TV chef’s ‘beautiful butterflies’ finally laid to rest after tragic house fire

Mourners embrace at the funeral of The wife and three daughters of Celebrity chef Matt Golinski. 18th of March 2012. Photo: Harrison Saragossi

Moment to comfort … mourners embrace at the funeral service of Matt Golinski’s wife and three young daughters. Photo: Harrison Saragossi

THE wife and three daughters of celebrity chef Matt Golinski were remembered as ”beautiful butterflies” at their funeral on the Sunshine Coast yesterday.

A Boxing Day fire in the Golinski family home claimed the lives of his wife, Rachael, along with their three daughters, Sage and Willow, both 12, and 10-year-old Starlia.

Mr Golinski – the only survivor of the blaze – remains in the Royal Brisbane and Women’s Hospital with burns to 40 per cent of his body, after he was found critically injured on the driveway of his fire-engulfed home.

Willow (12), Starlia (10) and Sage (12) Golinski.

Lives cut short … Willow (12), Starlia (10) and Sage (12) Golinski.

He was too ill to attend yesterday’s service at Tewantin, near Noosa, but it was recorded for him to watch later.

In a chapel adorned with purple and pink butterflies, Mr Golinski’s father, Keith, struggled to contain his grief as he slowly tolled a Tibetan gong while family and friends arrived for the service.

Children arrived clutching flowers to say their goodbyes to three playmates, as teachers bid farewell to much-loved students.

Family snapshots on display at the funeral of Matt Golinski's wife and three children on the Sunshine Coast.Click for more photos

Matt Golinski family funeral

Family snapshots on display at the funeral of Matt Golinski’s wife and three children on the Sunshine Coast. Photo: Harrison Saragossi

  • Family snapshots on display at the funeral of Matt Golinski's wife and three children on the Sunshine Coast.
  • Mourners gather for the funeral of the wife and three daughters of Matt Golinski.
  • A touching display of family memorabilia at the Golinski family's funeral.
  • Butterflies adorn the wall above family portraits of the Golinski family.
  • Coffins were ordained with butterflies and flowers.
  • The chime of a gong marks the start of proceedings at the Golinski funeral.
  • The coffin of Sage Golinski.
  • A picture of the wife and three daughters of Matt Golinski on display at their funeral.
  • Willow, Starlia and Sage Golinski.
  • Rachael Golinski
  • The fire gutted remains of the Tewantin home of Matt Golinski and his family.

Inside the chapel four white coffins, each adorned by a single butterfly, were placed in a cross formation, overlooked by family photos full of love and laughter. Between the caskets stood four branches adorned with butterflies symbolising the spirits of the mother and her daughters.

A card distributed to mourners summarised what many could not find the words to express. ”As we gather here with our heads bowed, our hearts heavy with pain, let Rachael, Starlia, Willow and Sage invite you into their circle to celebrate and relish their power, their passion, their purity and their play,” it read.

Butterflies were released in the chapel throughout the day to symbolise the young girls’ love of ”all things with wings”.

A tragic end ... Rachael Golinski.

A tragic end … Rachael Golinski.

Outside, Mrs Golinski’s

mother, Suzannah, her father, Raymond MacCracken, and sister Leonie MacCracken, joined Keith Golinski and other close family and friends in releasing 40 white doves.

Mr Golinski, who has made regular appearances on the Ten Network show Ready Steady Cook, is aware of the loss of his family but needs confirmation when he wakes in hospital, where he remains under the care of a psychologist.

The 39-year-old chef was in an induced coma for five weeks after the fire but recently started to talk and walk again.

Fire investigators are yet to finalise their reports into what caused the blaze but have examined photos provided by family and friends who had been at a Christmas party at the Golinski home before the fire.

Initial investigations indicate either candles or Christmas lights caused the fire.

The Brisbane Times

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