The Ring Of Fire Is Roaring To Life And There Will Be Earthquakes Of Historic Importance

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The American Dream
Friday, April 13, 2012

Does it seem to you like there has been an unusual amount of seismic activity around the world lately?  Well, it isn’t just your imagination.  The Ring of Fire is roaring to life and that is really bad news for the west coast of the United States.  Approximately 90 percent of all earthquakes and approximately 75 percent of all volcanic eruptions occur along the Ring of Fire.  Considering the fact that the entire west coast of the United States lies along the Ring of Fire, we should be very concerned that the Ring of Fire is becoming more active.  On Wednesday, the most powerful strike-slip earthquake ever recorded happened along the Ring of Fire.  If that earthquake had happened in a major U.S. city along the west coast, the city would have been entirely destroyed.  Scientists tell us that there is nearly a 100% certainty that the “Big One” will hit California at some point.  In recent years we have seen Japan, Chile, Indonesia and New Zealand all get hit by historic earthquakes.  It is inevitable that there will be earthquakes of historic importance on the west coast of the United States as well.  So far we have been very fortunate, but that good fortune will not last indefinitely.

In a previous article, I showed that earthquakes are becoming more frequent around the globe.  In 2001, there were137 earthquakes of magnitude 6.0 or greater and in 2011 there were 205.  The charts and data that I presented in that previous article show a clear upward trend in large global earthquakes over the past decade, and that is why what happened this week is so alarming.

On Wednesday, a magnitude 8.6 earthquake struck off the coast of Indonesia and that was rapidly followed by amagnitude 8.2 earthquake off the coast of Indonesia.  Fortunately those gigantic earthquakes did not produce a devastating tsunami, but that doesn’t mean that those earthquakes were not immensely powerful.

Normally we only see about one earthquake of magnitude 8.0 or greater per year.  The magnitude 8.6 earthquake was the most powerful strike-slip earthquake in recorded history.  If that earthquake had happened in the United States, it would have probably been the worst natural disaster in U.S. history.  The following is from an article posted on The Extinction Protocol….

I’ve never heard of a strike-slip lateral earthquake of this great a magnitude; especially under water. Preliminary assessment of the Indonesian quakes by U.S. geologists suggests one plate lurched past each other as much as 70 feet. San Andreas is a strike-slip, lateral- can we even imagine two sections of ground moving 70 feet near San Francisco? Had the force of the Sumatra quakes been unleashed upon San Andreas, the city would have been completely destroyed.

And earthquake activity along the west coast has definitely been heating up in recent days.

On Wednesday, a magnitude 5.9 earthquake struck approximately 160 miles off of the coast of Oregon.

Early on Thursday, there were two major earthquakes (magnitude 6.9 and magnitude 6.2) in the Gulf of California.

It is only a matter of time before the “Big One” hits California.

Sadly, most Americans (especially young Americans) can’t even tell you what the Ring of Fire is.  The following is howWikipedia defines the “Ring of Fire”….

The Pacific Ring of Fire (or sometimes just the Ring of Fire) is an area where large numbers of earthquakes and volcanic eruptions occur in the basin of the Pacific Ocean. In a 40,000 km (25,000 mi) horseshoe shape, it is associated with a nearly continuous series of oceanic trenches, volcanic arcs, and volcanic belts and/or plate movements.

The entire west coast of the United States falls along the Ring of Fire and a massive network of faults runs underneath California, Oregon and Washington.

At this point, scientists tell us that the west coast is long overdue for a major earthquake.  An article in Time Magazine a few years ago stated the following….

California has more than 300 faults running beneath its surface, including the massive San Andreas Fault, yet the quake to end all quakes has yet to occur. In 1980, a federal report declared the likelihood of a major earthquake striking California within the next 30 years to be “well in excess of 50%.”

Unfortunately, the truth is that is a very, very conservative estimate.  The west coast has always been extremely unstable and it always will be.  At some point there is going to be a tragedy of unimaginable proportions on the west coast.

Just hope that you are not there when it happens.

  • A d v e r t i s e m e n t

But it isn’t just California, Oregon and Washington that should be concerned.

According to the Arizona Geological Survey, there were 131 earthquakes in the state of Arizona in 2011.  That was a huge increase from just 53 in 2010.

And of course an absolutely nightmarish earthquake could occur along the New Madrid fault at any time, but that is a topic for another article.

As far as the Ring of Fire is concerned, another major threat is volcanic activity.

One of these days, one or more of the major volcanoes on the west coast is going to experience a major eruption again.  There have been signs that Mt. Rainier has been becoming more active, and a major eruption of Mt. Rainier could potentially be absolutely devastating for much of the northwest United States.

Of even greater concern along the Ring of Fire is Mt. Fuji.  As I wrote about the other day, Mt. Fuji has been dormant for about 300 years but is now rapidly roaring to life.  New craters have appeared and these new craters are venting gas.  There has been a swarm of earthquakes under Mt. Fuji this year, including a magnitude 6.4 earthquake on March 15th.

