Slipper clears himself of taxpayer rort claims


Peter Slipper said the cab charge claims were a complete fabrication. Picture: Lisa Clarke
Source: The Courier-Mail


One of the dockets Mr Slipper looked at
Source: Supplied

PETER Slipper has tonight cleared himself of claims that he rorted taxpayer-funded taxi dockets and launched a case to regain his job as Speaker.

Mr Slipper said accusations he gave a friend a wad of blank dockets was “a complete fabrication”.

The claims were made by Mr Slipper’s former adviser James Ashby as part of a series of allegations lodged with a court, including accusations of sexual harassment.

Mr Slipper wants to return to the Speaker’s chair, which he stood aside from on Sunday after Mr Ashby’s claims became public.

But the Opposition and at least two independent MPs want him to continue to stand back until the sexual harassment claims are resolved.

Mr Slipper said in a statement tonight he had inspected contested cab dockets from the Department of Finance in the afternoon and established he had not handed them to a third party as alleged.

“These documents have all been completed by me and are clearly in my handwriting as I said they were,” said the statement.

“The so-called criminal allegation is a complete fabrication, just as the other claims are not accurate.

“I repeat that. Reject allegations that have been made against me.”

Prime Minister Julia Gillard, who is overseas, said today it was appropriate for Mr Slipper to return to the chair if cleared of the claims he abused the cab dockets.

But her comments to reporters in Turkey came too late for Workplace Relations Minister Bill Shorten who was caught in a television interview not knowing what to say.

“I support what my Prime Minister has said,” Mr Shorten told Sky News today.

Reminded he didn’t know what Ms Gillard had said the minister replied:” I’m sure she’s right.”

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