TSA Treats 95-Year-Old Wheelchair-Bound Veteran Like a “Terrorist,” $300 Stolen

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Another day, another TSA travel nightmare

Paul Joseph Watson
Prison Planet.com
Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Wheelchair-bound 95-year-old veteran Omer Petti and his 85-year-old partner Madge Woodward were treated like terrorists by TSA agents at San Diego International airport, ostensibly so TSA workers could separate them from $300 dollars in cash which subsequently went missing.

TSA Treats 95 Year Old Wheelchair Bound Veteran Like a Terrorist, $300 Stolen

“Can you imagine an 85-year-old lady and 95-year-old retired Air Force Major in wheelchairs being treated like terrorists?” Petti asked the Detroit News’ Marney Keenan.

Given the TSA’s recent history – yes – veterans and old people are two of the federal agency’s primary targets and are routinely subjected to intense harassment and abuse.

After Petti had removed his shoes, belt, clothing and other accessories he was ordered by a TSA agent to place a money clip containing $300 in folded bills into its own separate bin.

After walking through a metal detector, both Petti and Woodward were patted down, with Woodward being taken to a separate room for extra “screening” due to the fact that residue from her nitroglycerin heart pills had set off an alarm.

“When I was patted down, I’ve never before been touched in every part of my body before,” Woodward said.

After TSA workers had routed through their personal belongings and fondled their every body part , the two were allowed to leave but Petti noticed the $300 was missing.

“When I told him we were going to miss our flight he asked me if I was objecting or refusing his request.” Petti says. “I said: ‘No, I’d do anything I was asked, I would just like to know where my $300 went.’ “

Fearing they would miss their flight, Petti and Woodward had to settle for filling out a “Tort Claim Package,” and were subsequently rushed to the departure point at a dangerously high speed by a wheel chair attendant.

After analyzing security tapes of the incident, San Diego Harbor Police said the footage was “too blurry,” and the TSA seemingly just wants Petti to forget about his missing $300.

  • A d v e r t i s e m e n t

Without writing an article of book-length proportions it is impossible to list all the examples of TSA agents having been caught in criminal acts. It comes to the point where simply regurgitating prior incidents serves no purpose. There can no longer be any doubt that the Transportation Security Administration has become a beacon for perverts and criminals who take a TSA job because it gives them free reign to abuse, sexually harass and steal from the public – often targeting the weakest members of society.

Let’s try a different approach. Listed below are just the most recent headlines from Google News concerning TSA workers involved in criminal activity, negligence and harassment.

– TSA agents admit to working with CT drug dealers
– Former TSA officer pleads guilty to drug charge
– TSA employee indicted for stealing iPads
– Bar Refaeli Latest Victim of TSA Groping
– TSA to harass Americans on Buses too
– Video captures woman’s agonized sobs during TSA pat down
– Are TSA Agents Too Rude??
– TSA bars security guru from perv scanner testimony
– Ex-TSA official charged in prostitution case
– TSA agent attacks pilot with cup of hot coffee
– Newark Airport closes after TSA agent dozes
– TSA Agents Fired Gun, Threw Furniture Out Window in Drunken Hotel Ruckus
– TSA body scanners’ apparent flaw raises airport security concerns
– US body scanners go unused in several airports, wasting millions
– TSA staff need to be more friendly to foreign visitors – US senator
– Ex-Boston TSA screener sentenced for child porn
– TSA Whistleblower: Body Scanners Routinely Fail
– TSA Brags About Creating “Imperious” Security Team

Remember, all these stories are just from the past couple of weeks. How can any federal agency with this level of rampant corruption, incompetence, criminality and sheer negative publicity still manage to survive in its current form?

If the words of former TSA head Kip Hawley, who this week spoke of how the TSA had made traveling within the United States an “unending nightmare,” carry any weight, hopefully not for very much longer.


Paul Joseph Watson is the editor and writer for Prison Planet.com. He is the author of Order Out Of Chaos. Watson is also a regular fill-in host for The Alex Jones Show and Infowars Nightly News.

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53 Responses to “TSA Treats 95-Year-Old Wheelchair-Bound Veteran Like a “Terrorist,” $300 Stolen”

  1. There’s evil aliens amongst us.

    Peace Frog Reply:
    April 18th, 2012 at 12:27 pm

    No…Evil Government agents…the TSA are the strongarm union thugs for the DHS.

    And like all thugs they pick easy targets…like children and the elderly.

    dncholas Reply:
    April 18th, 2012 at 12:56 pm

    They are scumbags and aliens. No decent human would act this way and treat these people like this. This type of thing makes me furious. If I was there I would have ended up in jail. How do you treat our seniors like this? Seniors should be treated with the highest respect especially a veteran of the military.

