Social Media Is No Joke at This Year’s Comedy Awards

The Comedy Awards is the baby of the awards show ceremonies — only two years old. But the show’s huge digital and social presence keeps pace with the big boys.

The event airs Sunday night at 9 p.m. ET/PT on Comedy Central, but it was taped last Saturday. Mashable had the opportunity to attend.

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Among traditional categories like “Best Comedy Film,” “Best Performance” and “Club Comic,” there are a number of digital categories: “Funniest Person on Twitter,” “Best Remix, Mash-Up or Supercut,” “Best Comedy App” and “Best Comedy Podcast.”

The digital categories are viewers’ choice, and voters can select their favorite nominee online. (The “Best Viral Original” was part of last year’s categories, and also viewers’ choice.)

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There are also tinges of the web scattered throughout the show — most of presenter Andy Richter‘s jokes are about social media montioring, and there’s a pretty hilarious moment when the “honey badger guy” documents Richter eating a sandwich.

Zach Galifianakis‘ comedy web series Between Two Ferns will make an appearance on television for the first time, serving as a precursor to the awards show.

Social media was a big topic of the evening. Nearly every comedian who entered the press room was asked about their presence (or lack thereof) on Twitter. The response was mostly supportive of the tool, or that they were so high profile they didn’t need social media.

“Twitter seems like a nightmare to me,” Amy Poehler told the press backstage. “That just seems like a mistake waiting to happen.”

Robin Williams, who was honored with the Stand-Up Icon Award, admitted to giving up on Twitter after sending one tweet. He compared seeing comedy live in a small venue to “seeing jazz,” claiming that those moments are not documentable, and that we need to live it when it happens.

On the other hand, comedians like Key and Peele rely heavily on social media. Their show has an engaged audience online, and they admitted to using that feedback for future episodes.

“In this day and age, it’s OK to have that dialogue,” says Peele. “It’s all evolving — we all know this is the way it’s going to be, and it’s moving so fast.”

The awards show, which is hosted by Comedy Central, is one of the most socially engaged pushes from the network. By partnering with GetGlue and Viggle, viewers tuning in with their mobile device in hand will get exclusive stickers and extra points for checking in to the show.

Social and digital technology have become an integral part of programming, and it’s no wonder the big winner at the Comedy Awards this year was FX. Louie won for “Best Sketch/Alternative Comedy Series” and “Best Comedy Directing — TV,” and Archer took home “Best Animated Comedy Series,” beating out The Simpsons, Family Guy and South Park.

FX has made a significant push for social TV with its programming — including Archer, in which they partnered with GetGlue on an app that gives fans stickers for playing a spy-themed game and checking in. There’s also a second-screen app for the show, built in HTML5.

Louis CK won “Best Stand-Up Tour” and “Best Comedy Special.” After the success of his digitally distributed special, he’ll bring it to television for the first time on FX. The 42-minute televised version will also run commercials for the website.

“I love FX, I’m very grateful to them — so I thought they’ve never had a comedy special on, and it might be kind of cool to let them get a crack at it,” says CK.

Were you surprised by the winners this year? Do you think social and digital media play a role in their success? Let us know in the comments.

This story originally published on Mashable here.

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