The ‘Fake’ Cities of Syria’s Unrest

Nate Berg
The Atlatnic
September 27, 2011

It’s been reported briefly by a number of news outlets that a documentary/news show in Syria recently suggested the unrest currently taking place there is not really happening. Instead, they allege it’s actually being staged in cinematic replicas of Syrian cities for the Al Jazeera news organization.

That’s right: fake cities, built in Qatar by Al Jazeera, occupied by hordes of actors, under the direction of filmmakers to create a false impression of what’s happening on the ground in Syria. Or at least that’s the spin.

Or perhaps more accurately, propaganda. As this post from The New York Times mentions, the station that ran the allegations on September 9 is closely tied to the ruling regime of President Bashar al-Assad.

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23 Responses to “The ‘Fake’ Cities of Syria’s Unrest”

  1. Addounia TV is owned by Mohamed Hamsho, who is the brother-in-law of Maher al Assad, the commander of Syria’s Republican Guard and the brother of President Bashar al-Assad of Syria

    The report claims that Al Jazeera has had replicas built of Al Asi Square in the city of Hama, the Clock Square in Homs, and some of the neighborhoods in Idlib. Unconvincing zoom-ins of satellite images purport to back up these allegations.

    The construction of a fake city—let alone multiple fake cities—would be a major undertaking. The sheer scale of it makes even the suggestion almost laughable. It calls to mind the climax of the 1974 Mel Brooks film Blazing Saddles, in which a fake version of a town is created to fool a band of thugs intent on terrorizing the locals into leaving. Or the fake war created for TV in Wag the Dog. Or even the theory that the moon landing was filmed on a soundstage.

    But if such a monumental building project were to take place, a pretty surreal alternate reality could be created. Maybe the Syrian government could even follow its own line of reasoning and build some fake cities to counter the fake cities they claim Al Jazeera has built.

  2. That should be no surprise.
    al Jazeera was created and owned by Ted Turner (CNN).

  3. Ron Paul in 2012!

  4. Everything is getting hyped and falsified to the max. This almost qualifies as a media False Flag operation. Al Jazeera is just another tool of Anglo American foreign policy and not to be trusted:

    After eight years as Al Jazeera’s top news director, Wadah Khanfar resigned on Tuesday. Though the network released a statement saying the departure had been planned since July, observers have been quick to suggest that Khanfar was forced out after a WikiLeaks cable release revealed that he allowed U.S. officials to influence the station’s coverage of the war in Iraq (and other things, presumably). In contrast to the network’s public image as a harsh critic of U.S. actions abroad, the 2005 report portrays Khanfar as “eager” to show the U.S. Defense Intelligence Agency that Al Jazeera’s work is “fair”.

    According to the cable, the [American embassy official] handed Mr. Khanfar copies of critical reports by the United States Defense Intelligence Agency on three months of Al Jazeera’s coverage of the Iraq war; Mr. Khanfar said that the Qatari Foreign Ministry had already provided him with two months of the American reports, according to the cable, suggesting a close three-way consultation involving the two governments and the network.

    The cable also describes an incident in which he agreed to remove graphic photos of wounded women and children from Al Jazeera’s website at the request of a U.S. official. Additionally, the cable’s content appears to undermine Al Jazeera’s claim of editorial independence from its owner, the state of Qatar. (That Khanfar’s replacement is a member Qatari royal family seems to further highlight the apparent contradiction.)

    • “Anglo American”… What?!

      What’s that mean? Are we separating out the types of Americans now? Creating sects?

      You do know that Anglo Africans and Anglo Celtics exist too?

      So which group of “Anglo’s” are you referring to, Chicken Little?

      The… English-speaking, white, North Americans who are not of Hispanic or French descent.

      Or the… Kenyan Americans… Obama Americans… Voo-doo Americans… [For those that support the Obama family].

      • Don’t go getting all ticked off over it. The term Anglo American has been used to refer to the TPTB very frequently. Of course there are plenty of Anglo Africans and Anglo Celtics along with Anglo American French. I used it as a shortcut reference to the well established power structures, such as CFR, Trilateral Commission, Chatham House London. You might do some research before you screech your posts out like someone making wild chalk sounds on the chalkboard.

        • Research why you use the term? Really now… C’mon man…

          Shortcut?! Then why don’t you use “TPTB”… duh… wouldn’t that like be easier to type?

          But no… you have to play on the simple minded…. the unknowing.

          See… I’ve seen it in the past when you’ve been addressed about this by others… and yet you continue using it knowing darn well that it is more commonly associated with Caucasians.

