Society now criminalizing parents that allow children to play in the yard

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What is the world coming to?

Ethan A. Huff
Sunday, September 16, 2012

A Virginia mother was recently interrogated four times by police, and visited twice by social services, after neighbors spotted the mother’s children playing in their own yard unsupervised, and decided to report the non-incident to local authorities. According to Lenore Skenazy of Free-Range Kids, such hysteria and Stasi-style paranoia are becoming the norm in America, where children are being excessively coddled, overprotected, and treated as though they are always in grave danger of being kidnapped or harmed.

During a recent interview with Alex Jones on The Alex Jones Show, Skenazy reflects on how the days when society’s youth could simply ride their bicycles to school or into the woods, climb their neighbors’ trees, or play at the local park by themselves without adult supervision are essentially gone. Today, it is practically considered abnormal in many areas for young children to even be outside at all, let alone to be exploring on their own or with their friends.

“What’s happening … is parents who let their children play outside, walk to school, or go to the grocery (store) for them often have neighbors who turn them in, supposedly out of concern … and what happens is Child Protective Services (CPS) is obligated to come and check out whether or not these parents are being negligent, or worse abusive,” says Skenazy, who receives calls all the time from parents that are being persecuted by law enforcement for allowing their kids to play outside.

“What has happened is that the parents are found wrong by the police or CPS for leaving their children in what CPS calls ‘a dangerous situation,’ which I would call a ‘normal, nice situation.’ In fact, less dangerous than just letting your kids sit inside all day getting fat and diabetic, you let your kids run outside or have some independent adventures, that’s considered bad parenting now.”

Texas woman forced to spend night in jail for supervising kids’ outdoor playtime

Just a few days ago, for instance, Tammy Cooper of La Porte, Texas, was actually handcuffed and arrested for allowing her children to play outside on their motorized scooters in the family’s cul-de-sac. Cooper was forced to spend the night in jail for this non-crime, despite the fact that she had been outside with her two children watching them the entire time.(

“It is so unusual for parents to let their children play outside, or climb a tree, that they are being turned in as negligent,” adds Skenazy. “The immediate assumption is that something’s wrong, they escaped, maybe they’ve been kidnapped by somebody, or could be kidnapped, that’s the big fear.”

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On her blog, Skenazy documents all sorts of wild cases involving the disturbing societal trend of people calling the police and CPS on neighbors that allow their children to play outside, as if letting kids be kids was some sort of crime (

Be sure to watch Skenazy’s full interview with Alex Jones by visiting:

Sources for this article include:

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12 Responses to “Society now criminalizing parents that allow children to play in the yard”

  1. Sounds like another “woman problem”, CPS (and bad neighbors?) need to justify their existence somehow! Dads unite and “confiscate” as many single mother kids as they can!

    Vengeance Reply:
    September 16th, 2012 at 7:38 am

    Still haven’t heard ANY mention of a Father involved in this case yet, interesting…

  2. nothing like the child and woman nazies groups out there they have distroyed fatherhood almost completely where a father cant even brgine to raise kids poperly ….and they talk about weman in muslums countries to cover for man slaughtering here in america

    Vengeance Reply:
    September 16th, 2012 at 7:35 am


    1. Destroy the marriage = Success

    2. Diminish the Father’s influence in child raising = Success

    3. Teach women that they are better off without a male in the home, and limit the child’s
    contact with their Father = Success

    4. Women will have more children outside of wedlock with no regular male influence = Success

    5. Women will have NO say over their children since they are NOW property of the State
    = Final Success

    Do you gals finally u n d e r s t a n d the BIG Picture now.. ?

    Vengeance Reply:
    September 16th, 2012 at 7:44 am

    Well it must be like what soon-to-be Queen Hillary was prophesying all those years ago…

    Amerika – It Takes a Village to Raise a Child

    frontline Reply:
    September 16th, 2012 at 8:39 am

    agree totaly

  3. This has been coming down the pipe for a few decades now.
    Back in the late 80′s I dared to publicly spank my child for being disrespectful and throwing a temper tantrum. The police were called and fortunately at that time they too understood parenting.
    Today that child of mine is a great parent herself with 4 children of her own.

    Today we are all criminals in need of re-education.

  4. If no one is abusing the chil dand thereare no paparant clues of abuse people should stay out of others business. Im shocked that Cps has nothing more impprtant to do? Shouldnt they actually be helping children who are being abused? You knowwhen i was a kid I fished and explored wherever we lived my dad was in the Air force so we moved frequently. I became a pretty good fisherman and so so hunter and have always enjoyed bicycling hiking camping etc. So now our kids cant do anythign without agult supervision exactly when does this end my daughters 29 should i stiill be watching her every move?
    Exactly when is a child supposed to grow up and how are they supposed to develop? no wonder we have a generation of sissy boys who wont get their hands dirty at work and wont go outside in the heat my god how about we let kids be kids these people should concern themselves with some of the real problems facing our nation! We have way too many self serving busy bodies in this country and if the child protective agencies dont have more serious issues to take care of they should be disbanded to save the taxpayers money they are uneeded! I had several tenants in my rental who were addicted to Meth their children were living in filth and neighbors were feeding the kids! how about CPS does somethign about that rather than harassing parents who children are playing in the yard this is just obscene. I agree witht eh post above children need discipline not abuse discipline and sometimes a swat on the bottom is what it takes to get thier attention that doesn not condstitiue abuse!

  5. God made parents to take care of their children…period !

  6. So true! Our society is all F****d from the Gov! 🙁

  7. To diminish fathers role, all that needs, and has been done, is too play up and accentuate hatred against women. A great and successful method is to portray all women as sexual objects, dismembered, dead, or in various poses of bondadge, rape, dismemberment, lowere than an animal she must be made, dumb and weak at best, perhaps helpless and hysterical. Men don’t really want or have a desire to do anything furter than get their rocks off, thus depositing the fertilization of the egg that the mother, the lowest creature on earth, must carry forth and bear all on her own, financially and otherwise, and all the pro-lifers and misogynists can do is perptuate their hatred and vilification upon her and blame the victim mentality lives on……Then the men can sit back and do nothing but hate and blame, which they are supurb at doing, congradulations, have a cigar, I think this bastard is a boy.

  8. Ahem…perhaps you can all take a break from the group anti-woman ranting for a moment while I point out both people in the article who were allowing the kids to play outside before encountering law enforcement for doing so were women. Where were the men when this was happening?

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