The Greatest Threat To Mankind

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The ultimate sin of the technocrats

Paul Joseph Watson
Monday, July 9, 2012

The self-destructive, self-loathing, nihilistic drivel that poses as popular culture and modern society is like a ball and chain to humanity’s innate desire to realize its true potential.

In the video above, Alex Jones explains how the people in control of our planet are wantonly hurting the course of human development and sacrificing the very legacy of our species in order to satisfy their own meaningless, myopic lust for transitory power.

A small group of inbred, unhappy, twisted and wicked people have committed to dominating and enslaving the population of the planet instead of serving humanity as pioneers in leading our species on to its destiny of greatness.

Humanity can only dream of the potential it possesses in reaching out for the stars while we are being held back and turned away from our destiny by globalists.

While the human race is being demonized as a virus or a cancer upon the planet, in reality it is our controllers who are the true cancer because they are creating the environment for mankind’s destruction.

The ultimate sin committed by the technocrats against the world population is their attempt to shutter our doors of perception and put a halt to the charge of human progress, freedom, and spiritual enlightenment.

If we are to survive and thrive as a species we must untangle our minds from the trap that has been laid for us by the technocrats and come to the understanding that they are the biggest threat mankind faces as a species.


Paul Joseph Watson is the editor and writer for Prison He is the author of Order Out Of Chaos. Watson is also a regular fill-in host for The Alex Jones Show and Infowars Nightly News.

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73 Responses to “The Greatest Threat To Mankind”

  1. Satan only comes to kill, steal, and destroy.
    Nothing would make him happier than to kill us all off and then he gets it all.

    His followers here are Bill Gates, Monsanto, vaccine pushers, people who put poisonous fluoride in public water, sell-out politicians, banksters and their puppets, Bilderbergers causing wars and crisis’ for insider profit, and outright murderers and criminals controlling sex slave rings, and nuclear reactors based on greed which never should have been built and which I believe are the Greatest Threat to Mankind.

    Don’t forget their evil Ten Commandments are the Georgia Guidestones. They do want to kill us off.

    my2cents Reply:
    July 9th, 2012 at 9:40 am

    A bunch of kissing cousins..

    flaming_red_pill Reply:
    July 9th, 2012 at 11:02 am

    I don’t usually watch the videos here, but thanks to the staff for providing info below the vids on what they covered. If this vid mentioned the Gates’ I commend your bravery.

    I feel sorry for them in a way because I know what it’s like to grow up in an abusive racist nazi family — except mine tried a little harder to fight it and got screwed trying.

    we all fight in our own small way
    a thimble of faith is worth an ocean of lies, though

    remember always,
    truth is not daunted by size

    flaming_red_pill Reply:
    July 9th, 2012 at 11:03 am

    i would have huge respect for obama or gates, either one, if they came out against the NWO and told all the secrets lol

    MadMaxx Reply:
    July 9th, 2012 at 4:28 pm

    It’s too bad so many people could give a shit less what happens until it directly effects them. What most fail to realize is that what’s happening right now will effect every last one of us. Those of you who think/pretend like nothing bad could ever happen to us Americans are going to end up getting the rudest awakening of all. Y’all better snap out of it and at least learn about emergency preparedness so you have backup plan next time shit hits the fan. The Govt. can’t even answer 911 calls when the power goes out for a couple days. So what do you think that means for you and your family when there’s a real emergency?
    Your trusty government won’t protect you unless you consider FEMA CAMPS “with their barb-wired fences facing in” as protection. If you don’t already know what that means, when it faces in, YOU CAN’T LEAVE! Sounds more like a prison camp now doesn’t it… How’s that for some protection? Come closer sheeple, we’ll protect you..

    No thanks, I’ll take my chances as a free man or die fighting for it!

    You can always hope for the best, but you might want to think about what you could do to be prepared for the worst, just in case… Wouldn’t you rather be safe than sorry? Or sorry as shit? If you don’t already know how to be resourceful, I suggest you start learning and preparing now… or you can always just continue to sleep like the millions of other helpless zombies in the world which will unknowingly continue to be a slave to the system forever…

    ickybiker Reply:
    July 9th, 2012 at 9:44 am

    What unmitigated bullshit. What the hell would some imaginary supernatural being want with a little spec of dust in the cosmos known as “earth”?