If Mt. Fuji were to experience a full-blown eruption, the consequences could be absolutely catastrophic.  Mt. Fuji is not too far from Tokyo – one of the most densely populated cities on the entire planet.  The loss of life resulting from a full-blown eruption of Mt. Fuji would be almost unimaginable.

But it is not just along the Ring of Fire that we are seeing a rise in volcanic activity.  The truth is that we are seeing a rise involcanic activity all over the globe.  The following are just a couple of recent examples which have been in the news….

*The volcanoes in Iceland that caused such huge problems a few years ago are becoming very active once again.

*Authorities in Colombia have declared a “red alert” and believe that an eruption of the Nevado del Ruiz volcano is imminent.

*Ash is venting at the world famous Anak Krakatau volcano in Indonesia.

Something really strange is going on.

Most scientists will deny it or will attempt to downplay it until they are blue in the face, but the truth is that the trembling of our planet is getting worse.

If this shaking continues to get worse, there are going to be some absolutely horrific tragedies in the years ahead.

So do you have a theory for why there is so much seismic activity happening along the Ring of Fire?  Please feel free to post a comment with your thoughts below….

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55 Responses to “The Ring Of Fire Is Roaring To Life And There Will Be Earthquakes Of Historic Importance”

  1. will people start moving out of California before the chaos starts? Very daughtfully they will.
    the main reason being the same that keeps the good people from arresting the criminals within government, those trators. THat reason being: addicted to the materialitic world theu are enslaved in?

    who wants to leave behind the whips of slavery? fear being the main one.

    the same reason why so many military people are afraid to stand up for the constitution? but they have no problem following orders to exterminate inncocent lives?

    shame on you all for being so coward. the right thing to do would be correct the mistakes you have all been serving fooled to believe?????? there is still time to arrest the pentagon goons including Dick Cheney, Rumsfeld and BUshes, along with Henri Kissinger and master friends.

    Vic Reply:
    April 13th, 2012 at 3:42 am

    THey are the few and the people are the many.

    But expect major events as we move closer to the end of this evil empire’s life span.

    they will tweak the Haarps weapons and spark major earth quakes that could kill millions in the attempt to save there own necks?

    ” they abused us all with there taxation system and scams, now it is there turn to receive the other end of the boomerang

    Vic Reply:
    April 13th, 2012 at 3:46 am

    WHAT GOES AROUND , COMES AROUND EVIL ONES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


    we all had a constitution that could garantie peace and freedom but what did we do to protect it? time to look in a mirror for we must have done something wrong to see it being destroyed like it is now.

    the trators work for the UN that nwo criminal mafia who control our military soldiers who in turn took an oath to defend the constitution. THat same constitution they are now trashing by following the evil order of genocides serving the criminal banksters. When will we see the awakening of the oath takers?

    Vic Reply:
    April 13th, 2012 at 3:49 am

    You would like to be ownered for serving your country? but was it your country you were fooled to believe you were serving? or was it not criminals that give you your orders?

    AandO Reply:
    April 13th, 2012 at 11:38 am

    Great group of comments there Vic.

    Good work.

  2. Do I have a “theory” ?

    Well, let’s see. Is the human race perhaps nothing more than a temporary parasite living on the surface of the earth ? What do the parasitic bacteria inside of your intestines do when you take a strong antibiotic ? They are ruthlessly exterminated in what must seem to them a “catastrophic event”, are they not ?

    Will it even matter, in the grand scheme of things, if we vanish from existence in 1 day ?


    hellangone Reply:
    April 13th, 2012 at 3:56 am


    And as YOU yourself are a “parasite,” then it really won’t matter if you perish.

    Or, did a libtard such as yourself include yourself in the equation?

    Vic Reply:
    April 13th, 2012 at 8:59 am

    The guy was simply asking a question in his quote. why do you seem to take it personal?
    I am shure he included himself in the equation he put forward. why treat the guy of libtard?

    why does your EGO make you say things like that?

    I did not feel insulted by the guys comments. why did you?

    would be interresting to know your thought process so we could all understand why you seem to have taken it personal?

    I do not think it was, but you seem to have ?


    burntumbra Reply:
    April 13th, 2012 at 6:48 am

    I agree with BP. We are just like a flea on a dog upon this earth. The planet cares less if we live or die. It’s just that humans are so vain, thinking they are so important and smart. The earth has been around for 4.5 billion years and will probably last another 15 billion, and it cares not if O’Bama is still Pres. OR if Trayvon Martin made a good target for pistol practice.

    Vengeance Reply:
    April 13th, 2012 at 8:49 am

    Actually I’ve heard told that the planet is closer to 60,000+ years old. But I’ve also noticed that these Evolution scientist types regularly keep increasing the age of dear old ‘Mother’ Earth quite substantially also over the years.

    Sadly the planet IS going to go the way of the Dodo and soon, but the Human race will survive. The Bible even tells us about all that…

    wildcat Reply:
    April 13th, 2012 at 11:07 am

    You have population collapses in nature all the time. Read up on “foxes and rabbits” or “cannibals and missionaries”.

