Seoul regrets anti-Iran commercial

In a statement released on Tuesday, South Korea’s ambassador to Iran Park Jae-hyun expressed his country’s regret over the improper act of the Israeli TV station, saying it was performed “without the awareness of the South Korean company.”

The official added that the Samsung Company has demanded an end to the broadcast of the video clip and has cut supplies of its products to the Israeli station.

Park also expressed hope that the despicable act would not have any adverse effects on the historical and respectable relations between Tehran and Seoul.

Earlier this year, an Israeli cable TV station produced an anti-Iran commercial, advertising a product of the South Korean Samsung Company, in which Iran had been depicted as a primitive society.

The clip also implied that Israel was powerful enough to easily destroy Iran’s nuclear facilities or assassinate the country’s nuclear scientists.

Following the incident, Samsung’s public relations official in Tehran, Elaheh Taheri, told reporters that the clip had nothing to do with the South Korean company and that it was solely the work of the Israeli TV station.


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