    The people you speak of are evil, that’s not in question. However, as long as people believe in the superstitious nonsense, this back biting, humanity destroying, “war for souls” will never end. They do what they do out of greed, and their lust for power. they get away with it, because most people are good, and trust those whom they have charged with doing a job, or service. Those providing that service are dishonest and very deceptive, and based on their rhetoric, they are given this trust. The fact that they wantonly violate that trust makes them not worthy of their post, yet they continue to be “elected”. Gullible people continue to be fooled.

    The “devil” has no more to do with any of this than any other supernatural fantasy one can come up with. People are accountable, not some myth. The catalyst for this is public “education”, and the plans for our current system of obfuscation and indoctrination has it’s roots in 19th century Prussia. (The Leipzig Connection – Paolo Lionni)

    You think Germany lost WWII?

    Guess again.

    miltonwatamus Reply:
    July 9th, 2012 at 10:15 am

    This is religion you speak of. Its man-made. We screw up everything we touch. It ends at the bible and Jesus Christ. It validates all these things you speak of, God is very clever and has hidden things in plain sight. I pray you find it.

    ickybiker Reply:
    July 9th, 2012 at 11:10 am

    God is a myth. Or more to the point ALL gods are based entirely in myth. When people realize that they are accountable to each other, and not some cosmic absentee landlord, then we can reason together.

    Religion is like government. it’s force, not reason. If you don’t believe this, then just take your head out of the sand and look around.

    miltonwatamus Reply:
    July 9th, 2012 at 12:52 pm

    I thought that too at one point until I freed my mind. We agree on religion. Utter horseshit, and the people peddling it, the best of the best. However, Im merely suggesting that you actually look into the world around you and follow the trail and see where it leads you, you will be blown away if you fancy yourself a “open-minded” “free-thinker”. Go on, I dare ya… If God is fake, why does Satanism always come up at the highest levels of our society? Why is there so much effort to denounce Jesus, specifically. You can be anything in this world and no one gives a crap, you say Christian and its like you are the worst scum of the earth. Or better yet, why such a burning desire to wipe Israel off the map? For thousands of years that has been happening… Why? Why is there nothing we know of before the days of Noah? Why is it, that is our main source of history? The Dead Sea Scrolls. Nothing predates that, cavemen are another hoax, because after all THAT is the point, its the deception of mankind. Look at the world around you. Your body could not exist if it didnt produce cells, yet you are to believe that through some random process one was created out of nothing and eventually became all life? You need a cell to make protein, and a cell cant be a cell without protein, therefore they both had to be created at once. Its right in front you yet you cant see it. You would sooner believe aliens planted us here before Jesus, and still yet the only evidence points to Jesus, not UFO’s. The french scientist guy in Close Encounters of the Third Kind eventually became a “Christian” because of what he saw, also famous astronomer Giullermo Gonzales, same thing. Why?

    ickybiker Reply:
    July 9th, 2012 at 2:06 pm

    Milton, you are one that blows with the wind. “I thought that too until I freed my mind”…..what utter bullshit. You believe in something that has no physical attributes, provides absolutely ZERO evidence of it’s existence, and you have “freed” your mind? What a jackass.

    Until you understand that all reality can be known by your senses, you will never be free, and will always genuflect to whoever can dupe you the most effectively. Life did not happen “randomly” as you put it, there are very specific and complex processes which gave rise to self replicating life. I could explain it in detail, but you obviously wouldn’t understand it since you “freed your mind”.

    You make far too many bullshit non sequitur assertions to address. “Look around you” is the stupidest argument there is for the existence of the supernatural, because by nature, you could attribute ANYTHING to that.