    The Vikings believed in Ragnarok, a time when there are three continuous years without a Summer. I guess thst would be caused by dust in the stratosphere locking the jetstream into a pattern that would direct cild air over Europe.

    The dust could come from a comet, asteroid, or a solar flare during an eclipse.

  3. I recently asked the USGS as to “WHY” they don’t post or record the quakes under Yellowstone, They replied that they simply “Were not there”. I submitted quake data to them from Utah’s University and from the former site… Which clearly was recording Yellowstone’s quakes.

    The USGS said those “Brat’s” in the University don’t know a thing about Quakes. hum..

    I contacted the man that ran the site and referenced the quake that rippled the entire park on ALL monitors the same day as W. Virgina and Colorado had the swarm and 5.9 quakes. I asked him what he thought of all that (THEN) activity. He replied, “Read REVELATIONS 9: and that was his best informed look at why Yellowstone was acting as it was.

    When the Bible speaks of a GREAT EARTHQUAKE occurred and one that had never happened before. It dose leave a person to understand how under the one lake the Ground has risen over 10″ thus pushing the Lake Waters to one edge of the lake and the bases of trees are now standing in over a foot of water were it was dry before. This giant DOME is growing under the Park.

    Then a recent USGS mapping program now says the Caldera under Yellowstone runs from Wyoming to near Kennewick, WA. That is over 250 miles in length. I could sit here and name towns in Montana that are named after (Springs) that denote past volcanic activities in many counties of Montana alone. This areas all have hot springs and are nearly 200 miles from Yellowstone.

    There was a News Story a while back where this Gal was standing beside a beautiful river/stream that was flowing fast. The camera panned away and it was the Snow Melt of the massive amounts of Snow thawing from Mount Rainier

    If you also note, The release of Steam Plums that the USGS says in “Forest Fires” all up and down the West Coast near these once Active volcano’s. The Volcano off Oregon’s coast spewing Lava underwater in 12 foot lave tubes, (Not mentioned in this article) but the Volcano’s location is exactly where the Big Quakes have hit off the Oregon’s Coastline as confirmed with Google Earth.

    The safest thing to do is to have a PLAN that all Members of the Family know and understand and where to meet. When a major quake hit’s an area, The Media would rather run a story of a squirrel playing on Main Street. So it will be the FAULT of the Media and those that hide the DATA of these quakes. This doesn’t even consider quakes that continually happen in Wyoming and Rock Springs that record from the same area and the USGS Deletes the Event. Yet why? is it always the Quakes happen in the same area. What causes 3.0 to 4.0 .

    Something IS BREWING and that is seen in how FEMA was holding Drills all over and preparing many for what may soon become a reality that like standing on the beach the waves make it look like the Earth is Living Breathing planet. Soon!! It will happen.


    Vic Reply:
    April 13th, 2012 at 5:39 am

    The safest thing to do is to have a PLAN that all Members of the Family know and understand and where to meet. When a major quake hit’s an area”

    that plan is useless if people wait for the event to occur? Once it does, chaos quicly unfolds and no plan can be followed, for people are unaware of the level of intensity choatic energies can have ?

    How many people will die because they waited for the last moment?

    Even if you have a full tank of gas, the highways might not be usable and if they are they will be at a full stop clogged with trafic and add the panic to it all??????

    The wise ones have already started to do what they need to do: head for safer grounds now while there is still time.

    Vengeance Reply:
    April 13th, 2012 at 8:52 am

    Couldn’t agree more with ya Vic! *goes back to digging like a mad Badger*

    Ho of Babylon Reply:
    April 13th, 2012 at 10:40 am

    Not everyone has enough money to just pack up and move. Plus, who is to say where the earthquake will occur? I live in the southeast, we’ve not had earthquakes here in my lifetime, but now, who knows? At least having enough supplies and clean water to live a few weeks without power is better than nothing.

    MajWilliamMartin Reply:
    April 13th, 2012 at 11:13 am

    Your right Vic, The problem that is real is people are lied to the fact that [They can survive] a Major Quake because they build buildings to be earthquake proof. That lie makes people [stay] in the area that they know has faults, volcano’s and dam’s that [should] survive a big quake. So the People stay.

    The sad thing is no matter where one [lives] on the earth you can see there has been a history of some activity. If you moved from CA to Nevada it would be no good either, I watch the USGS site a lot and every area is being hit from quakes and quakes tied to fracking too.

    You can only expect that when you remove millions of barrels of Oil and not replace that stock you leave a void. The amount of sinkholes have also been forming too. Personally I believe the planet is getting even for the release of pressure that has held Plates and such in place for millions of years, The more they take out the more the planet adjusts.

    burntumbra Reply:
    April 13th, 2012 at 6:58 am

    My home was just 10 miles (as a crow flies) from the 1992 Landers CA earthquake. It was 7.4 on the Riecter scale and nothing happened to my house. California’s topography really can withstand earthquakes pretty good. So I’m not worried. I’m 21 miles from San Andrea’s Fault and still I don’t worry very much. I know to turn off my gas, put on shoes so you don’t cut your feet on the broken cups and glasses, and I always have food and water on hand to last for months. What bothers me is that little trembler of 5.4 that hit just outside of Washington DC. , about 6 months ago, destroyed some homes and damaged the Washington monument. Now there topograghy for earthquakes is disasterous.

