Taliban report makes depressing reading for Nato commanders

The factors which have long been thought to foster the spread of the
insurgency are still seen by the Taliban as their most potent strengths.

After billions of dollars of aid and “capacity-building” the
corruption and ineffectiveness of the Kabul regime are still seen as the
Taliban’s most effective recruiting tool.

Pakistan’s advice and safe havens still sustain the Taliban even if its
commanders want to break free from the embrace of the ISI spy agency.

And there is scant hope for those putting their faith in the Afghan forces to
keep the Taliban at bay. They are instead selling their weapons and
preparing to cooperate with their adversaries.

Britain and America now openly pin hopes of a successful withdrawal on the
still distant prospect of some kind of negotiated political settlement.

Diplomats will have scanned the report for signs of the movement’s intentions
and here there are mixed messages.

Some prisoners report they see little hope of a negotiated peace and blame
Hamid Karzai for prolonging the war.

Others, clearly weary of the war, complain they would like to find a
settlement but are prevented by the meddling of Pakistan. Either way, the
report says: “Despite numerous tactical setbacks, surrender is far from
their collective mindset”.

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