    You are also obviously ignorant of any science in the 20th century. Put the crack pipe down, and pick up a book. The kind with small print, and no pictures.

    miltonwatamus Reply:
    July 9th, 2012 at 3:14 pm

    Lol suit yourself. Look around is short way of saying anything you can touch or see or smell. You didnt refute any info I listed because you cannot. I can keep going, because its “all around me” Its a shame that you would not be even the slightest bit curious. You only hide behind your self righteous “scientific” world view when it exists only in the minds of a few too lazy to look into it and in our schools. Theres one you could look into, where our schools got their mission and curriculum flavors… Sorry Icy, Im not trying to write a novel so I dont sound “wavy” for you.
    And I am more than capable of conversations on many subjects, where shall we start?

    s5t5e5v5e5 Reply:
    July 9th, 2012 at 11:52 am

    Hey prickytricyclerider…I feel sooooo sorry for you. Life must suck when you think it ends at bodily death. you Mr. Icky are the one who is as stubborn as an ass. YOU take your head out of the sand and look around. All is a miracle and ALL is God’s creation. Even you. too bad you don’t get it. I blame your parents for doing a piss poor job bringing you up. I will pray that you get your head out of the sand.

    ickybiker Reply:
    July 9th, 2012 at 12:22 pm

    Typical “Christian” reply. What evidence can you offer of my “not getting it?”

    In other words, prove your point instead of being a pompous ass. You make assertions you can’t back up beyond passages from your little book of bedtime stories, right? Any other historical or physical evidence beyond you pseudo scientific little brain? Further, you look around and assert that “All is Created by God”, completely ignoring sound scientific explanations for these things. You must be a Hovind/Comfort/Craig disciple.

    If you actually have some “proof” I would love to see it.

    LEGION Reply:
    July 9th, 2012 at 9:59 am

    you forgot the insidious evil known as the DISTRICT OF CRIMINALS.You all were warned in the 1950′s about this.But you all believed the MSM,calling the — watch dogs[J.B.S.] –extreme right wing american nationalist conspiracy theorists. You[ ALL AWOKE] too late!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This includes you Alex. Even Barry Goldwater ,and the DUKE knew what was coming down the pike. AAA-O

    my2cents Reply:
    July 9th, 2012 at 10:05 am

    We are many: If this were a bull fight, are we the bull or the Matadore?

    my2cents Reply:
    July 9th, 2012 at 12:36 pm

    Maybe the crowd?

    btshepard Reply:
    July 9th, 2012 at 12:23 pm

    Read The Great Work at 3108(dot)info

  2. germany “lost” WWII but hitlers dream for germany came true anyways.

    it does not matter if it was aliens, people from the future or another dimention, the devil, or god himself, there is no de-nieing that hitler had tech-no-goodies far beyoned his invention and most of those ended up being brought over to destroy amerikka.

    I wonder how much their bases in the antartic have grown in the last 70+ years?

    Must be nice to catch google earth on the right day and be able to see what they are building down there right now, huh?

    LEGION Reply:
    July 9th, 2012 at 10:58 am

    like to thank our government for the lyme disease,that was invented by the nazi scientists ,on Plum Island,Mass,via Operation Paperclip.Good read-Churchill,Hitler,and the Unnecessary War,how Britian lost its empire,and the West Lost the World- by Patrick J. Buchanan.

    Peace Frog Reply:
    July 9th, 2012 at 4:02 pm

    leave us not forget to thank them for West Nile Virus…after all were so close to the Nile River

  3. I’m surprised the Rockerfellers and all the other elite controllers do not take offense to this statement. Do they not really mind that Alex labels them so evil? Are they not proud of where they think they have brought Humanity and to correct Alex? Or, are they just pure evil and want everyone to think that of them?

    “A small group of inbred, unhappy, twisted and wicked people have committed to dominating and enslaving the population of the planet instead of serving humanity as pioneers in leading our species on to its destiny of greatness.”

