom. You know, and — and…


They — they — they argue that that is the case. But the thing of it is, the people, the bleeding hearts — and I understand them and I recognize them, and I believe most of them are well intended — but it doesn’t work, is the problem. All that good intentions, of saying, we’re going to give everybody a free house and have no loans and then they can borrow against, you know, the equity, and look what happened. It was a bubble. It burst. And they lost their houses.

So the — the humanitarian instincts are there across the board. What we have to convince them, if you are a true humanitarian, you have to fight and argue the case for free markets, sound money, property rights, contract rights, no use of force, and a sensible foreign policy, so we don’t waste our resources.


We’re — we’re well on our way. We’re well — we’re well on our way. People have asked me, what did I expect 5, 10 years ago? I had no idea. I always assumed that the best I could do is set a record. I didn’t know you were out there.


But it’s — it’s no longer that irate, tireless minority that is stirring up the troops. Now that irate minority — and so tireless, as you have been — it’s growing by leaps and bounds. It’s going to continue to grow by leaps and bounds. And we will restore freedom to this country.

Thank you very much. Thank you.



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58 Responses to “Second in New Hampshire: Ron Paul’s Speech and Transcript”

  1. you know a politician is legitimately speaking out of his heart and with passion when he dont need a script or teleprompters… his teleprompter is inside his head… this guy is just awesome… consistency is a great virtue when on politics

  2. someones bout to poop right on romney’s lil parade!

  3. Please Watch ” CNN Silences War Hero and Ron Paul Brings Him Back ” on youtube. We must expose the media for censorship.

    RP 2012!!

    Get out and Vote

  4. hes just so down to fcking earth people,
    i been through alot of campaigns since 1964 see em all in depth
    remember them like yesterday,
    this is the best candidate i have had an opportunity to vote for.
    better than goldwater better than pat buchannan its not really
    close, ron paul is all the things i have wanted in one candidate

    hes is not the best politician or hed do a better job of making
    his anti war platform more subdued to and tout his ideas on
    having a strong defense here at home not just having
    a strong nation thru a strong currency, its like the public really
    needs to know ron paul will defend them after the way the media
    has portrayed him,
    sounds ridiculous but he should engage the other candidates
    in conversations about future weapons, like the phantom ray and
    pegasus the x37 and the brilliant pebbles the hvc the mthel capabilities
    and emp technologies to say we dont really have a huge foot soldier component
    over seas as a requirement, we have a very advanced capability of
    air war defense and carrier defenses that can protect our intersts abroad
    and they will be brought to bare on any threat, but preemptive bombing
    of a nation with no declared war no real imminent threat only a percieved
    future threat and mostly that is directed at Israel, its just a stretch
    and dr paul could do a better job on his position going indepth explaining
    it but he does not get the time and his rhetoric is winning huge applause
    its working,i am so into a analytical approach i forget about the
    fact that all candidates need to have very narrow messages with maximum
    shock and impact, the moment he slows down and drills deep hell lose
    every bodies attention. so he is going at this correctly. the debates
    are his opportunity lets hope he gets time to explain himself so far he
    is fighting an uphill battle

  5. Liberty and freedom explained. Excellent and with no teleprompter. It is easy to speak, when you have real passion for what you believe in. A real live patriot! Spread this video…

  6. I wish Ron Paul good luck and God (swt) speed against all the bias he is facing. I also hope he is enlightened to the Zionist threat endangering the US and the whole world.

    • Dr, Paul is the man, ROMEney sounds so fake/full of BS, I can not listen to him for more than a few seconds.

      • same for O-bombher.

  7. I’ll never apologize for doing everything in my power to elect Ron Paul!

    Damn the torpedo’s – Full speed ahead!

    *****Ron Paul 2012*****

  8. Romney’s company alone is worth 66 BILLION……. He is definitely evil!!!!!!! VOTE RON PAUL 2012!

  9. Ron Paul 2012!!! Rand Paul 2016!!

    • Yezzirrr!

  10. Ron Paul 2012!!!…..Rand Paul 2016!!!! Fuc yeah …i said it!!

  11. This should be front page RED!!! ALERT ALERT if we run with this they may have to back down.

    Panetta admits Iran not developing nukes.

    U.S. Defense Secretary Leon Panetta let slip on Sunday the big open secret that Washington war hawks don’t want widely known: Iran is not developing nuclear weapons.

  12. Why is Ron Paul defending Mitt Romney over Mitt’s “firing” comment? Does Ron know something about his Freemason brother Mitt, like maybe he is being groomed for the presidency?

    If Ron is so hard core anti establishment, why does treat these bought and paid for goons with any respect and even defend them? Should he not consider every meeting with them a battle in a greater war?

    It’s strange to say the least.

    • It’s not like Ron can come out and starts calling everyone “globalists Occultists”. The average fluoride heads in society wouldn’t handle it. Ya Mitt is a piece of shit, but Ron is going with the punches and doing what he needs to. Its not really strange at all.

