Posts Tagged ‘Syria News’

Syria: Planned Meeting of New Syrian Contact Group

The violence in Syria goes on, gets boosted by arms delivery to the several groups of religious fanatics, criminals and mercenaries, and the wrangling about a solution and influence in the country is also continued. Nothing really new, except that the armed groups get more modern weapons from foreign powers like Saudi Arabia, Qatar and […]

Syria: Analysis of a Syrian Blogger about NATO media – Conclusion of an Arab Blogger about the NATO media

The Arab Blogger from the Blog “Democratic Syria” has given us this description about the recent defector story in Western media and shared his analysis of this recent event. Here is his analysis on the defection of the Syrian pilot. While it is another headline in Western media, the Blogger has given some good points […]

Syria: Modern weapons confirm Western support for terrorists

Russia is planning the evacuation of Russians who are living in Syria. While the Western powers have prevented the confectionary redelivery of three (repaired) old Soviet helicopters to Syria, the country is now filled with modern NATO weapons. After the grouchy joint press conference by Vladimir Putin and Barack Obama is the first serious information […]

Syria: German Salafists smuggle weapons for terrorists?

For the stirring up of religious conflict in Syria are terrorists responsible like Bouthaina Shaaban, currently working as media adviser for the Syrian President Bashar al-Assad, has said in a talk with Ilyas Umakhanov about the situation in Syria. The political and media advisor to the Syrian president, Bouthaina Shaaban, said at a meeting with […]

Syria: Propaganda by German media is still maintained

Yesterday the German mainstream newspaper “taz” published an article entitled “Escalation of Violence in Syria: Now the Kurds should also join the war“, written by Jasna Zajček. Of course, this reminds some on the new head of the Islamist “Syrian National Council” (SNC), based in Istanbul, and why this head was finally “elected” to represent […]

Ron Paul: Floor Speech about Syria – June 19 2012

Here is the complete speech by Ron Paul about the false allegations against Syria and the Syrian government. In addition, Ron Paul spoke also about the general behaviour of the U.S. administration and the bad examples of the former interventions / wars against Iraq and recently Libya. Ron Paul hits the nail on the head […]

Syria: Where are the Iranian Elite Troops?

More or less critical nuances were able to be heard in the German media about Syria since a long time. At least, between some lines. Yesterday, the always emphasized transatlantic German newspaper “Die Welt” has published a new report from the Syrian city of Aleppo, the industrial center of Syria, and this report is a […]

Syria: The rebellion against the UN bureaucracy

Bill Richardson, candidate for the nomination of the Democratic Party in the 2008 presidential election, demanded on 14 June 2012 at Fox News from all NATO countries to military train and to arm the “rebels” in Syria. This should be done in order to strengthen the rebels, which are bought from the despotic and murderous […]

Syria: On the Right Side of History

Some lowbrow contemporaries still believe in the neutrality of the Western mass media. They are not able to see through how the stories and reports sometimes come about. When they have “learned” it, that “the Assad regime” has killed civilians in al-Houla (Hula), all the reports of the Western mass media were then only based […]

Syria: Obama and Putin – No Change in Position

The G-20 summit is over and it has not really brought a lot of new or unexpected developments. However, it was obvious that the Europeans came together closely to each other, in order to provide protection and support for each other, so that they are able to pit themselves against the allegations and statements of […]

Syria: Ivan Tsarevitch and the Grey Wolf

What opportunities are there and what motives are there for the Russian position on the question of the manner in which way they could engage in the crisis in Syria? There are different opinions about this, and sometimes, even completely opposite opinions do exist. Some are the opinion that Russia should have given up Syria […]

Syria: Ivan Tsarevitch and the Grey Wolf

What opportunities are there and what motives are there for the Russian position on the question of the manner in which way they could engage in the crisis in Syria? There are different opinions about this, and sometimes, even completely opposite opinions do exist. Some are the opinion that Russia should have given up Syria […]

Syrians Prepare For A Long NATO Winter

NATO-backed Islamist savages have killed citizens in Syria for over a year, and their campaign of terror is only beginning. “War is a survival among us from savage times and affects now chiefly the boyish and unthinking element of the nation.” – Percival Lowell, American author and astronomer. Pluto was named after him. Put the […]

Syria: G20 Summit – Obama meets Putin – Syrian: A Forecast for the Russian attitude

Today begins the G20 summit in Mexico. Unofficially, this could be the platform, where Putin and the West will decide about the last deal on the topic Syria. Everything indicates that the time for decisions to either Syria now is already there, or in close temporal proximity, so that it is imminent – there is […]

Syria: UN Observer Mission has suspended patrols

In recent days and weeks the increase in violence has further continued in Syria. The Observers of the UN mission could do nothing against this, however, quite the contrary. The UN Observers were mainly just able to view the localities of incidents, and to write reports about their impressions afterwards. During their work, the UN […]

Syria: NATO countries still support radical Islamists – The secular Syria is at risk by Western