    I think there are lots of people that now see something is very wrong. We may not fully know the truth and Alex’s show probably and maybe unintentially actually pushes the controllers agenda. For example, why are we being intentionally encouraged to hate the TSA? The MSM and alternative media is pushing the agenda that the TSA is violating our civil rights. Why? We know the TSA is not needed because there are no real terrorists. Why create the TSA and then openly decry them? Maybe this is a distraction to keep us upset about the TSA rather than the fact that the TSA is not needed at all?

    THE WIZARD Reply:
    July 9th, 2012 at 10:34 am


    singularity Reply:
    July 9th, 2012 at 11:58 am

    Bulldog, likely the MSM is covering TSA abuses because the public became increasingly aware these problems are being covered by web alternative news sites with initially hardly a mention on the MSM. This took away some credibility from TPTB’s media lapdogs and gives the appearance of censorship. To combat this and keep the sheep in the fold, the controllers are allowing some coverage but not the whole story, a limited hangout, just enough to allow the public to “vent” and then go back to sleep but not enough to galvanize them to get involved somehow.

    The same process occurred several years ago when CNN let Lou Dobbs openly discuss the open borders agenda and regional government under the North American Union. Just read one of Dobbs’ books and you will immediately recognize the limited hangouts.

    ickybiker Reply:
    July 9th, 2012 at 12:26 pm

    Another bullseye.

  4. Excellent videod thesis. Thank you.

    my2cents Reply:
    July 9th, 2012 at 10:42 am

    Corn crisis turns into corn disaster Rev. 6:5-8.

    Peace Frog Reply:
    July 9th, 2012 at 12:58 pm

    also check out the excellent reporting on fukusheema @rense

  5. If Man evolved as Alex pushes in this video then GOD cannot exist and what the ELITE do is not wrong morally because there is no right or wrong since we are all animals.However Alex does believe GOD does exist but used Evolution as acceptable belief but JESUS states quite the opposite.
    Alex look you either believe JESUS or you accept evolution.

    rob l Reply:
    July 9th, 2012 at 10:44 am

    Evolution can be true along with a creator. Too many people think it is one or the other.

    The whole argument is silly anyway since there is zero way anyone can prove how life came to be. It’s a shame most people don’t grasp this and just instead look to debate/argue over something they can’t ever prove…that’s time and effort that could be better spent on actual issues.

    As one might expect, I do not attempt to say I know how life came to be nor do I care as it doesn’t matter to me although I do believe we are in nothing more than a glorified simulation program. By this i don’t mean simply the matrix where there are real life humans outside of it. I have no clue what kind of species the programmers are.

    my2cents Reply:
    July 9th, 2012 at 10:49 am

    rob l: You are an ecellent example of the system. Congratulations.

    Tom Reply:
    July 9th, 2012 at 2:55 pm

    There can NOT be both simultaneously. Evolution is full of shit and you don’t want to die before realizing that mistake. And you’ll want to dicth the word “matrix”, since its only objective is to identify a dumbshit born after 1975….

    July 9th, 2012 at 3:18 pm

    I’m Back!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Peace Frog Reply:
    July 9th, 2012 at 4:04 pm

    @ Tom

    Just tell em..When I go to the ZOO..why can I still see apes ?…how they “miss the boat ” ?

    Billo Reply:
    July 9th, 2012 at 10:59 am

    darwin your talking out of your ass. You of all people have figured it out. You bring nothing to the party. God thinks your an asshole. That’s one thing I know.

    Peace Frog Reply:
    July 9th, 2012 at 1:00 pm

    when will god get pissed enough to flood us all out again

    ickybiker Reply:
    July 9th, 2012 at 11:50 am

    Morality comes fro our ability to reasonably assess the consequences of our actions, not from imaginary sky wizards. Anyone who has actually READ their bible knows (if they are honest) that secular morality is far superior to anything written there. Would you kill your children (with the help of everyone in the community) for misbehaving? If not, then you are violating devine instruction given in Leviticus.

    If biblical morality was currently accepted, then it would be socially acceptable to Murder, commit genocide, enslave other humans……Oh wait…..I just described the American “Christian Right”.

    Your argument is from personal incredulity, not from observation of anything related even remotely to reality. You make rash assumptions based only on your false assumption that “if evolution is true, then there is no God, hence no morality”.

