Syria approves new political party

Syrian Interior Minister Mohammad al-Shaar said in a press conference in the capital Damascus on Sunday that the party “took the right of being established” after it met all the essential requirements.

Shaar made the announcement after a meeting of the Parties Affairs Committee on Sunday.

The Syrian interior minister added that the committee has also taken into consideration the applications for other new political parties.

The development comes following an announcement by the Syrian government to implement reforms in the country.

Syrian President Bashar al-Assad endorsed a new constitution on February 28, which was approved by a majority of Syrian voters in a February 26 referendum.

The new constitution excludes Article 8, which declared the ruling Baath Party as the “leader of the state and society,” and also establishes a multiparty system in Syria and limits the presidential term to two seven-year periods.

Ali Abdallah al-Ahmad, a political analyst in Damascus, told Press TV on Sunday the reforms came at “a very important stage.”

“It is important for Syrian citizens to engage in the political life and start being decision-makers as this will help shift people’s opinions from the streets to the parliament, where they can discuss and implement their ideas legally and democratically,” Ahmad said.

The Syrian president has also announced that parliamentary elections will be held in Syria on May 7, the third legislative vote in Syria since Assad took office in 2000. The parliamentary elections will also be the first such vote under the new multiparty system.


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