    Ho of Babylon Reply:
    April 13th, 2012 at 10:40 am

    We felt that here, it was bizarre. Not used to having the ground shake, lol.

    Seal Reply:
    April 13th, 2012 at 8:00 am

    Major Martin, Dear Son;

    Or “dad” as it were…

    Sir: There are times we have been under, invisibly to most, but since nineteen-sixty-and-three, in the eleventh-month, in Dallas; The “Military-Industrial-Complex(CIA)” began a series of events which placed all under secret-tyranny!

    Your colleagues in military should have arranged a coup then! Far more later the evils of the criminals have taken-root just like a big-black-wart! The longer they are allowed to stay, the deeper they have the folks by the ka-ho-nees!(balls)!

    Now son, they have not only placed us all under no pretense of freedom;But open-tyranny!
    You are very soon not going to be allowed travel, unless by special-priveledge!

    “…If…”(Ohhh there’s that word again!) Mr.Barry Soetoro, aka Olde’ BAALma, Pretend President gets another term, or if Romney or some other available “puppet” gets hold of the reins…and Dr.Ron Paul, fails to win the Office;You think you have heard horror stories from palestine!?? The reorientations of the free brave, will be of great anguish, astonishments, hissings;such that we, the true north strong free, also, will be purged reduced eugenecised into very very minimal allowed existance~!

    The signs of the times are ALL AROUND: I suggest every reader begin to follow my advice: Get a King James Holy Bible, before anything else, even before your-own family-members.
    Read PSALMS every night…realize we are set for the slaughter…ARE YOU CATTLE? Even the animals can sense when they are nearing the slaughterhouse! Why can ye not discern the times???

    Military: Form secret cabbals of freedom/justice! When you are given unConstitutional-in-humane Orders, remember that before you took that great step-forward from the demarcation-line;You took Oath to defend the folks…So kill your evil Commanders, as a group…firing squad…without wrning. Just do it! Then the times will begin to change…what else can I say? DEFEND PROTECT…

    The Comandments which I am VERY FAMILIAR WITH~believe me;The sixth-Commandment better translated says “THou Shall Not “MURDER”…but killing is part parcel of God’s Will!
    YES, Damn you! Destroy those that would carry-out Orders in the wholesale destroying of your people’s Constitutionally Lawful rights! Are enemies domestic foreign(Offshore bankers) and their inside agents, on the take~!!! They have sold us all out~! Will you?

    When the SHTF when they fully implement HAARP etcetera weapons of mass destruction;alikened to the Texas Tornadoes which were far too high in frequency numbers last week~! HAVE YOU-ALL forgotten already!!?? Remember those poor damned semi-drivers, holoding-onto their tractor-steering wheels as they were carried-aloft hundreds of feet into the air??? HAARP ON IT SOME EH!!???…Oh Heavenly-Days come quickly, I wish to bid my leave to these poor damaged-minds that are no longer too quick! They can still tie their shoes but other duties are less well done…

    You must form secret cabbals within the Militaries branches in order that we somehow have a slight, chance, rather than none at all;For breaking out! Regaining our rights soverignty.

    Use what they have used to undermine US! Use stealth secrecy,…get ahold of that sect of Praetorians…especially…Turn on a dime boys gals…

    Who am I to make such deadly plans secretly and with authority…Well let me start by asking you Martin;Did your’s hail from a slave-owner in TN named joe martin?? How about cotton-state massive wealthy with hundreds of property? How about did you research of late where your kin hail from? How about have you given up all hope, at any time in your life? When you become a ward of the state, in matters of income due to injury, or have children then learn who owns those…regardless of how great good a job YOU do…lose them to a tyrant-judiciary-self-serving heathen higharchies of godless judges…in a state gone mad…When you find yourself in their clutches, that cold steel empty gut chill, that says, we don’t give one fuck about you your kid! We will rub your nose in it for complaining, for trying to right the system!..Then perhaps you will truly then be my brother. Then u may no.

    See EL…Matthew 5:8…Matthew 12:39
    Do Not Doubt: Soon the land WILL HAVE HER SABBATHS Jeremiah 25 Soon she will rest from all the noise. Which side will your carcass be found defending? Your decaying remains will be left to the birds beasts of the fields…So how shall we remember your once loath existance? Remember when you first learned to shine your shoes? What did you do it for?

    See EL Mt 5:8 Get it? Only the Pure of Heart…

    Post Script: Jeremiah 3:15,…Ezekiel 34:2, 8, 10.

