Trayvon Martin shooting: CCTV footage shows George Zimmerman sustained no injuries

The Orlando Sentinel, citing anonymous sources, has reported that Martin
grabbed Zimmerman’s head and banged it several times against the sidewalk. A
statement from police said the newspaper’s story was “consistent”
with evidence turned over to prosecutors.

Mr Sonner said the gash on the back of Zimmerman’s head probably was serious
enough for stitches, but he waited too long for treatment so the wound was
already healing. Miguel Meza, who identified himself as Zimmerman’s cousin,
said Zimmerman was in “the fight of his life.”

“This certainly doesn’t look like a man who police said had his nose
broken and his head repeatedly smashed into the sidewalk,” Ben Crump,
an attorney for Martin’s family, said in a statement. “George Zimmerman
has no apparent injuries in this video, which dramatically contradicts his
version of the events of February 26.”

Mr Sonner did not immediately return and after-hours call to his office.

Mr Crump called the video “riveting” and “icing on the cake”
that Zimmerman should be held accountable for what happened.

Since the shooting, Zimmerman’s supporters say he’s gone into hiding and that
he and his family have got death threats.

Martin’s supporters, including a host of outspoken celebrities and civil
rights leaders who have appeared on television for the past two weeks, don’t
believe Zimmerman’s story. They want him arrested and prosecuted.

Source: agencies

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