Top Diggs: 10 things today’s kids don’t have to worry about

The most popular “Offbeat” news, videos and images as picked by Digg users during the last seven days, recorded on March 27.

1. Marijuana Must Be Legalized
An article in the Huffington Post that calls for marijuana to be legalized in the US.

2. Santorum Reaches New Low, Calls Obama a Bad Dad for Letting Malia Travel to Mexico

An official from US President Barack Obama’s election campaign criticized Rick Santorum for calling Obama a bad dad for letting his daughter Malia travel to Mexico during spring break when there was a travel warning issued for the country at the time.

3. Lets be honest!

A graphic that lists the wars the US has been involved in along with the caption “we have been a country for 235 years we have been at war for 209 years.”

4. The upper class is more Republican

An article in Discover Magazine that argues that the US’s upper class is more Republican.

5. 10 Things Kids Today Never Have To Worry About

According to an article in BuzzFeed kids don’t have to worry about using full words because they have abbreviations like “IDK” and “BFF,” missing TV shows thanks to on demand TV, missing friends and family while abroad thanks to video chat and social media, paying for music thanks to music streaming, or writing a letter thanks to email and Facebook walls.

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