Secret Service agents accused of 64 acts of sexual misconduct

While many of these involved sending sexual emails there were at least
instances of agents beginning relationships with foreigner nationals,
something strictly against the rules of an agency tasked with protecting the

Mr Lieberman also said one agent had been accused of “non-consensual
intercourse”, while Mr Sullivan admitted that another had been fired after
trying to hire a prostitute in Washington, who turned out to be an
undercover police officer.

Senators seized on the long record as proof that April’s incident in
Cartagena, Colombia, was not an isolated incident.

Eight agents have so far lost their jobs over the scandal, which only emerged
after one of them refused to pay a prostitute the $800 he had drunkenly

Senator Susan Collins, the most senior Republican on the Homeland Security and
Governmental Affairs Committee, said the Colombian incident was “morally
repugnant” and “not a one-time event”.

“The circumstances unfortunately suggest an issue of culture,” she said.

Mr Sullivan, who has so far retained his job and the confidence of the Obama
administration, said he could “understand” the allegation but insisted that
the vast majority of his 7,000 employees were among “the most dedicated,
hardest working, self-sacrificing” members of the US government.

He added that the scandal was the work of a small minority and he apologised
“for the conduct of these employees and the distraction it has caused.”

While Mr Sullivan has earned praise for his seemingly decisive handling of the
incident, which has also implicated 12 military personnel, he faces the
worrying possibility of a fresh eruption after it emerged that four of the
sacked agents would appeal against their dismissals.

The appeals raise the prospect of fresh and damning details emerging.

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