The SYRIZA sellout


I know it’s disappointing, but the truth is better than fairy tales. (Unless you prefer fairy tales, in which case you’ll love the wonderful holo-hoax.)

By the way, I apologize for the small size of this font, but I cannot make it any bigger. For reasons unknown, I no longer have permission to select a larger size. That’s why my posts always have this small font.

Many T.U.T. readers erroneously think that all US dollars are lent into existence by Jewish bankers.  As I have explained in my ongoing “Truth About Money” series, plus my responses to reader comments, this idea ignores the fact that the US government also creates money out of thin air. The difference is that government-created money is not credit. It is not issued as loans. It is not debt. It is not borrowed from anyone, and is not lent to anyone. It is simply created and distributed.

Unfortunately, not enough money in the US economy exists as government-created dollars, and too much money exists as credit (i.e. bank loans, i.e. DEBT). Politicians maintain this situation because Wall Street pays them to. The paucity of government-created dollars forces you to seek loans from banks, which makes you a debt slave.

The irony is that what T.U.T. readers erroneously think happens with the USA really does happen with euro-zone nations that have trade deficits, like Greece and France. Since those nations can no longer create their own money out of thin air (like the US and UK governments can) and since they have no euros coming in from a trade surplus (like Germany does), these nations must borrow all their money.

Hence they are locked into a debt and austerity death spiral. Unless Greece can establish a huge trade surplus like Germany has, or unless Greece dumps the euro and returns to the drachma, so that Greece can resume creating its money out of thin air, Greece is doomed to keep falling further into debt and austerity forever. This is mathematically inevitable.


Greece must borrow all its money from the Troika, and from various bankers, and by selling bonds. Every “bailout” is a bailout only of the creditors, with more debt dumped onto the Greek masses. Greece’s debt to the private bankers is already €320 billion, and climbing.

It’s like having a credit card with a balance you can never pay off. You take on more and more debt in order to keep paying on your existing debt. Your creditors get all the cash from the Troika, and you get all the debt. The pundits, professors, and politicians call this a “bailout.” You lose everything, while the creditor-thieves scold you for “continuing to live beyond your means.”


The debt goes to the Greek masses, but not to the Greek politicians, who are fat and happy, and are bribed by the bankers to keep using the euro, so that Greece keeps going further into debt. Greek politicians don’t suffer from austerity.  They live in luxury, while Greek commoners live in a nightmare. I call this the euro scam.


This scam causes all euros in the euro-zone to ultimately flow to Germany, while all the debt flows back to the Greek and French masses. It’s like sending all your children to the Germans, who eat them, and who then defecate into toilets, flushing the sewage back to you. They call their sewage a “bailout.”


All the euro-zone politicians collaborate with the euro-scam. They are bribed by the bankers to keep it going by keeping the euro. Pundits and professors are also bribed (i.e. they will be fired if they speak the truth). Any candidate for political office who speaks the truth has no chance, since the bankers will give oceans of euros to his opponents.




There are 335 million people in the Eurozone, and very few of them are willing to admit these simple facts. But then, very few of them are willing to admit the fact that the holo-hoax is a lie.

As for Syriza, it has has always been a fraud, because Syriza has always defended the euro scam. And because of the euro scam, Syriza has had to break all its campaign promises. This is no surprise at all.

(Some T.U.T. readers attacked me for condemning Syriza. They wrote, “Why don’t you give them a chance?” But I already knew that Syriza was  sellout, since Syriza defended the euro. By doing that, Syria has no choice but to sell out.)

After a month of negotiations with Greece’s creditors, Syriza has unconditionally surrendered. Nothing will change. The debt and the austerity will continue to kill the Greek masses, while Greek politicians will continue to live in comfort.



The purpose of the Big Lie is to continually widen the gap between the rich and the rest. In the USA the Big Lie is that the US government is “broke” and “in debt,” and must have “deficit reduction” and a “balanced budget.”

In the euro-zone the Big Lie is that the euro and austerity are right, necessary, and good. The Big Lie says that if the Greek masses escape from their torture dungeon by dumping the euro, they will suffer disaster. It will be as though Europe is wiped out by an asteroid from space.



This lie, like all Big Lies, is the exact opposite of the truth. Nonetheless, the Greek masses reject the truth, and believe the lies.  So do the French masses, who march in nationwide solidarity when some Jew gets killed, and who are equally united in their insistence on debt slavery, since they adore the euro.


Incidentally, Golden Dawn members understand all this. They want to dump the euro so that Greece can recover. But they are easily silenced by lies, by exaggerations, and by accusations of being “neo-Nazis.” Most people believe these lies about the Golden Dawn. It makes them feel righteous as they suffer in  poverty.

So Syriza will keep letting “bailouts” go the rich creditors, and keep letting more debt and austerity crush the Greek masses. Unemployment and privatization will continue to explode.

And since the masses know that the Troika is evil, Syriza has simply erased the Troika from existence. In Syriza’s new written agreement with the money masters, Syriza no longer calls the Troika the “Troika.” Syriza’s written agreement calls it “the institutions.”

Naturally the corporate media outlets are all praising this. They say the Syriza sell-out has given Greece a last minute financial lifeline. Translation: Syriza has further cemented the euro-scam, which means more debt, austerity, and inequality for the masses (but not for the Syriza politicians, who are bribed by the bankers.)





Alexis Tsipras of Syriza is an “Obama,” i.e. someone who pretends to care about the masses, but works only for the bankers. Sometimes the masses become so restless that the money masters can no longer rape them by using right-wing politicians. Therefore the money masters select a left wing puppet, and tell him to make wonderful campaign promises. As soon as the money masters install their left-wing puppet in office, the puppet  does an about-face, becoming a far worse warmonger than his predecessor, and a far stronger friend of the rich. Although he is an elitist, the media outlets continue to call him a “populist” and a “socialist.” Many people even call him a “communist.” That is an “Obama.” (Shall we list all the campaign promises that Obama himself has broken?)

Eventually the masses grow so disappointed with the “Obama’s” sell-outs and broken promises that they elect right-wing puppets to “punish” the left wing puppets. Then the cycle repeats.

This pattern never varies, and the masses never catch on to it. Despite Syriza’s betrayal, multiple polls show that the Greek masses still love Syriza.


Syriza’s agreements with the money masters prove that Syriza will bring more debt and austerity to the Greek masses, who will suffer more than ever. Despite this, the Greek masses are now saying that “Syriza lets us hold up our heads with dignity.” Incredible, isn’t it? Syriza is the worst government of all, and yet the masses love it!

Even though Syriza immediately broke just about all of its campaign promises, average Greeks still believe every new lie from Syria. For example, the Public Power Corporation (the biggest electric power company in Greece), is 49% privately owned, and is scheduled to become 100% private in 2016.  The Greek masses have faith that Syriza will oppose the full privatization, but Syriza has already broken so many promises, that one more broken promise won’t mean anything. Also scheduled to be privatized is DEPA, a company that supplies Greece with natural gas by piping it in from Turkey and Bulgaria.

In all cases without exception, privatization always means a tripling of utility rates for the masses. It means a wider gap between the rich and the rest.

Meet the new boss. Same as the old boss.



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