  2. While these are sad travesties of justice.

    The worst violation is that we allow this type of injustice to be perpetrated by the government in the United States of America!

    Don’t lie to me and tell me that our military’s over seas installing democracy when it’s been stolen from us by our very own federal government.

    Why do we allow it!?

    Dandroid Reply:
    April 18th, 2012 at 8:04 am


    DarinGod Reply:
    April 18th, 2012 at 9:56 am

    I figured it out. People have such a need for media to tell them what to think. People can be given evidence that differs opinions, and clearly remember facts that they would believe forever.

    People need to be told what to believe.

  3. Totally crazy this is theft plain simple,
    remember the laws of karma the tsa will get money stolen from them just wait folks …

    AandO Reply:
    April 18th, 2012 at 11:50 am

    karma to you new age folk

    To us in the Church?

    Seed time and Harvest:

    Be not deceived, God is not mocked, you will reap whatsoever you sow.

    This Law/Principle is at work for both the Church and the world.

    In other words: No escape from it, works this way 100% of the time.

  4. Torture is not good enough for these cowards. They shall feel the ramifications of their evil.

    billp Reply:
    April 18th, 2012 at 9:16 am

    I think so too.

    saber Reply:
    April 18th, 2012 at 10:54 am

    Yep… they deserve every piece of lead thats going to be fired at them. I think theyre probably going to be the first targets that start the upcoming civil war.
    No questions, no excuses, just send them straight to hell, where they belong.

    billp Reply:
    April 18th, 2012 at 11:33 am

    It very well could be their purpose — to be the first targets. I am surprised more of them haven’t been “followed home.”

  5. T-heiving

    Peace Frog Reply:
    April 18th, 2012 at 9:09 am


  6. Cops have been doing this type of BS in urban neighborhoods for decades.

    Unabashed Nazism.

  7. If there is one common description of the US of A, it would be “Slow Learners”. We’ve all seen the photos of the haul made at such notable vacation spots as Auschwitz and Treblinka, the small mountains of eyeglasses and hair and clothing and suitcases and even the gold from teeth. The prevailing attitude among the barbarian thugs who took the last remaining possessions from a helpless public was, “STFUB, in about an hour you aren’t going to be needing this, so I might as well help myself.”

    But wait, the TSA ONLY took $300?! Slackers!

  8. Simple solution…Everybody quit flying for a week, a month as long as it takes to rid ourselves of the TSA. Hit the industry where it hurts the Unconstitutional Federal Reserve Notes. Cut the flow of the paper IOU’s off to the system.
    Revolution 2.0 NOW

    zeroskill Reply:
    April 18th, 2012 at 8:51 am

    Agreed, but that would require Mr and Mrs USA to display a certain amount of self-control. Good luck wid dat! The TSA knows it can get away with whatever it feels like doing at the moment, because, at the core, they know they are dealing with drug addicts – addicts who simply cannot help themselves for what they do, and it simply hurts too much to try to think of a solution. To try to display self-control would go against every second of every modern day advertisement, and the more self-control that a person manages, the farther away from the crowd they will become, and that’s when that uniquely American disorder forces unconditional surrender: the 21st Century Social Agoraphobia. “Oh, I don’t know…it just FEELS better, so I go along to get along.” RIP America, it was an interesting experiment while it lasted.

  9. What’s the TSA care? They are not unlike the Mafia whereby playing nice doesn’t get you the desired effects of intimidation and coercion. Plus, if people continue to fly it legitimizes the thuggery. If you do have to fly make sure you don’t give these people a chance to steal from you. Put the cash/bills in your pocket or wait to use the ATM at your destination.

  10. is it time for the maquis yet?

    saber Reply:
    April 18th, 2012 at 10:57 am

    as to your reference… that would mean some TSA agents went rogue, and started attacking their old bosses. Are you a TSA agent who knows your days are numbered???

  11. How much money does the Congress receive in campaign donations from the AFL-CIO affiliated unions that represent the TSA and other security goons? Enough to avoid facing this criminal, unconstitutional security circus. Money is the permission to keep this up. WE don’t allow it, the Congress of the United States permits it for campaign contributions.

    Peace Frog Reply:
    April 18th, 2012 at 9:12 am

    Good point…The shit started once the TSA scum were unionized…difficult to fire them.

    April 18th, 2012 at 10:59 am

    These SCUM have to be Dealt with.An ex Major 95 being treated this way.How is this Elderly a Threat?