    • ugh…another misinformed pawn in the “lets point a finger at a group even if its COMPLETELY the wrong group to point the finger at” game. A little hint for ya…do a little research on who wrote and signed the constitution and bill of rights into law…then find out how many of those signers/writers were freemasons…then ask yourself this…why would the freemasons create the most free form of government in the history of governments and give the power to the people of the country rather than its elected officials, just to take it back again?…is it making any sense yet where you have been steered up the point of reading this?…hopefully…keep your ears on and eyes open

  13. He has definately got the status quoe rats running and fumbling what to do? In a real debate with what I have heard Ron Paul say is truth .He always refers to the constitution ,and thats what America definately needs to get back to,as we all know.The only way the GOP will nominate him is if thw people want Ron Paul so bad that if he didnt get the nomination it would be and obvious sham.I havent heard what Ron Paul has said on trades and terrifs,nafta ect. We need to get back to consuming 90 percent of our gross product like in the 50′s and 60′s. We need to become and independant nation again and get the hell out of the U N. The United Nephilim,cancel nafta and make everything here again . IF WE COULD SAVE AMERICA,WE CAN NEVER ALLOW THE BANKERS TO ISSUE CURRANCY EVER AGAIN!

  14. I’m 100% surprised infowars didn’t go posting articles “New Hampshire fixed the election! Ron Paul wins!” “Biggest hoax ever!!”

  15. I think that they are lying and manipulating the numbers. I’ll bet that RP was actually
    in first place.

  16. Congressman Ron Paul perfectly matches the definition of what a bullshitter is all about, as masterfully explained by Harry Frankfurt(*) in his magnum opus “On Bullshit”

    “For the bullshitter it is in itself neither a reason in favor nor a reason against. Both in lying and in telling the truth people are guided by their beliefs concerning the way things are. These guide them as they endeavor either to describe the world correctly or to describe it deceitfully. For this reason, telling lies does not tend to unfit a person for telling the truth in the same way that bullshitting tends to. Through excessive indulgence in the latter activity, which involves making assertions without paying attention to anything except what it suits one to say, a person’s normal habit of attending to the ways things are may become attenuated or lost. Someone who lies and someone who tells the truth are playing on opposite sides, so to speak, in the same game. Each responds to the facts as he understands them, although the response of the one is guided by the authority of the truth, while the response of the other defies that authority and refuses to meet its demands. The bullshitter ignores these demands altogether. He does not reject the authority of the truth, as the liar does, and oppose himself to it. He pays no attention to it at all. By virtue of this, bullshit is a greater enemy of the truth than lies are.”

    *Harry G. Frankfurt (born May 29, 1929) – American philosopher. He is professor emeritus of philosophy at Princeton University
    On Bullshit – ISBN: 9780691122946 – Princeton University Press.

    • Sounds like the definition of you! You misleadingly present the definition but there is NO substance or truth to your accusations. What a fucktard…

    • Your entire post is laced with pointless …….Bullshit!!!

    • this is the epitomy of why a university type person is absolutely disqualified
      from having any control over my paycheck and tax withholding dollars.
      for christ sakes, were all philosophers and if this dude is professor
      erectus, we all know professors are there to screw young babes giving out
      the A plus with authority lol lol and then convince your self the combover
      looks good and your a stud lol lol
      that is the depth of the asshole professor making a case that its more
      insincere to b/s than to out and out lie??? im not sure i can see an example
      of how that could work out, its certainly not totally true of dr paul first of all,
      now with respect to me, i always feel bullshitting is lying, its out and out
      lying so i have a different explanation or definition of the word,
      and you wont find bullshitting defined in websters dictionary
      only in the imagined world of frankfurters small penis syndrome
      psychosis, only a socio path would spend that much time trying to
      differentiate the severity of the impact of a lie vs a bullshitted statement.
      now paying 100k a year to go to princesstown is a total waste
      of money, i had a professor 1977 taught philosphy at our jr college
      he recruited for the libertarian party, and was a real magnet
      the entire university would gang up on him at debates hed
      be sitting alone in a huge room of 300 everyone screaming
      racist pig at him, him explaining how they are all really
      communist facist authoritarians,
      soon i was sitting with him
      soon 50 people sat with him
      by the time i graduated to state college
      the party was growing folks

  17. You give a person a house and you shelter them for a few months, but if you give that person the skills, the means and opportunity to work to buy his own house you house them for a lifetime.

    • in this economy hed be lookin for work at walmart like everbody else
      its too late the world is doomed
      we all know how to gain skills now
      we got no place to put
      them to work

  18. Congratulations to Ron Paul! Our citizens are disgusted with what is happening. Ron Paul was the only candidate that did not trash Romney for his statement about firing the workers of the bad insurance companies. The other candidates were very dishonest in making Romney’s words contorted when they weren’t bad at all. Yeah Ron Paul. You were magnificent! I’m afraid Romney will be too weak as a president. Ron Paul will have Alex Jones and Jesse Ventura in his cabinet. Yeahhh!!!

  19. I’m so HAPPY for Ron Paul and his entire family, but more importantly, for what this means for the country. If it be God’s will, Dr. Paul will win.

  20. Amazing Man
    He is Superman!!!

  21. What a speech!!! Will America wake up and stand with this great man? He is 77 years old and fighting harder than a 27 year old. Thank you Dr. Paul for all that you have already done for this country.

