Soccer’s Kaka tops 10 million followers on Twitter

LONDON (AP) — Meet the king of the sporting Twittersphere: Brazilian soccer star Kaka.

The Real Madrid midfielder on Wednesday became the first athlete to amass 10 million followers on the social networking site.

“Thank youuuuu. To celebrate I’ll make a twitcam” wrote the 30-year-old Kaka, who at the last count had 10,012,862 Twitter fans.

He’s nowhere close to Lady Gaga and Justin Bieber — who each have more than 20 million followers — but it’s not a bad haul for a player whose career appears to be on the wane after becoming a superstar in a golden six-year stint at AC Milan in Italy.

Kaka describes himself as a “Christian, husband and father who loves football” and tweets in English, Spanish and Portuguese.

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