Shanghai US consulate’s social media account, known for its irreverent remarks, disappears

BEIJING, China – A popular microblog produced by the U.S. consulate in Shanghai on Sina Weibo, China‘s most popular blogging site, has been inaccessible for at least 24 hours.

U.S. officials were not immediately available for comment, but on a microblogging site hosted by another Chinese company, Tencent, the consulate says the account disappeared Thursday morning.

“We are working to find out why and we plan to resume normal operations as soon as possible,” it says.

A Sina Weibo employee who did not give her name said Friday it might be a technical glitch.

The consulate’s account was known for its playful language and sometimes made tongue-in-cheek comments about social and political issues in China. It had more than 80,000 followers before it disappeared from Sina Weibo.

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