    That is the STUPIDEST thing anyone here has said yet. If the only reason you are “moral” is because you fear some cosmic overlord, then you are by default an immoral, or at least amoral person, with a shock collar.

    Peace Frog Reply:
    July 9th, 2012 at 4:06 pm


    miltonwatamus Reply:
    July 9th, 2012 at 12:58 pm

    Macro vs. micro evolution. Two very different things. He said right off the bat, CREATION/ CREATED, that only means one thing.

    ickybiker Reply:
    July 9th, 2012 at 2:09 pm

    Yea, it does…it means “he” is an idiot.

    miltonwatamus Reply:
    July 9th, 2012 at 3:23 pm

    Yup, well then case closed. That settles it for me! I am happy to be free of this whole God thing. A soul is such pain in the neck I mean really…. Its fun when I realize I am a lifeless part of a huge cancer on this poor, poor world. The trees are so sad!
    By the way your email is saying that I am supporting evolution. I dont and I am pretty sure that Alex would not either. We are talking about creationism. He was clearly not talking about Darwinism if thats what you mean….

    Peace Frog Reply:
    July 9th, 2012 at 4:08 pm

    when the veil is lifted you will say the same thing Steve Jobs said..OH WOW…WOW…WOW

  6. “While the human race is being demonized as a virus or a cancer upon the planet, in reality it is our controllers who are the true cancer because they are creating the environment for mankind’s destruction.”

    The human race is a virus and is a cancer on the planet. It’s simple math- the species is populating like crazy and takes over so much land and resources compared to every other species which often die off because of this. Sooner or later something has to give.

    Why is this so hard for people to grasp? It’s like people think everything is infinite on this planet and you can have tens of billions of people and all will be well. Where are you going to house them all since many places in the earth are uninhabitable? How are you going to feed them all if you need to take out farm land to house them? Where are all these people going to work given technology is increasing to make machines more efficient for production?

    Funny that anyone who actually accepts math and reality with this is simply evil and is assumed to be wanting to wipe out the human race.

    I can only assume those who don’t see this have some gene built in where they just want their species to keep expanding more and more and don’t seem to think about the logistics of it…which is how a virus functions.

    Billo Reply:
    July 9th, 2012 at 11:28 am

    Having some perverts on top of the pile who think themselves god is not the way anything will be solved. They did Fukashima, the gulf of mexico core exit depleted uranium costly counter productive wars. No body has to be staving anymore, most diseases could be cured. Without these creeps we could go to work solving problems instead of typing on the internet.

    singularity Reply:
    July 9th, 2012 at 12:12 pm

    The problem is the elites believe the end always justifies the means.

    If they can CONTROL and depopulate the masses by starting wars, poisoning the air, food, and water, dumbing down, endless deception, bringing in tons of drugs to large cities then launder the money and use it to fund special ops such as the S. American “death squads”, false flags like 9/11, etc. etc. etc. – then that’s fine with them.

    Real education rather than bombs would go a lot farther to keep people from having too many kids. They won’t go that route because the last thing they want is a population of intelligent serfs with critical thinking skills.

    ickybiker Reply:
    July 9th, 2012 at 3:43 pm

    Indeed. If people were actually educated, it would become obvious to all that governments are not only destructive, but not needed, nor wanted. It can exist only by force, and cannot do anything but consume. It has no product to sell, only rhetoric. Everything it spends it must first take from someone.

    It is by nature an immoral institution. No human is smart enough to know what is best for another human, hence it is immoral for any human to claim dominion over another.

    Governments are criminal organizations writ large. (Rothbard)

    singularity Reply:
    July 9th, 2012 at 12:20 pm

    The elites have always known that many of the earth’s resources are finite, that didn’t stop them from industrializing Asia creating massive consumer demand in a region with some 3 billion people. At the same time, they were pushing hyperconsumerism in the developed world and expanding an already stable population (flat growth) with massive numbers of immigrants.