  12. When is enough—-enough———TSA Nazi Gestapo ass holes..Took a crippled–decorated veteran officers 300 bucks–humilated him and his companion—told him to Fuk off. If you sheep do not totally Rebel against this takeover of America……….Ive seen the TSA creeps hanging out at our uptown Amtrack Station…Looking for their next victim……I have no more words…I have ranted and raved for over 3 years on this web site……..NADA…Same old shit…diffrent day……I want to see articles where the Nazis got their ass kicked today…List a body count ..like we did in the NAM…Body Count Bitch……..Just give me Fuking body count…and RIDE ON………6……………….
    Last fuker alive from Operation 40………………..

    Want to frustrate Big SIS and Brother??
    Enhanced Drivers License-Secure Shields.
    E-Passports and Smart Credit Card Data Safe Sleeves
    BLOCK Brothers….Scanners…….out there all day–every day–
    Not Conspiracy-Just Fact

    GSA 201Approved.
    CELL-LOCK tm/ Anti Cell Radiation/Signal Blocking EMF bags. 0- 5 ghz… rated at 90dbs signal strength “GET OFF THE GRID” Block that TRACKING Chip!
    more info at…..


    Hey there voter!
    Do you remember that on Inauguration Day (Jan 20) 2009, the National Average price for a gallon of gasoline was about $ 1.78?

    The American Police State
    Martial law is on the horizon. Newly erected FEMA camps sprinkle the American landscape. A 45 billion dollar illegal spy program monitors our daily movement and every digital transaction we make. Cameras record our day-to-day activities while facial recognition technology scan and detect – all in the name of fighting a faceless enemy who can never be caught. Welcome to the AMERICAN POLICE STATE.

    saber Reply:
    April 18th, 2012 at 11:00 am

    why havent you started taking ACTION yourself??? Bitch and moan because OTHER PEOPLE are nor physically attacking??? I think you should STFU unless you’ve already taken one of these bastard out.

  13. I wouldn’t be afraid of these two if they were out to intentionally hurt me. I used to fly every weekend between Vegas and Phoenix right during the time 9/11 happened. I did not like these guys from day one. Even then they loved to humiliate people. I haven’t flown for years. I just could not imagine.

  14. Hey Mr. Watson

    Over here it’s still ok to call a wife …. a wife.

    wiggins Reply:
    April 18th, 2012 at 11:25 am

    Once you are PC brainwashed……….

    Ho of Babylon Reply:
    April 18th, 2012 at 1:07 pm

    unless of course they are just shacked up and not married; it happens. 🙂

  15. I haven’t flown in years. Why are people still flying? Boycott the airlines!!!! Put them out of business until they get these thugs out of there.

    billp Reply:
    April 18th, 2012 at 11:31 am

    So you are not really a sparrow?

  16. Until the general American public has it happen directly to them, nothing will change. I don’t fly at all anymore…choice. Americans with good paying jobs just suck it up and do what they’re told. Don’t want to jeopardize their own income, besides it’s happening to others not them. I have friends that think I’m nuts because of my stand. I haven’t seen my family, except to drive clear across country (and that could change soon). They think I’m nuts because I won’t fly…even if they offered to pay!

    Most Americans are so complacent…’their gov’t wouldn’t do this!’ They’re making good money…why make waves? What will ‘the shot heard ’round the world’ … be this time? IS IT TOO LATE???

    billp Reply:
    April 18th, 2012 at 11:37 am

    It was “going for the guns” before.

  17. TSA attracts, AND PROTECTS, the worst of us. In what other job can you molest people and be a voyeur all day without getting arrested? Heck, they pay you for it!

    Look at that good looking woman who had to go through the scanner several times!

    And they obviously ripped off these elderly people! Maybe they were taking a chance on Alzheimer’s and I’m guessing they do this routinely. TSA crooks is what they are.

  18. It ain’t gonna work fellas. Americans including those that post here will not even give up 2 slices of bacon to overturn a Michigan law killing private farmers pigs by punishing the corporate farms who basically wrote the law.

    Does anyone honestly expect them to do something about the TSA or for that matter anything else.

    Everything (EVERYTHING) that is going on these days can be solved by peaceably closing the wallet (no guns, no secret groups etc) but nope, it seems Americans are content to bitch, and bitch, and bitch…

    REA Reply:
    April 18th, 2012 at 10:23 am

    Yes..agreed. I see the same posters over and over…saying the same thing over and over. Where’s the new blood? At least I’m awake…and I don’t fly, don’t bank @ mainstream banks (credit union for me), try and buy local and USA made (but this is getting harder and harder to find USA products)… but others (Americans) have to do the same … and they DON’T!!

