Posts Tagged ‘nordstrom’

Nolte: Democrat-Run San Francisco Loses Nordstrom’s After 35 Years

This is all a choice, and it’s a choice made by the citizens of these doomed cities who choose to vote for Democrats. Source

Our Editors Pick the Best Stuff From Nordstrom’s Epic Anniversary Sale

It’s a crazy time (when isn’t it?) but we’re grateful it’s summer, the season of simple pleasures: basking in the sunshine, sipping on various alcoholic beverages served in hollowed-out tropical fruit, jetting off on our long-postponed vacations, and on top of it all, impeccable deals left and right. If you need to shop for vacation […]

Nordstrom Selling Dirty Jeans for $425

Andrew AnglinDaily Stormer April 27, 2017 Have I got a deal for you, goyim. RT: Nordstrom is selling $425 jeans with fake mud stains for shoppers who wish to embody “rugged, Americana” workwear. The clothing giant has come under fire for the bizarre fashion statement. According to the clothing item’s description the […]

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