Posts Tagged ‘ailments’

Ontario Pharmacists Can Prescribe for 13 Common Ailments as of Jan 1

As of Jan. 1 pharmacists in Ontario will be allowed to prescribe treatments for 13 common conditions, but that doesn’t mean they’ll all be ready to do it. The province’s ministry of health issued a reminder of the previously announced expansion of pharmacists‘ roles on Wednesday, noting the service will be free with a health […]

Why Was Gout The Kingliest of Ailments?

When we think of historically significant diseases we tend to think of diseases like the bubonic plague, cholera, tuberculosis, or more recently, COVID-19. These are all diseases that have had almost unimaginable death tolls. However, sometimes it isn’t how many a disease kills but who it kills that makes it a concern. Gout, an incredibly […]

10 Everyday ailments: What causes them, which foods help and which foods to avoid

(Natural News) Many ailments are caused by a nutritional imbalance. Eat too much of the bad stuff and it accumulates in your body, manifesting into a unhealthy condition. Sarah Brewer, a nutritionist, shares her knowledge on a few of the more common ones that plague our society today, which foods can help […]

Scientists Identify 28,000 Medicinal Plants That Treat Ailments from Cancer to Diabetes

By Carey Wedler In recent years, the term “plant medicine” has come to be associated with psychedelics like mushrooms and ayahuasca, which are increasingly documented to provide mental and emotional relief to users. But according to a recent analysis from Kew Gardens in the United Kingdom, there are over 28,000 other plants currently being […]

Sandy Hook Book Sales – Sold On Sympathy

Video Description: The presser’s released on Kaitlyn Roig and Scarlett Lewis are only a ploy to drum up sales for their books which are TANKING. Yes Sympathy Sells and the Sandy Hook Hoax Group is out to sell you more of their lies. Always profiting off the propaganda and lies that perpetuate the story of […]