    The majority of America is still in ‘LaLa’ land..

    saber Reply:
    April 18th, 2012 at 11:02 am

    I’m going to be at the court hearing friday morning… hopefully with many other patriots, to (start) putting and end to the MIDNR gestapo bullshit.

    hammerhead Reply:
    April 18th, 2012 at 12:16 pm

    when -where is the hearing?
    i heard ted shot his pigs already , and the ss is looking to charge him for speaking out about obama.

  19. And if the notorious Nazi Napolitano and her bunch of g-damned perverts, lesbians, whores and or other degenerates were not in a position of power in our gov’t we wouldn’t be seeing all this going on, She is the force behind all of this and she needs to be taken out of office as soon as possible and Pistole cannot hide either, they are number #1 criminals in gov’t and everyone needs to stop flying. It isn’t an enjoyable experience anymore and it isn’t even a happy thought to think of having a vacation or something when you have to come up against these f-ing freaks of nature. The SOBs will not stop the abuse. Yeah – they need to feel a 95 yr old’s balls and fondle an 85 yr old woman’s breasts. this shit has got to stop. Anyone of you assholes in Washington worth your salt? Get these maniacs out of power! Ron Paul – gather your followers and we will stand behind you to escort these bastards into jail!

  20. We Americans are NOT in la la land – we’re in survival mode! We have to see and hear about attrocities, murders, rapes, theft, lying, cheating, Police State mentality, murder of our live stock, some son of a bitch in Washington who isn’t even a citizen orchestrating the worst course of history EVER and we are trying to hold on and fight the g-damned system. Where are the Hippies from the 60s and 70s that wouldn’t let this shit go on. They would be there in droves to protest. Time to protest this administration and run them out of our White House and into one of their own FEMA camps. Then we can figure out how to deal with the murdering bunch of SOBs.

    REA Reply:
    April 18th, 2012 at 11:15 am

    1st let me say..I’m on your side you seem to be awake… but we are NOT a majority. And yes, I’m in survival mode myself. I have been self employed for 30 +- yrs. Never sucked off the system, never drawn any gov’t assist. But as a small business, I am finding it near impossible to make a living and stay legal. Corporate has taken over. Mom Pop is gone… Corporate and Gov’t have merged = = Facism. But the mainstream media is owned and mainstream Americans won’t don’t see.. = La La land.

    TSA = SS and true patriotic men/women such as this elderly couple do not deserve this humiliation. PERIOD!!

    What when and where will the trigger happen? I think a lot of Americans are waiting and questioning … ‘Is this it? Is it time?’ Most don’t want to be the first one over the fence and no-one follows… Do you know the final straw?

  21. This really gets me going. I have an uncle of the same age who’s a WWII vet, fought in every battle, Normandy, B of the Bulge, Hurtgen Forest, El Alimein, etc… He was in the 82nd Airborne. I never even knew about it until last year b/c he never talks about it. He’s even in a famous book on WWII.

    Anyway, he used to visit us every year and has stopped strictly b/c they make flying such absolute hell. His brother won’t get to see him for probably the last five years of their lives b/c of the GD’d TSA. ARRRGGGH!!!!

  22. target all tsa agents find where their domicile is and
    can you guess what i am saying catch them offbase and do to them for what they are doing to all
    but do it far worse and i dont mean play nice nice make them be scared of us all and regret what they have done use all tactics that fit to make the point to them we are not happy campers and we well do

    attack attack and attack at all levels in all states if you dont get caught introduce them to real wolves who dont give a rats ass what they do for food

    this is a demand

  23. I hope I’m wrong when I say this, because I really don’t like
    playing the “devil’s advocate,” but the elderly couple’s $300
    was stolen by a TSA thug, and it will never be returned.
    I double checked the article, and couldn’t see anything about
    the money being returned … the video image was blurred, no
    personal video was taken by the couple for using as evidence,
    so it is apparent that the perverts are chuckling under their
    breath … makes me want to puke !

    Woe unto these hardcore criminals … the Law of Karma will
    come back and strike them down mercilessly !
    I hope and pray that the elderly couple somehow gets their
    money back. It’ll be their only consolation.

    Mr. Thrillkill Reply:
    April 18th, 2012 at 12:01 pm

    To lament in morosity, for my fellow human beings that are
    in severe distress is a good prayer … just my opinion.

  24. Peace I work at a major airport in So.Cal and man all I want to do is to fly my wife and I to Chicago for weekend to try that deep dish pizza ! But my choices are get my balls felt on or radiation blast ? Pizza people that’s all come on I see a time when that lil blue uniform can’t be worn on the streets at tsa’s own doing ? Spreading democracy! my ass !


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