    MajWilliamMartin Reply:
    April 13th, 2012 at 11:36 am

    The problem is that people [assume] things too much. 1. I am not in the Military, Nor would I defend this worthless government from anyone. My home is yet another story. 2. a sur-name is what I use, Why? In the Movies a screen play was made to honor the man the British used that died from natural causes and he was dressed up, placed secret papers on person and then made to look as if he was a messenger of the high British command carrying secret war documents who would be found by the German’s to fake them into moving troops to save thousands of lives in a planned landing force. The name of the movie was, (The Man who Never Was)

    Like him, I too am a messenger that explains what I have seen of the Falsehoods in life whether it is government, religions that are in fact ALL CULTS. Then we have wisdom in those that came and gone before us.

    This government spews lies at every occasion and they do this because the Jew’s Own them. Just like when they brought Hitler to power. They owned most all the banks in Germany and caused the german currency fail, Just as today as these zionist banks get away with their “shitty deals” and receive bailouts from [you]. Our currency is about to tank and I could not be more happier.

    Forget Earthquakes, Just remember when you fail to learn History you’ll repeat it just as the US is now following-mirroring the past of Germany 1924-1938. The Patriot Act, NDAA, Peace Time Martial Law, Thought Crimes Bill, Killing US Citizens without Proof, Tsa everywhere, Yes the NAZI are flying a New Flag today.

    They pull monies from science that studies these earth wonders to put into military coffers for star-wars and billions in making weapons to kill millions more and claim that people hate us for our freedoms. Are we Free? People tend to GET EVEN when you drone their fucking Families to death. Not to mention how your Tax Dollars pay $50,000 for each unlawful KILL the US does in Afghanistan for each family member(s) killed. Over their they have Big Big Families.

    Live day to day, As you quote your scriptures, Please remember the one about who feeds the Birds and how they need not worry. They have a provider. Though some birds might hit your windshield, there is events in all our lives that we just can’t foresee.

  4. Now, I know you’re all going to roll your eyes almost into your empty skulls when I say this but you really have to accept a simple fact, so simple that it seems impossible, but like Occam’s Razorthe simplest explanation to any problem is usually the right one.

    Now, ANYONE that’s got a bible in the house, probably hiding under the stairs tucked away for when there’s world shattering events but not needed for everyday life, should go get it now.
    Read the part in the Gospel of Matthew Chapter 24, verse 3 onwards. it explains a series of events that shouldn’t be happening all at once but they are.
    It talks of happenings all over the globe, wars, famines etc. but the most suprising is the part which says there will be earthquakes in one place after another. Now, if you take that one section of scripture and you put it with the First letter of Peter Chapter 3 verses 1 to 5 which tells us what kinds of people will be in the majority in society when all these things that are mentioned in Matthew 24 will be happening.
    No matter what you think of the bible, if you take off those HATESPEECH goggles and you grow a little maturity, if you grow a little tolerance for the simplistic language but look beyond the pages to the MEANING to the words, you will see just how dangerous a time we find ourselves in.

    I suppose it would surprise you to note that it also calls time on the end of false religions too, destruction of said organisations in just one single day. If that isn’t caused by a targetted HAAARP pulse cannon direct hit on the centre of Rome then I don’t know what is.

    Or it could be God…you make up your mind, I’ve made up mine.

    Enjoy your lunch.

    Vic Reply:
    April 13th, 2012 at 5:50 am

    What ever it is, GOD or people playing god? no matter if one believes in GOD or not? There is a major force that is out there and can and will intervean because too much evil has been permitted on this planet since thousands of years.

    How many live in denial? prefering to ridicule what they cannot explain? it reminds me a lot of all the good men and women ”serving there country” following orders that tell them to kill innocent people backed on lies????? They are willing to obey to those orders when the bible has always said: ” THY SHALL NOT KILL ”

    They have taken an oath to uphold the constitution that can garantie liberty and peace but choose to serve the evil order givers no matter who they are in those governments.

    ”THey are proud to serve there country” and would like more recognition???? But the facts show
    having more recognition would be like OBAMA receiving a nobel peace prize while the facts show he is spreading wars?????????

    If you don’t believe in the BIBLE, then believe at the least that each human has the potential of living inpeace with more love in the heart. Push aside the hatred and discriminations and racism if Peace is to one day exist on this planet. If we humans cannot get our act together, maybe GOD the soul creator??? will do what needs to be done to end the madness we humans cannot? we are caught in a ketch 22 matrix seems? FREE will is and has always been ours to use wiselly. ?

    Vengeance Reply:
    April 13th, 2012 at 9:02 am

    Some key observations concerning the heart from a VERY good source:

    Jeremiah 17:9 – The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked: who can know it? (King James Bible)

    Matthew 15:19 – For from the heart come EVIL thoughts, murder, adultery, all sexual immorality, theft, lying, and slander. (New Living Translation)

    With a planet covered by people all possessing such a heart condition (sin) it’s NO wonder that we all just can’t never seem to ever get along… 🙁

    MajWilliamMartin Reply:
    April 13th, 2012 at 11:56 am

    That is why the Military has Clergy. Your taught NOT to KILL from the Bible, But the Military teaches you TO KILL. The Fake ass Military places these asshole “Fathers” in the Military so they can say that the Bible ‘meant’ MURDER in Cold Blood. Therefore, You can Proudly Kill for your Country and God is going to kiss your lovely white ass. We are Civilized not Savages! Bullshit!