    It’s classic Hegelian dialectics. Create a problem, such as excess consumption or a real estate bubble and banking crisis, then when TSHTF, slither in with the “solution”.

    ickybiker Reply:
    July 9th, 2012 at 12:24 pm


    Peace Frog Reply:
    July 9th, 2012 at 1:02 pm

    leave us not forget the dot com con

    ickybiker Reply:
    July 9th, 2012 at 2:17 pm

    Why is it so hard for you to grasp that the alleged “human threat” is manufactured by greedy oligarchs intent on controlling the entire human race as slaves? GOVERNMENTS are the cancer you speak of not “humans”, who only populate 17% of the liveable space on earth. Notice how GOVERNMENTS are crying about how wasteful and irresponsible PEOPLE are, yet they continue to drive up debt and destruction? Do you really think that there is a GOVERNMENT on the face of the earth that gives a shit about the environment?

    Property owners are conservationists by nature. Why would anyone purposely destroy the value of their own property? This is why GOVERNMENTS are at war with private property owners everywhere. They cannot control the movements of the population without first controlling their land. They can’t do that until they control the food supply, and they can’t do that until the completely control the world’s money supply.

    Clearing up a little?

    miltonwatamus Reply:
    July 9th, 2012 at 3:25 pm

    This is Prison Planet guy we know, calm down….lol

    Peace Frog Reply:
    July 9th, 2012 at 4:10 pm

    thankyou Milt…you get it

  7. You must keep writing. Your ability as a wordsmith is like watching Farage on video.

  8. It’s true I respect Alex and my heart even loves his ways and his quest but when he talks of the one true god I know it does not exist because if the demon hearted sob that controls this reality was so good in his heart that why did he create evil to destroy innocence? In my experience it’s the abused chlldren that suffer the most. So where is justice?

    spymyeyes Reply:
    July 9th, 2012 at 12:33 pm

    “justice” comes when you are standing before your god going over every sin you ever did in life.

    Peace Frog Reply:
    July 9th, 2012 at 1:03 pm

    lost track

    Edge75 Reply:
    July 9th, 2012 at 2:11 pm

    Dont worry peace frog, God hasn’t.

    July 9th, 2012 at 3:17 pm

    I been keeping track myself. a whole shit house full of rotten sons a bitches are going to be poping and sizzling in hell like a piece of bacon in a skillet that is just to damn hot.
    gonna sound like a hog farm at castrating time. the squeals will be coming from the
    bowles of hell!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    miltonwatamus Reply:
    July 9th, 2012 at 3:42 pm

    If there is no night, you could never recognize day. What use would it be or reward even, if you were just born in heaven and knew nothing else? You would have no concept of just how good it is to be created completely free willed. That would not be free willed but forced. Hence the story of mankind. There is only history on our planet that encompasses all life and mankind. Only one that is supported by thousands of artifacts and scrolls, and elsewhere throughout the whole planet. Your entire world is a lie, from schools to our country to what has been ingrained in your mind through countless sports games and titty bars, car shows, drugs, entertainment etc.. etc.. Anything but this— Jesus.
    Drug trade, pedophilia, satanism, tax loopholes, off-shore accounts, safe havens, “foundations”, politicians (actors), the list goes on and on. You say Public Company, I say illegal monopoly for their little buddies. Everything is fixed, nobody stands for anything but their own, but moreover, their eyes are on the TV, on their career, on whatever. The people are shut out and fed bullshit all their lives by a greedy little group of people who indwelt by pure evil. Unspeakable atrocities have been happening and they call it “humanitarian. Why are you ok with that? Shocking what complete power this group has over the world. We should be rioting in the street.

