Posts Tagged ‘sustaining’

‘Operation al-Aqsa Flood’ Day 223:  Israeli army withdraws from Zeitoun area after sustaining casualties, intensifies combat in Jabalia and Rafah

Israel’s war minister declares opposition to Israeli military control of Gaza as Netanyahu insists on continuing the war. Meanwhile, the Israeli army killed five Palestinians in the West Bank, including a student on Nakba day. Source

Turkey Is Sustaining Major Inflation. Something Has To Give

Authored by Doug French via The Mises Institute, Bloomberg reports that price inflation in Turkey was more than 60 percent in September. The 61.5 percent reading was released by the Turkish government’s statistical office. Being on the ground in Turkey for Hans-Hermann and Gülçin Hoppe’s Property and Freedom Society meeting, I can say the vibe […]

Tools For Building & Sustaining The Immune System

Info that won’t go amiss right now, from Medical Medium at Rumble. Rumble — Tools For Building & Sustaining The Immune System Subscribe to Medical Medium on SUPPLEMENTS I MENTIONED : MEDICAL MEDIUM DIRECTORY: Cleanse To Heal51% OFF $16.99 on Amazon 53% OFF The New Revised & Updated Medical Medium Book 1 only $17.39 […]

Alaska woman denied life-sustaining treatment for declining the COVID jab – LifeSite

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Aryan Future: Self-Sustaining Habitats

ZeigerDaily Stormer May 8, 2017 Our destiny, as the White race, is the master the elements, conquer the stars and learn the deepest secrets of the universe. But instead of doing all that, we’re being chained to the earth by Jew parasites, who redirect all our energies on caring for third-world primitives. […]

Why Google Wants to Surgically Implant a Camera in Your Eye

by Joshua Krause of The Daily Sheeple It wasn’t that long ago when Google’s motto “don’t be evil” was taken seriously by the general public. Nowadays we all know that Google has about as many scruples (or lack thereof) as any other major corporation. Their bottom line depends on targeted advertising, and that means that […]

Sustaining Protest Energy in Israel

 by Stephen Lendman   Since mid-July, Israelis have protested in unprecedented numbers for long denied social justice. Succeeding depends on sustaining that energy disruptively for change. Though never easy, it’s the only way. Frances Fox Piven discussed it in her book titled, “Challenging Authority” about social movements becoming pivotal forces for change when ordinary people […]

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