    This is why so many US Military are now on DRUGS to salve their MINDS because they were sent to war over the 9/11 lies of Vengeance. (Vengeance is MINE say’s the Lord) After going to Iraq and Afghanistan and killing Millions over the last 15 years (aided by sanctions) These boys snap in anger as it all becomes a joke to them.

    This cause id because of the Big Lie of You attack them THERE so they wont be over HERE. However, a Soldier defends his Country NOT a strip of desert in another country. Wars are all Political. What men do on a battle field they could do sitting at a table. You don’t see President’s out in Battle do you? Nor the Big Military leaders either, They sit in the safety of Bunkers yet hen the war is over the Papers are all signed in a bunker or place of safety by those that pushed thousands into killing each other. (The MY DICK is Bigger then YOUR DICK) Syndrome.

    Afghanistan nor Iraq nor Libya ever attacked the US States. It is a Fake War. Saudi’s were involved in 9/11 not Afghan’s. Just promote a lie and your Number 1 in Politics. Obama has lied about everything and tongues are licking his shoes now. Earthquakes are the least worry this country has. or will have. They are actually making Flags with Obama’s photo in them, Made is China though. haha

    angel avina Reply:
    April 13th, 2012 at 6:48 am

    I think your post Coxigor was very well written and I agree with it.
    People need to keep their eyes and ears OPEN.
    There is much going on and it is either NOT reported and/or just shrugged off.
    It’s coming. It’s BIG and it’s going to be more then we can even imagine.
    Be prepared.
    Be alert.
    Stock up.
    …and even more important…Have faith..for as it is written..”These things wil all come to pass…”.

    croxigor Reply:
    April 13th, 2012 at 12:06 pm

    It also says in the Bible that the end of this evil system of things will come as a thief in the night. Who prepares for a thief to come in and steal their stuff? Who plans for the day the thief arrives takes stuff and leaves?
    What this means is that the end of this system will come while we’re “sleeping” in the sense that it will be swift, deadly and final. People still alive at the end of all this will look on and be totally amazed that what has been foretold from before the begining of the worlds founding has been written as a warning, we’ve got to stop thinking that America will last forever. No country has ever lasted forever. If you look at it not even the Earth has been here forever. Forever is a very long time.
    What I’ve been so strongly convinced of is the fact that what has been written in the bible for the past 3500+ years has been written there for our benefit.
    It tells us to get out of Babylon the Great, stop being contaminated by its influences and to start getting back to a way of life that is simpler, less cluttered with todays clutter-filled lifestyles.

    For example, the humble fisherman on the caribbean beach that is surrounded by his family and friends, goues out with them regularly to provide for his family, he’s probably taken his kids on the journey too which helps establish a better relationship with his kids instead of only visiting them in the afternoons once arriving home from a full days slog in a politically charged, suffocating office environment that has lighting that causes all sorts of mental and physical problems.

    What fisherman in that situation will give up his relationship with his kids, a beautiful sunrise and sunset every day, working alongside friends and family for the benefit of all, instead of working in a sweat-shop office block all day reaching impossible soul destroying “goals” whilst collectively filling the bank accounts of some faceless swiss shareholder who’s only rich because he has ancestry (probably Nazi) that put him there.

    The figurative heart condition of the fisherman has to be better than the banker for more than one reason. The fisherman is TRULY at peace with what he has, the banker will never be satified with the amount of cash his credit card holds, he’ll always want more. The banker will not care how he gets more, even if that means stealing cash from frozen grannies in Russia, stealing cash from the families in 3rd world countries who would have to live for half an eternity to get the cash that the banker has.
    No matter the cost, the banker will always want more. The fisherman on the other hand knows what is needed and will only fill his boat with enough fish to supply his needs for the day. Filling it any more will only cause the boat to sink and the fisherman knows this.

    The banker is blind to the fact that money is a concept, it fills a current need, it replaces bartering, but when there are no more stock markets there will be no more need for money. The Bible has foretold this in a time when there will be people throwing money in the street for the lack of value that it has.

    I imagine the majority of people don’t know that when Adam was created God did not then create a bank account for him. Adam wasn’t told he’d have to work a week before getting paid enough to buy food. There were no overdraft charges, there were no taxes, no forms to fill out for the simplest of services.

    Life was simpler then. Lets get back to that hey!!

    I suggest a quick look at Psalms 37:10,11, 28 also Revelations 21:3,4 also Isaiah 25:8, Isaiah 33:24, John 5:28 for some nice scriptures that will probably give us a little more hope for the future than we thought possible.

    Oh, and if you think the world will end this year, a word to the “wise” – not even Jesus knows when the end of the world will be.