          Your subtlety is intentional… and you’re a liar.

    • Thanks Skywatcher…good post!

  5. It’s kinda like Mel Brooks prodution of Blazing Saddles. The God fearing People of Rock Ridge just want to continue their peaceful lifes when Headly Lamar and his band of cutthroats come to burn the place down to make way for the rail road, but they did not know a new kind of Sheriff was in town.

    The People of the Arab World want Peace and have no desire to be cannon fodder for the International banking Cartel or their leaders.

    They want the freedom of self determination.

    They want a chance at a life of economic prosperity.

    They want the same thing we do and should be given a chance to realize their dreams and that starts with good reporting and al Jezzera does give out more information than most.

    They gave us a great chance to grill the author of a Ron Paul hit piece in the opinion section of al Jezeera english today. Take advantage of this chance to show the Muslim World the art of Political debate and show them that their is hope for a new World with out repression and coersive force.

    • Muslims love Ron Paul… that should tell ya that something’s wrong with him.

      Additionally; there ain’t freedom in Islam… it’s subjugation.

      “Mohammed is God’s apostle. Those who follow him are ruthless to the unbelievers but merciful to one another” (Quran 48:29)

      Do you know what an unbeliever is? An infidel?

      How long will you remain ignorant?

      The only freedom a Muslim wants… is to be able to kill, maim, mutilate, bomb, massacre, inflict slavery and rape everyone that doesn’t follow Muhammad!

      And thanks to the Luciferian Globalists they’re accomplishing that worldwide.

      • sumsrent- you are very narrow minded. The media and politicians have directed you well.

        • Damn right…he sounds like my father for crying out loud. But he isn’t…just SOUNDS like him.

        • Narrow minded… as in closed minded to the truth? As in NOT having an open mind about the facts? As in like having blinders on?

          Sounds like you’re describing yourself.

          TROP Reports:
          “The Quran contains at least 109 verses that call Muslims to war with nonbelievers. Some are quite graphic, with commands to chop off heads and fingers and kill infidels wherever they may be hiding. Muslims who do not join the fight are called ‘hypocrites’ and warned that Allah will send them to Hell if they do not join the slaughter.

          Far from being mere history or theological construct, the violent verses of the Quran have played a key role in very real massacre and genocide. This includes the brutal slaughter of tens of millions of Hindus for five centuries beginning around 1000 AD with Mahmud of Ghazni’s bloody conquest.

          Both he and the later Tamerlane (Islam’s Genghis Khan) slaughtered an untold number merely for defending their temples from destruction. Buddhism was very nearly wiped off the Indian subcontinent. Judaism and Christianity met the same fate (albeit more slowly) in areas conquered by Muslim armies, including the Middle East, North Africa and parts of Europe, including today’s Turkey.

          So ingrained is violence in the religion that Islam has never really stopped being at war, either with other religions or with itself.”

          I’m sorry… now what were you both saying?

  6. The staged scenery is usually made of plywood and other flammable materials. They should send saboteurs.

    • Like Hollywood’s western movie sets, only the fronts of the buildings are there.

  7. “You will hear of wars and RUMORS of wars”

  8. I wouldn’t put it past the Jews one bit to stage the whole thing, since they are such producers of films!


  10. Gotta love how these arabs have the balls to say someone is lieing. Unlike us we just sit and get lied to. First they try to murder me then they lie to me, product of a dieing breed!

    • Who can you trust today?

      I’m 62 years old and find that many people and countries are the biggest liars and cannot control their own spirits! That’s why I like getting in tune with Jesus and help others do the same, because it’s God who says He cannot lie! So, who’re you going to trust? God or man?

      “Listen to this: Back to the Jungle” music clip
      – Not only pointing out the problem
      but giving the solution that works best!


      Press the forward arrow; plays the clip!

      • 62???

        The way you comment I would’ve guessed at around 24…

        Maybe you should consider growing up and acting your age.

        PS… I would suggest that you get “in tune” a little harder, since you’ve missed several important factors concerning the Jewish.

  11. I’d like to think the days of Al Jazeera faking news were over… well, to this extent at least.. In recent years Al Jazeera ‘seems’ to have improved its reporting worldwide whilst diluting its bias (slightly – or more a refinement?)..

    • I wrote some pretty damning stuff against the Jews to the editors there one day thinking they are Arab backed liberators of Palestine… Boy was I wrong, but they got the message stuffed down their backwards narrow throats anyways about Christ!

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