Syria: Bashar al-Assad’s uncle Rifaat says he will not hold on to power for much longer

The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said fighting was taking place in the
southern province of Daraa, in northwest Idlib province and near the capital.

In Dera’a, cradle of the one-year uprising against Assad’s regime, fighting
erupted overnight in the town of Inkhel after rebels attacked army

In the same region, dozens of troop carriers arrived in the town of Dael,
where the army carried out raids and arrests the day before.

Sayyed Mahmud, an activist in Daraa reached by Skype, told AFP the situation
was extremely tense in Dael.

“They burned down 14 houses yesterday. They are arresting people and have
sent in troop reinforcements,” he said.

“As part of the regime’s campaign to starve the people, troops are
raiding homes, destroying food stocks and equipment,” he added. “For
example, if they see a sowing machine, they destroy it.

“They go into bakeries and destroy the dough. There are 15-hour power
cuts a day.”

In Idlib, heavy fighting was taking place on the outskirts of the town of
Taftanaz, where two civilians and one soldier were killed amid heavy
machinegun fire and shelling, the Observatory said.

“Four civilians have been wounded and several homes torched,” it
added. “Rebels managed to disable a troop carrier and have killed or
wounded a number of government troops.”

In Damascus province, clashes were reported in the towns of Douma and in
Zabadani, where the army was carrying out arrests and raiding homes.

The Observatory said dozens of troop carriers had arrived in Zabadani in early

The unrest was taking place as Red Cross chief Jakob Kellenberger was on a
fresh mission to Syria – his third since last year, when Damascus launched a
crackdown on anti-government protests which the UN says has left more than
9,000 dead.

UN-Arab League envoy Kofi Annan on Monday said Assad had accepted an April 10
deadline to start implementing a peace plan.

Annan said Assad had agreed to “immediately” start pulling troops
out of protest cities and complete a troop and heavy weapon withdrawal by
April 10, US Ambassador Susan Rice said after Annan briefed the UN Security

Source: AFP

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