  5. Well, knowing that the ole steam locomotives were controlled 100% by the steam that it produced, and seeing that all of our reactors are controlled by electricity, I suspect shit is going to hit the fan ! Obviously, our intelligent engineers don’t realize that steam has more horsepower then electricity ? Well, as the earthquakes and other natural disasters hit, they’ll wake up but it will be to late too !

    The years between 1978 too 2010 tells me that Fukushima had ample time to correct emergency steam piping and valves for controlling an emergency shut down, the same scenario and even longer for U.S. Plants. No excuse….plain and simple. If you don’t know how to control steam, I suggest you call McDonnell Miller, or Hydro-Level, and let them give you a hand…..”they have plenty of auto-water feeders and low water cut-offs that can remedy your emergency situations automatically.

    But first, the idiots at the top need to get their head’s out of their ass’s !

    croxigor Reply:
    April 13th, 2012 at 5:22 am

    would be even better if the steam was powered by the volcanoes that are all about to explode soon, sending half the worlds population into orbit or under 20,000 leagues of seawater.

    I vouch for getting seriously away from anywhere where there’s this so-called civilisation, get back to basics and close the door on all this crap.

    Vic Reply:
    April 13th, 2012 at 5:54 am

    ”But first, the idiots at the top need to get their head’s out of their ass’s !”

    wrong!!!!! the idiots need to be kicked out of those jobs before they do get us all killed, and the same for the idiots in government who rule over us, banksters included.

    jeffydiver Reply:
    April 13th, 2012 at 10:40 am

    Agree !!! Now, if the dumb-fuks that vote for them would wake up and get them the hell out and I mean quick !

  6. In 1980, a federal report declared the likelihood of a major earthquake striking California within the next 30 years to be “well in excess of 50%.”

    1980 + 30 = 2010. It is now 2012, therefore the likelihood of a major earthquake striking California within that time period is………. wait for it………drum roll ………………0!

    Why would you highlight a prediction that didn’t come to fruition to make the same argument?

    Vic Reply:
    April 13th, 2012 at 5:56 am

    Is there going to be an election in fall?

    why would there not be?

    Vengeance Reply:
    April 13th, 2012 at 9:05 am

    Cause Dr. Ron Paul HAS got Them running scared. Nuff said…

  7. Prophesied about in the Bible. The signs add up. Read it. Believe it. Act on it. Breath a sigh of relief. Get ready. PRAY PREPARE PREVAIL

  8. OIL, is a lubricant..
    what happens when ya run an engine after pulling the drain plug?
    the pull of the orbiting moon causes a need for some flexibility too.

    it may be bone-headed, but it just might apply some.

    AandO Reply:
    April 13th, 2012 at 12:56 pm

    Most of your posts set well with me.

    This one I can’t decipher.

    Please elaborate.

  9. These earthquakes make perfect sense when you look at the physical geography of our planet. The planet goes though periods of warming and cooling, naturally. Ice ages have been happening for a long time. When our planet carries a lot of ice, it spins with more weight at the poles and the equator shrinks in circumference. When the earth warms, the ice melts and the earth grows fatter around the middle. This growth around the middle is now expressing itself 70ft. at a time. A big loosening of the global belt. Our co2 levels are rising now beyond levels of natural proportions, our ice caps are melting fast and it only makes sense that these earthquakes would appear. Whether the warming is caused by man, or a combination of things, the results are predictable. The earth’s equator will grow and stretch until all the ice is melted.

  10. Yes I have a theory on why there’s so much volcanic and siesmic activity. The sun is acting very strange with huge explosions, geomagnetic storms and CME’s. The sun was dormant with very few sun spots for the last few years, now I think the sun will make up for that and become real active for the next few years. Especially on 21 DEC 12.

  11. lol california can fall off the map we dont need hollywood we dont need san fransisco we just need alaska and washington. amd what if st. helens blows its top………. food for thought

    Vengeance Reply:
    April 13th, 2012 at 9:08 am

    And just guess where ALL the thousands of big city criminal gangbagers are going to head for once the entire western US coastline starts flooding? Inland to where WE live that’s where!!

  12. Planet X is getting closer. This will cause an eloctromagnetic reaction from the sun and the gravitational pull will begin tugging on the earth at greater frequency. Planet X is 4 times the size of earth and is a dormant star that is on a long eliptical orbit that goes around our sun and back out of our solar system. It comes up from the southern part of our sky so you can only see it from the most southern part of earth.

    If you take the coordinants for Planet X (you cab google it) and plug them into “Google Sky”, that part of the sky is blackened out as if those who know about this does not want the masses to know.

    Check it out!!!

  13. Dutchsinse at Youtube keeps a great eye out for all this extreme weather radar anomalies that usually result in sever weather outbreaks within 24 hours. His alerts are a great way to monitor what’s happening without having to do all the grunt work yourself.

  14. Its all directly proportional to the solar flares that have been occurring, the Earth is transiting through the galactic plane, there’s much more to come.We are heading for an ice age !!!! Seed vaults,massive under ground shelters have been built for a reason.

