Teacher who was off work sick for SIX YEARS after bizarre ‘classroom accident’ wins unfair dismissal claim (but she won’t get a penny because her case has already cost taxpayers £300,000)

  • Judge said Anna Yerrakalva told a ‘series of lies’ that left her credibility in tatters
  • Investigation found her injury claim about being pinned down in the classroom was made up
  • The widow, 58, then won her unfair dismissal and victimisation claim – but denied compensation

Chris Brooke

13:32 EST, 3 April 2012


17:56 EST, 3 April 2012

Primary school teacher Anna Yerrakalva who was off sick from 2004 on full pay after a catalogue of dubious medical conditions were claimed

Primary school teacher Anna Yerrakalva who was off sick from 2004 on full pay after a catalogue of dubious medical conditions were claimed

A Teacher who lied about an accident at work and took six years off sick on full pay has been lambasted by an employment judge.

Anna Yerrakalva, who had brought an unfair dismissal claim in 2010, yesterday won the case on a technicality – but was told she would receive no compensation because of her lies.

However, the case has cost taxpayers  around £300,000.
Mrs Yerrakalva, a widow and mother of two, went off sick after her alleged accident in November 2003.

The 58-year-old primary school teacher claimed a teaching assistant had an epileptic fit in the classroom and fell on her, trapping her on the floor and leaving her with chest, neck and spinal injuries.

An investigation by Dearne Carrfield Primary School in Bolton-on-Dearne, South Yorkshire, concluded the accident never happened. She briefly returned to work there, only to be struck by a bus in June 2004, and has never worked since.

She was on full pay of about £30,000 a year until she was suspended in 2009 – and was finally sacked the following January for gross misconduct.

Her pay while off sick has been estimated at around £180,000 and the council’s legal bill is believed to exceed £120,000.

Dearne Carrfield Primary School in Bolton-on-Dearne, South Yorkshire, found Mrs Yerrakalva's claim was made up

Dearne Carrfield Primary School in Bolton-on-Dearne, South Yorkshire, found Mrs Yerrakalva’s claim was made up

However, the tribunal yesterday found
the school governors and her employer, Barnsley Council, were
responsible for an act of victimisation on grounds of disability and
unfairly dismissed her as she was not allowed to return to work and deal
with grievances according to the rules.

If proper procedures had been followed she would ‘inevitably’ have been sacked fairly, the panel said. Employment judge Stephen Shore said her compensation for unfair dismissal was being reduced by 100 per cent because she ‘told a series of lies’ and added the credibility of her testimony was ‘in tatters’.

The Sheffield tribunal heard Mrs Yerrakalva had been claiming disability living allowance and industrial injury benefit in 2006 and 2007 yet at the same time told her employers that she was fit to return to work.

Her astonishing list of 26 symptoms in her benefits claim forms included finding it difficult to peel vegetables, open the curtains and turn on the taps.
In a reserved judgment Mr Shore said she was ‘grossly exaggerating’ her symptoms.

He said she was a ‘thoroughly unreliable witness’ and the account of her accident at work ‘wholly inconsistent’. Her ‘lies and dissimilitudes’ included forgetting she owned a second home in Doncaster.

Her former headteacher Stephen Poxton told the hearing Mrs Yerrakalva was sacked after lying to her employers about her health. He said: ‘Her claims caused . . . an irreparable breakdown of confidence. I could not trust this teacher with children.’

Mrs Yerrakalva, who moved to the UK from India in 1981 and lives in Sheffield, also won a claim for breach of contract and unlawful deduction of three weeks’ wages and is likely to receive modest compensation at a future date.

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I hope she is not claiming disability benefits as well.
How on earth can it be right that a teacher can be on full pay but not working for 6 years?

Nasty piece of work. I can understand why the school eventually bit the bullet and did whatever they had to do to get rid of her. Would you want this person teaching your child?

What a waste of space. Well any job she ever applies for again will be interesting…’how many days off sick have you had over the last 6 years?’

So it seems clear that she lied – in which case hasn’t she obtained money by deception? I certainly hope criminal charges can be brought against her, or civil charges so that the council can recoup some of the money she deceitfully obtained. Whoever decided that suspension on full pay was acceptable for so many years also needs to be sacked and surcharged – this kind of thing is simply an abuse of public money and taxpayers.

She is a total waste of TAX PAYERS money. 6 Years on FULL PAY the Public Sector live in Cuckoo Land.

Surely this woman should be facing criminal charges?

This so called teacher or sponge i’m going to call her, makes me sick!
How many of us are hard working people would seriously say this women should not be locked up for fraud and wasting public money. Her claim is frivolous and unfounded. She pounced on any mistake but her intention was to sponge.
Unfortunalty there are more like her taking our taxes and gaining an unfair advantage, she should be punished and made an example off.
Please take her photo down, i cannot stand to look at her face.

I stopped reading after I read that she lied about getting injuries and as a result lost her job and the judge said this was unfair dismissal. Glad she didn’t get a penny more tho.

Good. Hopefully this will put off the other chancers out there who think it’s OK to pursue frivolous claims.

Cheeky but there are some teachers who play this one. Mostly it is the tired 50+ aged teachers who go on long sickies and turn up for the minimum amount of time before that next “hospital appointment” Many of them can be found in the south of france in their second homes. It’sTime to stop this.

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