  9. Go to youtube and type in the illuminati and biblical prophecy.Watch that whole thing.Especially the part about Albrt Pike’s morals and dogma,where he wrote it in 1871.He talks about how they
    would create three world wars,who would be involved in each,and what the end goal is.He was a
    satan worshipper,along with these”globalists”of today.Listen closely.This should give you a clue as
    to wether there is a God,or not.
    Those who have never pursued a relationship with Jesus Christ have never felt anything from him.
    He tells you,”seek and you shall find”.”Knock and the door will be opened to you”.He does’nt say
    don’t believe in me,and I will reveal myself to you,anyway.
    Why do you think that all the other religions are ok with the establishment,but they take christianity
    from the schools,from the courthouses,and people being punished for reading a bible or talking about Jesus Christ?That’s a big,DUH.
    When you’re at youtube watch The Power Behind The New World Order and The Illuminati and the CFR.All 3 of these are very interesting and enlightning to anyone,no matter what your beliefs.
    It seems that ickybiker has no discernment between the old testament and the new.There is a huge difference.
    I pray that God would touch the heart of the non believers,and open there minds and their eyes to the fact that he is real and his word is true.

    miltonwatamus Reply:
    July 9th, 2012 at 3:45 pm

    Leonardulrich channel? NWO: Secret societies biblical prophecy (revised)? I thought he did a great job of capturing the web of lies that makes up the last 100 years and beyond. And how screwed up this really is. Excellent job, if thats the one you are talking about.

    Peace Frog Reply:
    July 9th, 2012 at 4:17 pm

    Albert Pike was a satanist…correct ?…therefore Free Masonry is a satanic organisation

  10. testing 1 2 3 all hail the big nose’s testing 1 2 3 . an I don’t hate you I just don’t understand.

    Peace Frog Reply:
    July 9th, 2012 at 4:18 pm

    post disappearing ?

  11. I suppose non believers believe that all life started with a one celled organism in the sea,then mutated into something else then something else,then grew legs and crawled on to the land and kept evolving and turning into dis,dat,and de udder ting.

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  14. greatest threat ?

    answer: US Government, SCROTUS Socialist Corrupt Retards Of The US

    Peace Frog Reply:
    July 9th, 2012 at 4:19 pm

    criminals…the lot of them

  15. missing links, truth behind Linberg kidnapping, JFK assination, the Liberty, Patton poisoned, who conrols IMF,Federal Reserve, CFR, Bilderg, Media, Hollywood, and Politicians, Wake up.

    Peace Frog Reply:
    July 9th, 2012 at 4:20 pm

    and 9/11…7/7…12/12/12

  16. “….a standard Sun.” Right. The Sun is not a regular Sun and it’s distance from Earth is extremely accurate for our survival. It’s seasons are very accurate for it’s continual and perpetual offspring for its eternal self sustaining existence. No other planet within the heavens has the ability that Earth has, and personally, they never will either. One would have to understand the word: Perfection, to get a better understanding of perpetual existence. All the stars of our solar system is perfectly revolving around our sun……is this happen-chance ? I doubt it, and understand the Lord is to love the Lord, if not, then you love death.

    Peace Frog Reply:
    July 9th, 2012 at 4:24 pm

    I have a recurring dream…the sun explodes…the earth heats up a bit

  17. t’s too bad so many people could give a shit less what happens until it directly effects them. What most fail to realize is that what’s happening right now will effect every last one of us. Those of you who think/pretend like nothing bad could ever happen to us Americans are going to end up getting the rudest awakening of all. Y’all better snap out of it and at least learn about emergency preparedness so you have backup plan next time shit hits the fan. The Govt. can’t even answer 911 calls when the power goes out for a couple days. So what do you think that means for you and your family when there’s a real emergency?
    Your trusty government won’t protect you unless you consider FEMA CAMPS “with their barb-wired fences facing in” as protection. If you don’t already know what that means, when it faces in, YOU CAN’T LEAVE! Sounds more like a prison camp now doesn’t it… How’s that for some protection? Come closer sheeple, we’ll protect you..

    No thanks, I’ll take my chances as a free man or die fighting for it!

    You can always hope for the best, but you might want to think about what you could do to be prepared for the worst, just in case… Wouldn’t you rather be safe than sorry? Or sorry as shit? If you don’t already know how to be resourceful, I suggest you start learning and preparing now… or you can always just continue to sleep like the millions of other helpless zombies in the world which will unknowingly continue to be a slave to the system forever…

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