    Vengeance Reply:
    April 13th, 2012 at 9:10 am

    Even more reason WHY we should be building our own seed vaults and bunkers as well…


  16. I live downstream from Yellowstone. Parts of the article are true, the dome in Yellowstone Lake has been growing for many years now. The North end of the lakeshore is receding and small quakes happen all the time in Yellowstone. The part about the caldera reaching 250 miles is total BS. If this volcano blows, I predict it will take a few thousand years to really get going and only minor changes have occured. However, a big tectonic shift might set her off a lot faster, I don’t know, but that makes sense in a fragile geothermal environment.

    So many of the “scare the crap out of you” articles are based on a little truth and then some unfounded BS to put it all in a nice saleable package. Shame on all journalists for being weak cowards.

  17. With an eliptical orbit, the Niburu planet would not orbit near the sun, like the BS propaganda charts I have seen on the internet. Again the truth has been lost to hyperconspiracy. The Mayans are the ones who pointed out the the date and planet X people hijacked it for thier own story. Kind of like the bible. Better to look towards an original source. End of Time, Glactic New Year, these terms apply to our understanding of Mayan interpretation. A flipping of the poles has been suggested, and I think is highly likely. Plenty of good crisis to go around without worrying about a lost planet.

  18. The planets are lining up and the center of the universe is near. Some say there is a gravitational pull from the gigantic Black Hole NASA found at the center of the universe. Yes the Black Hole has a stream of negative gravity that is pulling the planets in alignment. Now if the planets are in alignment, then it would suggest that like the Moon has an effect on the Oceans then the rest of the planets and the pull from the black hole should have an effect on planet Earth.
    The Mayan Calender did not predict the end of the world it simply states the Astrological and Planetary Alignments. How did they know this so many years ago? The Roman Catholic Religion at the time or the Spanish and there Catholic ways, destroyed the information. Thank You, so now we are wondering what to think of all the Crazy Earthquakes and Volcanic activity are just the warning signs of whats to come in the near future.
    I have been having visions of the the Wrath of The Lord thy God. Or just whats happening in our Universe. People want to believe in what the Bible says and all the ancient texts telling us that the end of Earth is going to happen. Well its not bull shit it is happening NOW. Either you prepare for the Wrath of the final Collapse of the FED Reserve and our monetary system, I am prepared in both spiritual and Financial End…

  19. A massive break up of existing land mass..that’s why bunkers are useless..they will collapse on you

    croxigor Reply:
    April 13th, 2012 at 12:12 pm

    buy a hovercraft and you’ll be able to ride it out without feeling like you’re on the high seas when the 10.5 world quakes happen. Just hope you’ve got your gas tank filled to the top because its not going to be over in minutes, its going to take hours to destroy all the government infrastructure before we can breathe a sigh of relief.

    Get out of town, stock up on supplies, close the door and wait it out. Noah did this before and it worked for him.

  20. When the Lord created everything, he didn’t give us any reasons or instructions, we have to figure that out ourselves…..and everything is trial and error until the science is developed and agreed upon. I went to the eastern shore and felt a relief, like something was lifted off my back. When I arrived back to the city, it was like being immersed back into hell ? I wondered why ? The gasoline was maybe 5 cents cheaper so but that wasn’t it ? Lord knows, the people are suffering from this economic mess too ! I saw fields that were planted too early for this long winter and their crops are brown, they were hoping for global warming and to take advantage over it. I could only feel the Lord is over there and not here in the city ? We don’t know the Lord, we can only feel for him like a blind man walking the street. The evil is in his control, but why ? Why doesn’t he do something about it ?

    lazarus2 Reply:
    April 13th, 2012 at 12:37 pm

    I suppose that is a rhetorical question; regardless, I would like to take a stab.

    Freedom to choose; sovereignty. This agency is the reason that justice delays, or bides its time.

    There is one common lesson, that the human race can take away from its history, regardless of who or what governed. That lesson is that when humans assume the mantle of authority, or power, it corrupts them, and those who are not empowered suffer the consequences. When have we as a species, ever really lived free, and under the care of a truly benign state? Just look at the attitude of the evil, corrupt, degenerate, dictatorial government, that we now suffer under!

    I have a government, the Kingdom of JESUS CHRIST, where JESUS CHRIST, is the KING. The real lesson that we are learning as a species is; If you want to dwell within the creation, you must bend your knee to its rightful sovereign. What a relief to know that I can live among people, who recognize the LORD, as the final arbitrator, regarding ethics, and standards of behavior, and swear to uphold the will of GOD, above all things. The Kingdom of unlocked doors! PRAY PREPARE PREVAIL.

  21. his name has never been jesus christ but YESHUAH MESHACH the LAMB OF YAHWH



    When they started up the collider the SAME earthquakes happened that VERY DAY 100 big ones

  23. flaming_red_pill Reply:
    April 13th, 2012 at 1:16 pm


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