The Manufactured War on Terror

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May 21, 2012

Alex discusses the global psy op that is the War On Terror.

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20 Responses to “The Manufactured War on Terror”

  1. What’s That, Monkey Boy? Manufactured Terror. It’s That N!gger In Office, I Tell You. Manufacture This Monkey Boy!

    Meanwhile, Cash Machines Are Failing In Britain!



    hellangone Reply:
    May 21st, 2012 at 4:33 am

    Question: where are all those “peace freaks” who were out in force against “Dubya,” but who say NOTHING when the chimp-in-chief not only keeps the “war on terror” going, but also expands it?

    Huggles Reply:
    May 21st, 2012 at 5:33 am


    We “peace freaks” are concerned about Obama but you have poisoned that well with your racist language.

    SearsJulio Reply:
    May 21st, 2012 at 6:12 am

    my roomate’s mother-in-law makes $69/hour on the internet. She has been without work for ten months but last month her payment was $21033 just working on the internet for a few hours. Read more here CashLazy.*com
    remove the *

    jchance Reply:
    May 21st, 2012 at 11:50 am


    Well said!

  2. I prefere to call it the the “War On Bs” because it is.
    we were told the commies have killer satelites and were out to get us where did they disapear to ?
    then we were told 911 was terrorists, funny how all “terrorists” are middle eastern islamic isn’t that pure
    coincidence ?
    the similarity between osama obama not only in name but also by features some people
    have done very through comparisons of their eyes, ears hands they match up almost perfectly.

    Nwo plan has been exposed it keeps on going …
    (1) commies (2) terrorists (3) rogue nations (4) astroids (5) alien / ufos

    eurisko1 Reply:
    May 21st, 2012 at 6:31 am

    Yes and there will be “disclosure” before the election. I say there’s a safe bet on it.

  3. yup, spot on guys.

    next up:

    those dirty terrorists hiding in the congo, yemen, samolia, and any other african country ripe for the destablizing influence of the NWO and their fractional banking nightmares.

    Now is the PERFECT time for them to go in and sterilize whole countries of starving african natives.
    Nobody is going to miss them and once all the orders are filled for organ harvesting then the real cleansing can begin. Most if not all of the african natives are going to die from the aids that they were poisoned with so this is just one more nail in their coffin.

  4. The War on Terror is nothing more than a social conditioning program whereby an irrational and hyped-up fear of foreign terrorists is created by a control freak government in order to persuade people to give up more and more of their rights in exchange for a false sense of protection and safety solely for the benefit of the an elite ruling class. It’s the adult version of children’s fear of an imaginary monster called the “boogeyman.”

    Spymyeys Reply:
    May 21st, 2012 at 5:12 am

    ya, and if the total world population is due to be 500 million, then you can kiss the entire continent of africa goodbye for human habitation.

    whitey done kilt yo ass…..agin……..

  5. Hey QMB,,,,,,I enjoy your posts most of the time,,,and have found most to be quite informative,,,,,,,,but lay off the n!ggers stuff ok?,,,,we are all in this together,this fight cannot be won if we as a people stay divided,,,,I do not like Obaqma anymore then you do,,but he is not the head of the snake anyhow,and calling him a n!gger only helps him,,you should be smart enough to figure that out,,,,,

    mpennery Reply:
    May 21st, 2012 at 6:27 am

    I suspect you’re reading it wrong. QMB has never, in my limited awareness, seemed racist, except maybe against non-humans.
    Fascinating clips of AJ QMB. You mean to imply we’re being manipulated here at PP? Aghast! Come on, man. The current story makes perfect sense to me. The elite who never want to be seen (Bilderbergs) meet once a year and ‘leak’ their location and ‘leak’ their agenda and then act like they’re frightened of being found out seems perfectly ordinary. That’s how the secret societies operate, man. They wouldn’t put on all this theatre and let Alex Jones make it out to be the BIG party as a distraction for the actual party.
    Come on, we’re not that gullible.


    Lexington, ky

    grewuphere Reply:
    May 21st, 2012 at 6:45 am

    You may be right about QMB ,Matt,,I will give him the benefit of the doubt,,,,,,but I believe you are wrong about AJ,,,,,,you have to remember one thing,,the “elite” are human,they make mistakes,,,but aside from that hiding in plain sight is one of their tactics,,,,,besides that they control the media,,,,,and with only a few of us paying attention they can do whatever they choose,,,,,,,,,

    I also suspect that there are people inside their organization that see what they have been doing has gone to far and want the truth to get out,,,,,atleast I pray that is the case,,,,,

  6. Read some excellent articles, with a glass, mug or bowl of Tangy Tangerine.

    down with the clown Reply:
    May 21st, 2012 at 7:20 am

    still a benchwarmer. hmm. you need a little more work. keep trying.

    benchwarmer Reply:
    May 21st, 2012 at 8:00 am

    bite me donkey breath.

    Education is a progressive discovery of our own ignorance.
    ~ Will Durant

  7. good and evil both can teach us a lot.
    Since 80 % of humanity are part humanoid part zombi, I guess the NWO plans will clean up this planet in the end.

    when all the drug addicts out there realise that if they ended there addiction and slavery to the drug cartels, that empire would stop existing. that is called starving the beast.The same would work with the oil cartels also, stop using there fossil fuel technologies. but no the Me myself and I matrix does not let your brains accept that this is the only way to take these powerfull rich out of service. ” do you think I am going to stop using my seadoo, or my favorite hotrod or stock car or mercedez benz???? see where i am going with this???????

    the level of selfishness and greed just fuels human ignorance and dissables the human brain from understanding the equations that make up this abusive system.

    TIme to get rid of those who have been ruling and do not want to be part of a new world that does things differently than what the last 60 years has been.Those who suppress the new technologies that would create another economic boom for the entire planet. These are our enemies good people.

    war will only make things worst and rob us from opur collective rights to live in peace and in a safe and clean environment.

    but only we humans can make the necessary changes in our own values that will enable a new breath of fresh jobs for so many many people.the level of spirituality needed to create such a new world is at our grasp, we only need to understand WE are the catalizers we humans need to end wars and service to the military destroyers of mankind. UNtil we raise the level of spiritual responsability on this planet, our race will shrink like the NWO plans seem to want it?

    Vic Reply:
    May 21st, 2012 at 7:27 am

    IN the end we humans will use our free will or not use it wiselly?

    It is up to us all together.

    like asong back in the late 60′s: al together now, all together now, all together now.

    but right now it’s to each his own right???

  8. all we are saying is give insurance fraud, arson, mayhem and war criminals arrest.
    if you hear any agreeable voices in your head, you’ll like the taste of Tangy Tangerine.
    if there’s intelligent life out there, they can save an extra 10% if they mention INFOWARS

  9. Good Arabs should buy more guns to kill bad Arabs. It will take better jet planes and helicopters to search and destroy infidels and dissidents. Drones must kill the bad guys exiting their cars. Loyal imams can be given more cash.

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