Spain’s king and queen will not celebrate Golden Wedding anniversary

Royal commentators were quick to remark that the 26-minute bedside visit by
Queen Sofia, who had not been on the hunting trip but visiting her Greek
relatives, hinted at the deep breakdown in their relationship.

“The failure of his marriage to Queen Sofia, from whom he is practically
separated, is public knowledge,” wrote Jose Antonio Zarzalejos, a royal
commentator and the former director of respected daily ABC.

Such comments voiced in the mainstream press would once have been unthinkable.
But a series of scandals and gaffes by Spain’s royals have seen their
popularity plummet and ushered in an open season on a family once awarded
the sort of privacy and respect that could only be dreamed of by their
northern cousins the Windsors.

The roving-eye of Juan Carlos has long been an ill-kept secret, the subject of
gossip at dinner parties across Spain, but now with the taboo on publishing
palace secrets a thing of the past, even King Juan Carlos’ acquaintance with
a German aristocrat, a glamorous blonde 28 years his junior, has made

Claims of an “intimate relationship” going back six years have been
fiercely contested by the woman, who is reported to have accompanied him on
the Botswana trip, and she has threatened legal action against any newspaper
that names her.

But the episode marks the latest in what is turning out to be an “annus
horribilis” for Spain’s monarch – to coin a phrase used by Queen

The king’s son-in-law is accused of embezzling public funds and in February
became the first Spanish royal in modern history to be questioned in court.

The King had done his best to distance himself from the scandal engulfing the
Royal Family even relieving his youngest daughter, Princess Cristina, wife
of the shamed Iaki Urdangarin, from public duties.

But this week reports emerged of emails implicating the monarch himself in the
unsavoury business dealings and the prosecutor in charge of the case is said
to be poised to investigate further.

The once much loved King has faced calls to abdicate over the Botswana hunting
trip, which served to highlight the huge gulf between the privileged royals
and the fate of Spaniards struggling in deep economic crisis.

Polls show his popularity is at its lowest since he came to the throne on the
death of dictator Gen Francisco Franco in 1975 and last week he was declared
a “persona non grata” by the Catalan town of Berga in a motion
passed by the town council.

He cannot be cheered even by the prospect of celebrating the British monarch’s
Golden Jubilee.

Still recovering from a hip replacement following his fall in Botswana, the
official palace bulletin shows that Queen Sofia will travel without the King
to attend a lunch at Windsor Castle on 18 May to mark Queen Elizabeth’s 50
years on the throne.

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