On Monday, the G20 summit will take place. While this summit is not intended to debate the topic Syria and to put this topic at the center, but at least, the U.S. President Barack Obama and the Russian counterpart Putin will sure discuss a little bit about Syria and Iran. What or rather, whether something […]

Amnesty International (ai): Increasingly doubts about credibility – Suzanne Nossel, Donatella Rovera: The non

At Amnesty International (ai), there is a growing rumbling. Also in Germany, more and more members do ask, whether they are even still part of the right club. Backgrounds are the completely one-sided reports on individual countries and the silence on human rights violations in other countries. Originally, Amnesty International (ai) has once begun, as […]

Syria: Amnesty International & Human Rights Watch – Rehashed Propaganda – Syria: NATO is trying everything to remove Assad

The West plans to intervene in Syria. The question of whether an military intervention must really happen, seems to already answered since a long time, now the focus of the West is apparently on the correct moment for a intervention in Syria. In this context, war preparations are already being made, such as the delivery […]

Syria: Kidnappings in Homs – Armed Rebels as Kidnapper

The Syrian city of Homs in these days, apart from a few districts, where the Syrian army eliminates the last rebel fortifications, life seems to go on as usual. In the relative vacuum of power in the province of Homs, meanwhile, an increased banditry can be noticed. Especially kidnappings are more and more a part […]

Syria: Peace is not desired – Background Syria – NATO escalates Contra

“Syrian rebels denounce Annan`s peace plan,” was reported on 4 June by the media, without the slightest irony. But already two days earlier, according to the opposition, 89 people were killed in combat, including 57 soldiers, just two days earlier – the army is very vulnerable to attacks by armed groups, because the soldiers are […]

Amnesty International: Lies on Syria Campaign

As the Western propaganda machine proudly has announced, the British lies-organization Amnesty International (ai) will continue its campaign “Lies on Syria” under the title “Eyes on Syria”. The Pack of Lies against Syria is further maintained by the notorious war-propagandist Donatella Rovera from Amnesty International (ai). But meanwhile, Amnesty International has waived on a very […]

Syria: War Preparations in Full Swing – The Cold War Reloaded

What’s going on in Syria? Nobody really knows what is happening in Syria, but the NATO countries are sticking to their stories and put the country, in terms of the media technology and propaganda, already into a war that covers the whole country. This is as true as the last stories in the German State […]

Syria: No Signs for the Nature of a Civil War – Syria: SNC

The new head of the SNC, Abdulbaset Sieda – a Kurd from Sweden, where he is in a “voluntary emigration” (quote Sieda) since 1996 – has immediately as the head of the “Syrian National Council” (SNC), based in Istanbul, to begun to justify the deep confidence of the SNC in him, and so he has […]

Syria: War of Information – Senator McCain partly useful

U.S. Senator John McCain has confirmed that there are supplies of arms and also the financing of the Syrian armed rebel forces by the Gulf monarchies, especially by the Saudis. Despite the fact, that the rebel groups have denied it always until now, the news of McCain sets a final point here behind this open […]

Double Standards: Syria and the German Foreign Policy

On the occasion of the attacks on two churches in Nigeria, the German Foreign Office spokesman, Andreas Peschke, gave a statement at the government press conference on behalf of the German Foreign Minister Westerwelle and “condemned” the attacks. “This religious terrorism is not to justify by anything. Religious freedom is a fundamental human right; the […]

Syria: Creeping betrayal and a weak leadership?

The general impressions, that is based on the information of people residing in Syria and from the people who report out of Syria is – to say the least – depressing. The operational situation has considerably deteriorated. The currents of weapons, which are smuggled from abroad into Syria, are beyond any imagination. Even what it […]

Syria: About massacres, weapons arsenals and abused children

How do you deal with a regime that is not so easy to topple, such as it was the case in Tunisia, Libya, Egypt and, ultimately, also in Yemen? The West is now biting at the teeth and Syria is no single strategy that could result in a short time to Assad to dethrone. For […]

Syria: Interview with Anhar Kochneva about the situation

After the Russian journalist Anhar Kochneva (also written often as Anhar Kotschnewa) had an interview with about the situation in Syria, she spoke also with Novosti Mira now. Anhar Kochneva (Kotschneva/Kotschnewa) is living and working in Syria for a long time and often travels through this country of the Middle East; because the journalist […]

Syria: Call for political solution by the West just an empty phrase – Victory over Syria as a door to Asia

The fighting in Syria is continued and the fights happen in ever-larger parts of the country. Also the Syrian capital Damascus gets more and more frequent sucked into the fighting by the armed groups and the intensity of the fighting is increasing. Who is responsible for the aggression, which side provoked the fighting and starts […]

Syria: Marat Musin in the Syrian city of Homs – English video

On June 2, 2012, we have published the video report by Marat Musin, ANNA-News (Abkhazian Network News Agency), about the visit of him and his team to the Syrian city of Homs. After the ANNA-News team has been in al-Houla (al-Hula) / Taldou, they visited the district Baba Amr (Baba Amro) of the city of […]

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