There is a dark side to the internet but it must be free of state control says minister

  • Dedicated unit set up to counter threat of cyber attacks against London Olympics
  • UK Government networks under constant attack from foreign intelligence agencies, minister warns

Tom Gardner

03:50 EST, 3 May 2012


05:59 EST, 3 May 2012

The Government must resist the temptation to over-regulate the internet despite the growing threat a major cyber-attacks, a senior minister warned today.

Cabinet Office minister Francis Maude issued the caution as he revealed that UK Government computer networks are ‘regularly targeted’ by foreign intelligence agencies and groups working on their behalf.

Speaking during a visit to Estonia, Mr Maude said the UK was aware of the dangers from ‘the dark side of cyberspace’ and confirmed a dedicated unit is helping to guard the London Games against cyber-attack.

Warning: Cabinet Office minister Francis Maude said a dedicated unit was being set up to protect the London Olympic games against cyber attack

Warning: Cabinet Office minister Francis Maude said a dedicated unit was being set up to protect the London Olympic games against cyber attack

He said: ‘This year’s Olympics in the United Kingdom will not be immune to cyber attacks by those who would seek to disrupt the Games.

‘The Beijing Olympics saw 12 million cyber security incidents during their Olympics.

‘We have rightly been preparing for
some time – a dedicated unit will help guard the London Olympics against
cyber attack – we are determined to have a safe and secure Games.’

Despite awareness of the threat, Mr
Maude insisted that the Government would ‘resist the temptation to
over-regulate and control’ the internet, which generates around 6per
cent of UK GDP, with £3 in e-commerce exports for every £1 in imports.

‘We’re not trying to protect ourselves from the internet, which remains a massive force for good in the world,’ he said.

‘We need to protect the internet from
hostile actors – the criminals, the hackers, the terrorists – who want
to exploit it for less positive ends.

Serious crime: Online offences including identity theft, phishing scams and card fraud were costing consumers billions of pounds

Serious crime: Online offences including identity theft, phishing scams and card fraud were costing consumers billions of pounds

‘And as we meet the challenges
presented by cyberspace, and shape its future, governments need to
resist the temptation to over regulate and control. The internet after
all has flourished precisely because it has been shaped by its users,
not by governments.’

Mr Maude said measures were being put in place to safeguard against the threat posed by cyber criminals, citing last year’s launch of the National Cyber Security Programme and the decision to rate electronic attacks a tier one UK threat to national security, with £650million allocated over four years to fund a response.

And he announced that £400,000 was being committed this year to expanding the Get Safe Online campaign providing education, information and advice on internet safety.

Online offences including identity theft, phishing scams and card fraud were ‘some of the fastest-growing crimes in the UK’, said Mr Maude, who has departmental responsibility for the Office for Cyber Security.

‘A recent survey showed that one in seven large organisations have been hacked in the last year, with large organisations facing one outsider attack per week; small businesses face one a month,’ he said.

‘Intellectual property theft through cyber crime is a major concern.

‘Countries and organisations across the globe are losing billions of pounds each year to cyber criminals.

Resistance: Mr Maude said the Government must resist the urge to over-regulate the internet despite the increasing number of attacks origination from cyberspace

Resistance: Mr Maude said the Government must resist the urge to over-regulate the internet despite the increasing number of attacks origination from cyberspace

‘UK Government networks continue to be regularly targeted by foreign intelligence agencies, or groups working on their behalf.

‘And we know that the threat is accelerating.

‘High-end cyber security solutions that were used 18 months ago by a limited number of organisations to protect their networks may already be out in the open marketplace – giving cyber criminals the knowledge to get round these protective measures.

‘Our responses have to be fast and flexible.

‘What works one day is unlikely to work a matter of months or even weeks later.’

Mr Maude was speaking to the International Centre for Defence Studies in Estonia, which is rated one of the most connected countries in the world and a pioneer in cyber security.

During a three-day visit, he was also touring the Nato Cyber Defence Centre of Excellence and meeting President Toomas Hendrik Ilves and Prime Minister Andrus Ansip.


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maude or clarke are the REAL leaders of the tory party, they call the shots. they are bildebergers and are bought and paid for by the NWO. do not believe a word which comes out of their mouths

so what a politician is saying is “we must do nothing, what exists now, is ok”. whut ? he’s lyin.

he is speaking with forked tongue

beware the dark side of government.

Eh up, Mad Maude is having another rant.

Dont trust this man one bit!! he allowed all hell to break lose on this country by his big mouth….The man is a liability and should be kept away from public office.

Well done Mr. Maude. Resist the calls from the advocates of massive State intervention and control-freakery such as the DM and New Labour.

Mr Maude insisted that the Government would ‘resist the temptation to over-regulate and control’ the internet
yeah, just like the government resisted the temptation to keep the temporary income tax applied to pay for the Napoleonic Wars.


The public at large must be free of ministers particularly and politicians generally, especially those with a dark side.

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