    • That was the happiest I’ve ever seen him. Awesome.

  22. Hes . . . the “MAN”. “RON PAUL” 2012

  23. I beg you to research the truth, yes Ron is well intended, but he is our master, untill he frees us from voluntary servitude he is an insiders, but I believe he is well intended. Pleaselook it up, we are slaves. Ending the FED is a start.

    • free yourselrf, dude, it ain’t that hard.

  24. Well, maybe they will force Ron Paul to the formation of a 3rd party that will wipe out the 2 halves of the Zionist controlled party system. They are messing with fire saying that real Americans are not their respected friends and equals. Ron Paul is a real American… not sold out to Israel or the Bank of England.

    • If we the American people do not rise up and restore this Republic and the constitution then we get what we deserve– will self destruct. As not what Ron Paul (or anyone else for that matter) can do to restore the Republic– what YOU (and I) can do bring this country back.

    • I wounder if Obama even has an American drivers licence, what valid photo ID might he have. There is a fight going on to try and drop requirements for photo ID.

  25. People we are not PERSONS we are not slaves to the FED. Un register to vote and deny the CORPORATION US INC to rule by CONSENT. WE can vote without permission of the KING Regis. Register means giving yourselves away to power of attorney to the king. Look this shit up,look at the voter registration contract, yes CONTRACT you sign to give up your rights for a PRIVILEGE. WAKE UP.

  26. We are the orphans of Liberty and we want our mother and founding fathers back -and we will never take “no” for an answer!

  27. This is historic! When was the last election where the word liberty was heard? The longer Dr. Paul go’s the more people may awake! Hope this goes viral!

  28. Very close Ron, just mention that when you became a Congressman you no longer were a debtor and lost your slave name RON PAUL and became Ron Paul. I hope your first speach as president will be ” I have freed all Americans and USA INC is dissolved and we have the bill ofrights back. We are no longer property of the FED and IMF and The UN we can own our land and children again without binding contracts. I have a dream my friends, let us hope Ron comes through and frees us all again to be SOVEREIGNS.

    • Well said…..this is the next huge hurdle.

  29. Amazing speech.

  30. he shouldnt have called romney, he should have called diebold and congratulated them!

  31. Now that was a speech!!! Total sense. Who doesn’t want freedom and be able to make their own life choices? Anyone who does not vote for Ron Paul is out of their mind. All other
    GOP candidates are phonies and liars.

  32. The fix is in but we have our plan B ,so fuck them and their fix,this country is going to go up in flames if that man is not elected president,is going to be in flames when he takes the office but in slow burner,if he dosn’t win then is all in,this world is going to change,they win or we win ,if they win we die ,if we win they die. don’t forget the viruses and the ndaa and all the rest of the shit they have in store. we are aware of how it must is going down,them or us, and I know is us. People are waking up big time but we need more and more,so hit them hard,go out there and wear that bumper stiker,post the shit out search engines and expouse these scum bags. NEW WORLD ORDER CAN’T NOT WIN.FUCK THEM.

    • lol…sure man, whatever

  33. I don’t want this to be a movement. I want Ron Paul in the White House. I can’t wait till February 20, 2012.

    • no movement = stasis.

      • PYHO


    • i love when he got all pumped bout ending the fed

  35. The fact that Romney stayed at 25% in polls for months should give all Ron Paul supporters hope and a desire to keep fighting. In a state that is considered Romneys home court, Ron Paul took a fourth of the votes.
    The GOP strategy is becoming clearer. They want to keep as many people in the race for as long as possible. By continueing to split the votes with a six man race, they keep the Ron Paul delegates to as small a number as they can. Also it makes it easier to manipulate those black box voting machines. By stealing votes from Dr. Paul, it’s not as obvious that something is crooked. Personally I don’t think Huntsman, Gingrich or Santorum got as many votes as was shown. We supporters of the Revolution just have to stay positive, work harder, and make sure Dr. Paul has the funds to continue the fight. I look at it like if he doesn’t win, any money I have in the bank is going to be worthless anyway.

  36. I am an international commentator, do you know what is hilarious? Last night the lamestream media tell us how important 2nd place is in New Hampshire. I woke up just now to check who won on cnn. I get Romney now has wind at back and HuntMN gets third place. I scroll down and the whole article says nothing about Paul.

    So I knew he got it! Came here to make sure, and indeed. I am sure things like this will only add fuel to thejust add fuel to the fire of what is the Ron Paul revolution.

    Everyone is hoping for this America, good luck!


  38. Obviously, the fix is in. How many people are really excited over Romney? How many are excited over Ron Paul. The numbers aren’t adding up. So, it appears that they are going to cheat every single time and give votes to Romney that he doesn’t have coming just to keep out Ron Paul. So, what is the solution? Maybe he already knows that the fix is in and he is just going to keep playing along and when he doesn’t get the nomination, spring for a 3rd party position. But, even then, he is up against the two parties and the Diebold machines.

  39. AMEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  40. FIRST, to run to the sugar bowl, than grab his SONY handycam as the people riot against the next big event.

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